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Allwin AOR2 vs Emerson G3 AOR2 combat clothing


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Old January 16th, 2014, 04:04   #1
a.k.a. evaboe
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Allwin AOR2 vs Emerson G3 AOR2 combat clothing

Description says it all. I'm not a fan of the green spandex strips around the rear and the knees of the Allwin pants, unless it has a truly useful purpose. But everyone seems to be recommending the Allwin, for reasons unknown to me.
Can anyone tell me whats better about Allwin? I own a pair of Marpat G2's made by Emerson, tough as nails, but thick and hot for summer. The Emerson AOR2 G3's seem thinner and cooler than the Emerson G2 marpat, and I can get them for almost 50 bucks less than Allwin AOR2, but I'm simply going from pictures here, and I'd like some feedback from users of both before I purchase one or the other. Thanks in advance.
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Old January 16th, 2014, 04:07   #2
a.k.a. evaboe
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Old January 17th, 2014, 05:40   #3
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Allwin quality dumps all over Emerson,

Emerson has bad quality stitching, and the rip stop pattern sticks out disgustingly...

FFI apparently make the best AOR2 sets I've read on the DT6 forums.
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Old January 17th, 2014, 08:19   #4
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The best AOR2 BDUs available are made by UR-Tactical. They're the only ones available to the public that are made of the actual fabric, and real steel quality. They aren't even that expensive truth be told.
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Old January 17th, 2014, 09:14   #5
hot_shot under fire
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Toy Soldier if you want accuracy and quality using real AOR2 fabric (Not US Navy issued NWU Type III Fabric that UR-Tactical uses)

I own 2 pares of these, 1 in AOR1 and 1 in AOR2 and they both hold a candle to my real Crye Precision combats. Only issue is you have to wait for them to come back in stock as they are not a mass-production company like VGC, FFI, Emerson, Allwin, and ACM

Keep an eye out on Vulcan Gear Company's Facebook page as I have a feeling they'll release some pants in AOR2 soon. They released AOR1 pants and Tiger Stripe pants too in the Crye Precision Gen II Army Custom cut.

Another option is Semapo Gear. Alright quality, uses real fabric, but the cut is miles off to anybody who knows a Crye uniform inside and out. They plan to release their uniform in AOR2 this year. Right now they only have it available in AOR1 and Munticam.

UR Tactical is great. Only issue is they discontinued their AOR2 Integrated Battle Pants 3D (Which I used to own 2 pares of and loved them though not nearly as much as my Crye's) , and they have their own uniform cut. It is NOT the Crye Precision cut, however it is very loosely based upon it.
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Old January 18th, 2014, 01:54   #6
a.k.a. evaboe
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Thanks for the info. Looks like my only current and immediate options are the Allwins. I have yet to hear anything negative on them.
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Old April 12th, 2014, 15:42   #7
Zack The Ripper
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Slight necro. Looking for quality AOR2 sets. Anyone got dem links?
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Old April 13th, 2014, 01:03   #8
hot_shot under fire
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Semapo Gear...

You'll have to wait another week for pictures though. I'll be picking up a shirt to go with my TS AOR2 pants soon, so if you don't take the plunge I'll let you know how the quality stands up to my Crye Multicams/Toy Soldier AOR1s/AOR2s.
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Old April 13th, 2014, 13:45   #9
a.k.a. evaboe
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Well I tried the Allwins. I have to say, I was not extremely impressed. The pants were comfy enough, but the crotch was to low so when I kneel on one knee to aim, they pull something fierce. Aside from that, they fit good.
The shirt was to short, could hardly tuck it into my pants, and the sleeves were a tad short also. I ordered size small. The shoulders are to narrow and I don't feel free to move in it. So size small pants fit fine, med would have been far to big. (I'm a 32/32 pants guy) and the shirt was to small. Med would have been better but probably a tad large. Interestingly, however, the whole set fit my girlfriend perfectly. She's just a tad shorter frame than me, so it was still a win for us. The pants are naturally a bit big, remedied by a belt.
I ended up ordering the Emerson G3 AOR2 combats, out of curiosity, and they fit perfectly, I love them. And I ordered a FROG combat shirt. The colors actually match very well. Hope this helps someone.
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Old June 2nd, 2014, 20:46   #10
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I know this is an older thread, but just wanted to add:

I just bought a set of Allwin (shirt/pants) in Multicam. The pants fit me great, and everything seemed pretty nice quality. The shirt was a bit short, as you said, but with a plate carrier, it stayed tucked.

30 minutes into my very first game wearing them, (I hadn't even put them through the wash first), I took a knee and I felt a tear in the pants. It was by no means an extreme or rushed movement. I wasn't sweaty (still cool in the morning), and they did not catch on anything sharp. Over the next hour of walking and crouching, the entire front was torn to shreds. I spent the entire game playing pretty exposed, terrified of getting a shot in the nuts.

I have contacted the store where I purchased them, asking for an exchange (I really liked the pants, and hope to god that this is just a manufacturing defect). I have yet to hear from them. I have had a pretty active life (climbing, kayaking, trekking, adventure racing...) and have never had a garment disintegrate to this extent.
**Edit: Heard back from the store, and they will exchange for a new pair. **

Originally Posted by airsoftjunky View Post
Well I tried the Allwins. I have to say, I was not extremely impressed. The pants were comfy enough, but the crotch was to low so when I kneel on one knee to aim, they pull something fierce. Aside from that, they fit good.
The shirt was to short, could hardly tuck it into my pants, and the sleeves were a tad short also. I ordered size small. The shoulders are to narrow and I don't feel free to move in it. So size small pants fit fine, med would have been far to big. (I'm a 32/32 pants guy) and the shirt was to small. Med would have been better but probably a tad large. Interestingly, however, the whole set fit my girlfriend perfectly. She's just a tad shorter frame than me, so it was still a win for us. The pants are naturally a bit big, remedied by a belt.
I ended up ordering the Emerson G3 AOR2 combats, out of curiosity, and they fit perfectly, I love them. And I ordered a FROG combat shirt. The colors actually match very well. Hope this helps someone.

Last edited by Brengun; June 4th, 2014 at 19:53..
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