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TM MP5 SD5 vs. TM P90 TR


Airsoft Guns Discussion

View Poll Results: Which one should I choose?
TM MP5 SD5 22 56.41%
TM P90 TR 17 43.59%
Voters: 39. You may not vote on this poll

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Old September 25th, 2005, 13:55   #1
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TM MP5 SD5 vs. TM P90 TR

Well, I'm really having a dillema deciding between the MP5 SD5 and the P90 TR. Please help a noob out and help me decide as here are some comparisons according to many reviews (some may not be accurate, so please correct me if I'm wrong)..


Advantages over the P90 TR:
-Better Accuracy in long ranges
-Bigger battery compartment for bigger batteries
-Iron sights are a little more useful than the P90
-Hi-cap mags don't cause as much problems as the P90 hi-caps

Disadvatages over the P90 TR:
-Version 2 Gearbox/ EG700 motor (not really much of a disadvantage except for ROF)
-P90 has better ROF
-Version 2 box needs reinforcing if upgrading spring

P90 TR

Advantages over the MP5 SD5:
-Version 6 box/ EG1000 motor
-Better ROF
-Easier to upgrade
-Better gun for CQB battles

Disadvatages over the MP5 SD5:
-Hi-Cap mag feeding problems
-Accuracy can be inconsistent in long ranges (well it really is a CQB gun)
-Questionable battery life?

-They are both the same price (according to
-They both look badass (in my perspective)
-They both have silencers
-More or less the same FPS

Well I want a gun that balances CQB and Outside skirmishing, in that case I'd get the MP5 SD5. But, if I ever wanted to add accesories/upgradeable internals with ease, then P90 TR is the answer. For me, this is a hard choice.

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Old September 25th, 2005, 14:03   #2
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The mech box on a TM MP5 does not need reinforcing if you upgrade the spring. The only way I've seen them crack, and same goes for me, is when an aluminum piston head is installed and the gun is fired in cold weather.
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Old September 25th, 2005, 14:14   #3
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I'd have to say go with the P90 man, it absolutely owns in CQB, and contrary to what you may believe, it is actually pretty damn good outside as well. Because of the compact design (bullpup) the barrel is alot longer than it looks, it starts right at the back of the mag. The MP5 only has a few inches on it. while the MP5 does have bigger batteries, you can get custom batteries for P90's that will last long enough, or you can just get more than one battery.
As far as your concern about the hicaps, go locaps. Doncha know? Lo's for the pro's dude. With locaps your pretty much guaranteed against feeding problems.
When it really boils down to it, it doesnt matter that much which you choose, most AEG's are created more or less equal. Just go for whatever you like the best man, good luck and see you on the field! :tup:
That's my two cents, Llama out.
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Old September 25th, 2005, 15:34   #4
Rumpel Felt
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If your going to get am MP5, the a full metal one from ISC or CA. (ISC is way easier to find) This will save you hundreds is metal parts and possible other upgrades and you only have to pay about a hundred more. You will be far happier going with a full metal MP5.

As for the P90, TM is your only choice and it is a great gun only not so good if you are big.
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Old September 25th, 2005, 15:38   #5
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Thanks for the replies, One question though... Is it legal to import lo-cap P90 mags? because of the fake bullets, Im thinking customs might seize it.

EDIT: Another question.. or should I consider the FN P90 instead of the TR P90? For looks I like the FN P90, but the TR is very customizable.
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Old September 25th, 2005, 15:57   #6
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Good luck trying to get the P90 with the built-in RDS. I believe TM does not produce them anymore and can only be had used. I had one, then switched the receiver with my team captain for his TR because being the SG-1 geek that he is, he wanted the RDS receiver.

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Old September 25th, 2005, 16:14   #7
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Originally Posted by Predator
Good luck trying to get the P90 with the built-in RDS. I believe TM does not produce them anymore and can only be had used. I had one, then switched the receiver with my team captain for his TR because being the SG-1 geek that he is, he wanted the RDS receiver.
EDIT... I'm dumb for mis reading..
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Old September 25th, 2005, 16:19   #8
Man Solo
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Get a P90.
your concerns about accuracy can be solved with a $15 used m4 length barrel. It can be added with no other modification. As for the battery well, I have a 9.6v 2500 mAh J battery, It fricking SINGS. Even with a sp 100 upgraded spring i have a rof that is MUCH higher than stock.


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Old September 25th, 2005, 16:25   #9
The Saint
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MP5SD5 has a barrel length of 229mm. P90 has a barrel length of 247mm.
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Old September 25th, 2005, 16:34   #10
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I guess I'll break the mould and say, for a first gun the mp5 might be better choice, but it's a tight race.

Internally, the MP5 is very capable. The P90 is certainly better, but unless you are modifying your internals quite alot, or often, the difference between the two is pretty meaningless.

The SD5 can hold a large battery stock, which is a huge advantage. Even an SD6 can take a 1700mah nicd in the grip, with no modifications. The Mp5 is a universally comfortable gun, and in particular the mags are very easy to use (reload, swap, in/out of pouches, as well as small form factor). The P90 takes a bit more getting used to, and the mags can present problems for some people.

Either gun you'll be happy with, undoubtedly, but the MP5 is probably the safer bet, for a first gun.
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Old September 25th, 2005, 17:31   #11
Man Solo
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It is true that I had to modify my p90 to get my giant battery in there. (I cuyt my self pretty good while i was at it too) and the mags are a bit odd to reload. But what they lack in user friendlyness they make up for in ass kickingness.

But really it is up to you man. Which one keeps you up nights? Do fantasizng about games yet to be played and mofo's yet to be owned?

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Old September 25th, 2005, 17:37   #12
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Originally Posted by HonestJohn
I guess I'll break the mould and say, for a first gun the mp5 might be better choice, but it's a tight race.

Internally, the MP5 is very capable. The P90 is certainly better, but unless you are modifying your internals quite alot, or often, the difference between the two is pretty meaningless.

The SD5 can hold a large battery stock, which is a huge advantage. Even an SD6 can take a 1700mah nicd in the grip, with no modifications. The Mp5 is a universally comfortable gun, and in particular the mags are very easy to use (reload, swap, in/out of pouches, as well as small form factor). The P90 takes a bit more getting used to, and the mags can present problems for some people.

Either gun you'll be happy with, undoubtedly, but the MP5 is probably the safer bet, for a first gun.

:nod: I gotta really agree with John here. He makes lots of good points. Don't get me wrong, the p90 is a kick ass little gun, but the mags and battery turn me off of it *enter subliminal messaging ---- (go AK) --- * but seriously, the mp5's are nice little guns. I bought a marui Mp5k and its a sweet little gun but I have also used the Sd5's quite a bit and they are slick too, oh and they can directly fit the tracer unit without adding extra parts or anything too from what I gather.

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Old September 25th, 2005, 17:41   #13
Man Solo
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That is true, the mp5k makes a great cqb gun. I love running around like a moron firing all over the place one handed. it rocks. I think i fired about 2500 rouns in one game day. it was sweet.

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Old September 25th, 2005, 17:52   #14
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i've held the P90 and personally i feel it is quite clumsly but I love my MP5 SD5 i just got it last weekend. Powerful too
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Old September 25th, 2005, 23:15   #15
deep in the bush
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how is it for a back up? looking at adding to my g36
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