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WE AK Question... again.


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Old May 20th, 2013, 10:07   #1
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WE AK Question... again.

So I got a WE AKS74U and I have come to the realization after much fondling and close inspection of it that there are no replacement parts available, excluding of course the nozzle and trigger components.

I really wanted to use this gun as my main GBBR but it seem that I cannot source the trigger box itself or more annoyingly any plastic outer shells for the magazine.

I have two magazines and both have hairline cracks in the plastic mag catch area.

I think petitioning WE may be the only way to resolve this issue!? As they seem to have poor customer service I hear.

I am sure this is the reason why they never released there CO2 magazines for the AK series as it would shake them to pieces.

I am dreaming but it would be nice if an aftermarket company produced a "bakelite" version of the WE AK74 magazine with steel lips impregnated in the plastic mold. I could see myself paying $15 for something like that as opposed to $35 to $80 dollars a magazine every time the plastic lip breaks.
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Old May 20th, 2013, 10:39   #2
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I ran the WE AK74UN for most of last year as my primary and I found that there isn't much that need replacement inside the gun besides the trigger and nozzle. That being said, I know how you feel about the plastic magazine shells cracking. I got a few hairline cracks on mine right around the area where it locks into the magwell. I have at least one mag that has the little plastic tab holding the baseplate fall off. Hopefully someone can make spare mag shells soon. On a side note, think a real steel bakelite mag would fit?
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Old May 20th, 2013, 11:04   #3
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Originally Posted by mr_nuts31 View Post
On a side note, think a real steel bakelite mag would fit?
Would the mag fit in the gun? I think so...
Would the gas system fit in the mag? doubtful...
Getting real steel magazine shell in canada damn near impossible I guess...

It would be nice If WE acknowledged it as a problem and offered replacement parts, I am sure they have boxes of spare shells they could sell but I think they want you to buy the whole shebang.
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Old January 25th, 2014, 13:59   #4
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Im about to buy an ak74 un from WE, and you just made me rethink about it.....does those cracks really break the mag, or is it just cosmetic? And do your mags leak from that??
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Old January 25th, 2014, 15:09   #5
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I had that crack show up too: it's cosmetic (the plastic shell) so no leaks, but you don't want it to break or the mag won't fit in the gun anymore. Epoxy seems to have fixed it.

Also of note, I had the crack develop just doing reloading drills -- i wasn't even shooting. So it would seem just the rough handling of inserting/removing the mag can cause it. That being said, I've had that same area on AEG AK74 mags break/crack, too, so it seems to be an area subjected to a lot of stress/wear more than a WE-specific problem (although WE's seem particularly fragile).
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Old January 27th, 2014, 08:14   #6
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well my mags have not broken yet (crosses fingers)

Shooting the WE AK will bring a grin to your face, but if your not mechanically inclined get a good gun doc or stick with AEGs
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Old January 27th, 2014, 09:29   #7
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Wonder if the GHK AK's have the same issues.
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Old January 27th, 2014, 11:12   #8
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Wonder if the GHK AK's have the same issues.
I've only got the steel mags for my ghk, but they do make orange and black plastic mag shell replacements for their '74 models.

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