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TM M1A1 Thompson vs TM M14 vs TM AK47


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Old December 13th, 2005, 01:43   #1
DougMcKenzie's Avatar
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TM M1A1 Thompson vs TM M14 vs TM AK47

Hi all

Im a noob and i've been researching for a couple of months now, and i've finally gathered the courage to post a few questions, forgive me if this is the wrong thread, i just figured it was the best place for such a post. (feel free to move it where it belongs if it isn't in the right spot.)

In my research the concept of picking your first gun as a matter of personal choice came up often. Coupled with the secondary concepts of longer barrel= more accuracy, and v7 motor is better then 5, or 6 ect ect. Well taking into consideration then that most aegs are all relatively the same in stock form (with the exception of those that have longer barrels and better motors) i have taken a liking to several guns based purely on personal taste.

1) TM M1A1 Thompson ( as im a huge ww2 buff and hope to become a history major at york next sept)
2) TM M14 (for the same reasons as 1, and because it reminds me of the M1 Carbine)
3) TM AK47 (just because its too damn cool)

Anyways my question is which, in terms of outdoor skirmishing, (which i hope to start in the summer or possibly fall of '06) would be best suited to a noob in terms of

a) Maintenance
b) Durability
c) and overall effectiveness in outdoor skirmishing

Keeping in mind that im a heavy handed kinda guy ( i always break little fidgety/flimsy things so would thats why i lean towards the M1A1 which has lots of metal) and for the first few games until i get my "airsoft legs" i will probably be chucking plastic in the direction of any snapped twig, breeze rustled bush, and rock formation that i swear looks like the enemy. OR get in a firefight and last only seconds lol.

I realize that the m1a1 isn't that upgradeable, but im a college student and a future university student, so money (or rather lack thereof) is an issue.

I also realize that the M14 has a barrel length of 500mm which is almost twice that of the M1a1 which is around 300mm, so would the extra 150 bucks be worth it for the M14, or is it more suited for sniping (which i definitely wont be doing).

And also would the seemingly long mag length of the M1A1 and AK get in the way of prone (lying down) style shooting.

I ask this as no amount of research can amount to the knowledge of 5 minutes of first hand experience, at which point i turn this post over to you guys, who actually have that first hand knowledge.

Any info at all would be great, as i would like to be a highly informed contributor to the airsoft community.


Doug McKenzie

Note: i also have some questions about the specifics of skirmishing but im unsure of where so post such a thread.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 02:27   #2
PTE. Pyle
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typicialy speaking most mags donot get in the way of laying prone. i dont own either but from my expierance with my m4 wich is in a way more similar to the m1a1, you will find that the m1a1 will be more usable espeicaly in a cqb situation. i will let somone with a m14 answer the rest or your question.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 02:32   #3
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typicialy speaking most mags donot get in the way of laying prone. i dont own either but from my expierance with my m4 wich is in a way more similar to the m1a1, you will find that the m1a1 will be more usable espeicaly in a cqb situation. i will let somone with a m14 answer the rest or your question.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 04:35   #4
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Judging by your post, I would recommend any of the above to you. The AK, with it's V3 mechbox, is highly durable. I've been inside an AK mechbox and found PINE NEEDLES inside the mechbox itself, but somehow the gun still ran just fine. Actually, Ver. 3 and up are all comparable in terms of durability and reliability, from what I've seen. It amounts to this: Do you want a sniper rifle with full auto capabilities (M14), an assault rifle (AK), or a sub-machinegun(M1)?

I hope this helps. I would say this is the best first post by a n00b I've seen in a LONG time.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 06:19   #5
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As mentioned, all 3 are about the same in quality and dependability. The AK is the most proven of all three.
I would not be too heavy handed with any airsoft, even metal bodied ones. These are not real guns and require a bit more care than their real counterparts. Bashing them around will become expensive in a hurry.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 09:33   #6
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I would say the TM AK-47 should be a save choice in your situation.
The solution for the long banana mag and having to claw around in “prone” position is to get a TM 250 round short mag. This set up will increase your ammo capacity and be able to provide you with excellent CBQ capabilities.
Once I went to a game with my M-4 instead of my AK, a number of players approached me and voiced there disappointment on not seeing my AK in action on the field. So I guess my AK had served me well.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 09:46   #7
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AK is a good choice for a standard kind of gun. Mechbox is a v3 and accuracy is decent and its quite a managable size and uses a large battery.

I wouldn't go thompson due to the mags personally and I don't have much interest in reeacting ww2 kit.

Though Personally I would go for the m14 cause its more accurate gun. And the mags store a lot easier then AK mags.

Not to mention its an M14 but I am biased cause I got two.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 10:47   #8
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
I would not be too heavy handed with any airsoft, even metal bodied ones. These are not real guns and require a bit more care than their real counterparts. Bashing them around will become expensive in a hurry.
Lol yea, thats what my old man keeps telling me, i figured that alot of guns have that plasticie feel to them, and the internals are not suited for bashing around, i guess what i meant to say was, im a clutz, and would either of the three be able to handle to occasional drop, or smack against a rock or wall because im still getting use to the depth and dimensions of the gun. A secondary heavy handedness would be like diving in a foxhole, or crawling around prone, getting dirty, you know.

On an other note i greatly appreciate all your input, and speedy response.

Doug McKenzie
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Old December 13th, 2005, 15:47   #9
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All TM guns can handle some abuse. But if you're kinda klutzy you might want to consider the overall size of the M14 - it's huge. This means you're more likely to bump and bang it against stuff, especially while playing, until you get used to it's size.
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Old December 14th, 2005, 02:35   #10
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As Nic_s mentioned, the M14 can be a bit on the awkward side... I would especially recommend not getting a silencer if you don't like carrying a 4'5" gun around...

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Old December 14th, 2005, 04:15   #11
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Just here to back up the good ol' AK-47.
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Old December 14th, 2005, 04:36   #12
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I only have firsthand experience with the AK, but I will say it's a nice all 'round skirmish weapon and can take some pretty incredible abuse.
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Old December 14th, 2005, 08:34   #13
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Personally I'm not the WW2 type, just got my TM AK47 recently and absolutely love it! Even though the supposingly wood parts are made of plastic, their quality is so awesome that they feel like wood, at least to me. Lots of metal parts including barrel and upper receiver, which makes the gun nice and heavy, ~6lbs.
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Old December 14th, 2005, 13:06   #14
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For your first AEG or Noob AEG the AK would be my first choice, solid they are very durable. the thompson is ok, but very awkward to handle its tall. The M14 is new to the market, its a nice looking piece but time will tell how it holds up to the established AK and Thompson.
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Old December 14th, 2005, 13:32   #15
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i agree with RAS... its also a good choice because of the gearboxversion... its V3... thats the best version...
m1a1 is also great and probably even more durable then AK... but she has a crap gbversion...

i have both and like both pretty much...
m14 is not that good, i sold mine..
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