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BC Airsoft Supply Review



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Old January 27th, 2006, 06:31   #1
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Moose Jaw, SK
BC Airsoft Supply Review

BC Airsoft Supply - The Review!

Well, it's that time of year again. The time of the year when I have alot of time on my hands, a new gun, from a little known retailer and it's too cold to have a game.

So, as you may likely have noticed from the title, this time I'm giving BC Airsoft Supply a good old review. Last time, I reviewed Canadian Airsoft, as you hopefully read in the reviews section. So, as a buying point in my multiple point 'lowball the ball less retailer' strategy, this was a main point.

Though I mention Lowballing, Sam does discount for bulk purchases... but really, the guy works at a microwave factory, try to help him out. And anyway, the price is already so good, why try to drop it?

The packages the guns come in are the UTG MP5, two high caps, awesome mini battery, charger, etc. All those little things to fill up the box. But, to add to the fun - Sam even tosses in a bag of FREE Excel 0.2g BBs. Now how great is that? Think of it this way, it gets so much better... The whole package, without any bulk ordering, etc. costs a mere $200.

That's right, two hundred. When we heard that, we hopped on this deal like a cat for a can of tuna (see bit about the hop-up).
And yes, tax is included in the price.

Some things that you may be interested to know about the retailer,
-Adjustable on prices for orders of 2+ Grab a buddy and his wallet!
-Locations in both Canada and the USA. Meaning that he imports his guns from his American branch.
-Doesn't currently accept EMT. Paypal is prefered.
-Uses MSN Frequently!
-Uses ASC Frequently under the username 'sam0182' Click to PM!
-Definately the best responses and response time I've ever had. Even Better than Canadian Airsoft!

Some really interesting things about the future of BC Airsoft Supply,

-Sam himself has actually been working directly with FMC and will likely be the main distributer in Canada if all goes as it is. Currently, he is about to recieve a couple of their metal bodys. FMC's first product will likely be a G&P Aimpoint clone.
-They will also be getting in some of the UTG AKs at some point, though, Sam is waiting to order them purely because the first couple versions usally have some glitches.
-BCAS is also considering importing some of the AIM products.

Some 'Interesting' things about the gun and it's package itself,
First of all, the hop-up smells like tuna. Yes, tuna. Maybe lard. Seems it isn't silicone they lube it with. But that doesn't affect it one bit though, works great. Though, I highly recommend you clean the barrel (with the included rod) as it seemed a bit crappy when I got it, but after a nice clean, looks real smooth.

One of the weird things I found about this gun is that the full stock will only hold about a 1300 to 1500 mah battery (DO NOT quote on that) without some modifications, and it's not like it's made for the mini either, it rattles quite a bit.
To rewire the battery to the stock, there is a mini connector visible through the rear of the gun. Unluckily, you have to totally take the gun apart to disconnect the two connecters. The first time it took me 6 hours, the second, third and fourth time, it took me one hour to take it apart and rebuild it.

About the high caps, personally, well... as for the tale that they only have enough 'wind capability' to push 50 BBs into your gun per full wind, it's untrue, I just shot the whole mag with still some spring. BUT, I believe it is isolated, possibly do to a bad hop-up, but I can only shoot semi auto or it doesn't feed fast enough. Though, I did get a Star mag too, and that feeds great. Definately recommend you pick up a box of them.

And, of cource, Note that I have painted the tip black from red.

Notice the bag of Excel BBs there, that comes free.

I feel safe to say that this purchase went over totally without a single hitch.
Sam at BC Airsoft Supply definately, without a doubt, has the best ever service I have ever had in the airsoft world. Their selection of guns is very unique and their price even better.

If they have the gun you want, you can definately feel safe that they have the best price and the best service in the country.

Now, the only thing possibly better than this is one thing... BCAS importing us some of those VFC AKs!

Any questions, comments, suggestions, and picture requests are welcome! Click here to PM Sam0182
(Sorry, no inner mechbox pictures, and if you want me to take the gun apart again - you better be real nice)
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Old January 27th, 2006, 06:38   #2
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Sam is an awsome guy. He let me scan the reciept of my money order and he shipped the package 2 days before he got the money.

One thing about swapping the stocks...When you swap out the retractable stock make sure you catch the spring pin and the retaining clip...that thing flew out at 200MPH at me...I had to stop it with my face...
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

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Old January 28th, 2006, 15:44   #3
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Hahaha, aww, man, what am I supposed to say.
Great review!
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Old February 1st, 2006, 00:00   #4
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just wanted to reply to your "without a doubt, has the best ever service" so far I have sent 3 emails and tried to add them to msn with no response. thats not the best to me. just my 2 cents about them
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Old February 1st, 2006, 00:49   #5
Bob the Angry Potato
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He's a busy guy, and he travels from the States to Canada quite often. Don't worry, he's a great guy... he'll get to you in due time.
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old February 1st, 2006, 01:42   #6
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Tex, you better be resending those e-mails. I've gotten nothing and all customers have been responded to within hours lately.

All MSN add requests have also been approved, usually within a couple of hours.

I travel but I stay in touch.

Try again.

If nothing else, PM me.

Sam Burnette
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Old February 1st, 2006, 02:04   #7
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Yes we have been in contact looks like tech difficulties
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Old October 23rd, 2006, 10:42   #8
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All comments I posted in this thread and others are withdrawn regarding BC Airsoft Supply as well as M4 Airsoft down in the states.

Big heads up! Purchase from Sam at your own risk!

Long story short, it's been two months and there has been zero contact from him.
I gave up on the two month mark. It's bloody rediculous.
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Old October 23rd, 2006, 17:25   #9
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Yeah, sounds like he's laying low. Might be from the recent events in BC? His website isn't being updated either.
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Old October 23rd, 2006, 17:47   #10
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Oh, wow. Sorry to hear that. Just so you know, I have no affiliation with him. I'm bought stuff from him in the past, and was considering some of his newer stuff. This will probably change my mind.
"Any punk can shoot from across the room but it takes a real man to get close enough to stab"
"Why cause a huge disturbance when you just wanna kill ONE guy?" - Chris Rock
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Old October 23rd, 2006, 17:47   #11
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Does he have a store front or is it run from his house?
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Old October 23rd, 2006, 18:52   #12
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Leave Sam alone guys, he's been through a lot of trouble for the last bit. Yes I admit somethings he did were not totally honest. Kid PM me your issue and I will see what I can do, from what I know Sam is not going to be dealing in Canada anytime soon due to all the recent issues, if you haven't caught on he used to get his things in through Kang. He's also back in school now from what I know and is busy back in the States.
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Old October 23rd, 2006, 19:09   #13
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I talked to you just seven days ago...?

Shoot us an e-mail @

Don't forget to mention in this thread that your product was shipped FROM the States in a completely experimental fashion and you actually only paid $100 for the product...the rest was shipping.

We provided you, as well as the rest of the Canadian community, excellent service, fast shipping, great communication and damn good pricing while we were in Canada. We are no longer doing business in Canada and this is quite well known. And if I recall, your bulk order last Jan06 was one hell of a deal.

Be mindful of discrediting our hard work with BCAS last Winter over an experimental order from our US office that was very plainly stated as such. And don't you dare discredit over this order.

Shoot us an e-mail to or give our US office a phone call...if there were updates on your order, you would have them.

We have a second experimental order going to ON that is in the same limbo situation. I briefed you about this order before you placed yours and suggested that perhaps you HOLD until we confirmed that order had made it had no such intentions and we went from there.

509/582-9790 USA

I'm on AIM mostly these days - m4airsoftstore

EDIT: And I furthermore encourage anybody who's interested in our reputation and/or feedback to view our verified premier Paypal account that can be found under the e-mail and also be sure to drop in at our Myspace. We have several dozen customers who have posted up in our comment and blog sections about their completed orders/satisfaction, etc. Let alone our feedback here at ASC..

Last edited by sam0182; October 23rd, 2006 at 19:23..
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Old October 23rd, 2006, 19:50   #14
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Location: Moose Jaw, SK
Originally Posted by sam0182 View Post
I talked to you just seven days ago...?

Shoot us an e-mail @

Don't forget to mention in this thread that your product was shipped FROM the States in a completely experimental fashion and you actually only paid $100 for the product...the rest was shipping.

We provided you, as well as the rest of the Canadian community, excellent service, fast shipping, great communication and damn good pricing while we were in Canada. We are no longer doing business in Canada and this is quite well known. And if I recall, your bulk order last Jan06 was one hell of a deal.

Be mindful of discrediting our hard work with BCAS last Winter over an experimental order from our US office that was very plainly stated as such. And don't you dare discredit over this order.

Shoot us an e-mail to or give our US office a phone call...if there were updates on your order, you would have them.

We have a second experimental order going to ON that is in the same limbo situation. I briefed you about this order before you placed yours and suggested that perhaps you HOLD until we confirmed that order had made it had no such intentions and we went from there.

509/582-9790 USA

I'm on AIM mostly these days - m4airsoftstore

EDIT: And I furthermore encourage anybody who's interested in our reputation and/or feedback to view our verified premier Paypal account that can be found under the e-mail and also be sure to drop in at our Myspace. We have several dozen customers who have posted up in our comment and blog sections about their completed orders/satisfaction, etc. Let alone our feedback here at ASC..

As much as it may have seemed, No, I am not saying that he took the money and ran.

I was much more refering to the lack of information.

I believe in the cource of two months+ the conversations I have managed were that it was shipped and he was getting the tracking number... disappears. Assured me it had not been siezed (Yet, I understood the risks).

Then another, getting tracking number... disappears. Assured me it had not been siezed (Yet, I understood the risks).

A third, telling me to have confidence, getting the tracking number... disappears. Assured me it had not been siezed (Yet, I understood the risks).

As for discrediting M4Airsoft. I refered to them because the item was shipped from there.

I did infact talk with a worker at M4Airsoft and he was EXTREMELY good about it, once, but there was no tracking number that he could find. Sam was out, he requested I call back, I did. I spent a week calling and never got them again.

Yes, it was shipped as an experiment at my request, as is why I am asking for an explanation rather than a refund or a product. I understood and understand the risks that were posed.

It was a hell of a deal, great communication, between the first deal and up until you recieved payment on the second. First deal was great. Second was amazing until payment was sent.

We have a second experimental order going to ON that is in the same limbo situation. I briefed you about this order before you placed yours and suggested that perhaps you HOLD until we confirmed that order had made it had no such intentions and we went from there.
As I stated above, I am looking for only an explanation at this point. I have been told three times 'It's not siezed' and 'Have confidence, I'm getting the tracking number' but not a single word following.

If anything I am saying is debatable, I will backup all of my statements with message history. No emails were ever returned to me by Sam. One phone call of many over about a 1-2 week timespan by M4Airsoft was picked up.

Any info is welcome. Tracking number would be wonderful, too. Even if you told me it never existed, or that you lost it. That's all I asked for, and I can back that up too.

I never meant to make this public until now, but the lack of communication has gotten ridiculous.

Let alone our feedback here at ASC..
Lack of communication isn't isolated. New eyes, check it out.

And Sam,

I didn't mean for this to get public, but you brought it on yourself. I'm not meaning lack of communication -- I'm meaning the gun. I was looking for an explanation, but instead, you gave the whole story -- which you requested I not mention on ASC, which I didn't.

To make sure Sam doesn't get more bad publicity than he should, I am only looking for information, such as tracking number, shipping record, or information on where that is, IE) Lost?

The last information I recieved was that it was 'Shipped' and 'Not siezed!' which I have had no further information to backup either.

I didn't mean this to become public until today. I waited two months for some kind of my messages to get through, none of which threatening or accusing, even after such suggestions by others in the community.

In short, I want to make it clear to Sam and the ASC community that I am looking for information only.

Sam, best way to contact me is MSN if you want a quick and private matter.
Give me the word for email, PM or AIM if you prefer though. I tried them all before, lets set up some sort of communication -- this isn't the right place.

Last edited by Kid; October 23rd, 2006 at 20:17..
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Old October 23rd, 2006, 21:36   #15
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: BC
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This order was shipped as a strictly experimental order and has nothing to do with the regular business practices of This was between you and myself - yes, you did send money to our M4 Paypal account but that is about where the correlation stops. You received a separate invoice for the gun and shipping to Canada, etc. etc. You're welcome to argue this till the cows come home and you better believe I'll defend it until then.

If there were any updates, you would have received them.

I'll be on AIM later and you're more than welcome to drop me a line then. I've not received any e-mails in the last couple of weeks and I've been careful to scan through our bulk folder every few days.

I do business on the web. Everything is public. I'll continue to communicate via this forum as well as AIM/e-mail until this is resolved or a Mod decides they've had enough.

Try'm not sure if the sales line is filtering out anything.

Take care.
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