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Company/Product Review - Comp-Tac


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Old January 31st, 2011, 19:04   #1
Drache's Avatar
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Company/Product Review - Comp-Tac

Well figured I'd write a review of this company even though it's a little too pricey for most people when airsoft is concerned.

The review will be about my search for a holster for a real steel handgun but it works for airsoft too.

How I heard about them:

I was looking for something very specific. I wanted a left handed paddle holster for a S&W M&P9 that wasn't cloth or leather. My options were fairly limited to say the least and someone told me to check out Comp-Tac's line of Kydex holsters.

The Website (

The website was very easy to look at, navigate, and finally place an order. I actually had fun looking through their website.

The Company:

The company is a major firearms accessory manufacturing company. They make multiple accessories for major law enforcement agencies and military personnel in the United States and even offer discounts to both.

From The President of Comp-Tac:

"In 2001 I started Comp-Tac with the intention of designing holsters of the highest quality for defensive and competition shooting. I started off with the Locking Paddle and over the years have designed over 30 products with 92,000 possible variations to accommodate your lifestyle and needs. Comp-Tac has grown from a one man shop ten years ago to a business with dozens of employees. What started in my garage has grown into a drafting room, production line, customer service department, shipping department, and leather shop.

Thanks to the great support of our customers and through their input we continue to grow and refine our product line. "

Their Products:

Comp-Tac manufactures gun holsters, belts, mag holsters, flashlight holders, and finally shirts and hats with their logo.

They offer a decent variety of holsters; Paddle, CTAC, Belt, Mag Holsters, and even one called the Infidel. You can also choose outside belt holsters or even concealed holsters. You can also find parts to mount said holsters in various ways as well.

The best thing about their holsters though, they are made to order! They don't generally keep a bunch in stock. Instead you place an order and then wait about 2 days for them to make it and then ship it out!

Even better is they make holsters to ORDER! If you want something slightly different than what they have, they will make it for you. The extra charge might be $5-$20 extra depending on how custom it is.

On some of their holsters you can get either a straight draw or the FBI draw. Really all the FBI draw holster difference is that it sits tilted forward at a 15 degree angle. This is for better keeping it in tune with the shape of the body when under a coat or such.

Customer Service:

When I placed my order for some reason my payment info disappeared. I received an email stating I needed to call them to complete my order.

A very nice lady on the phone (her name is Misty by the way) answered and after telling her why I was calling, I was off the phone within a 2 minutes.


Now here's the big picture. For a paddle holster you're looking about $57.50 USD and for a belt holster you're looking at $68 USD. Single handgun mag holsters run $28 USD, AR mag holsters at $39 USD, twin handgun holsters at $53 USD, and the belt fed handgun holster (Which holds 4 mags in a stacked configuration) for $128 USD.

Now Shipping costs. They charged me $38 USD for shipping. That is a little much considering postage was done in a USPS envelope for a total of $24 USD.

Overall a single holster came out to $97 USD shipped.


Now here is where they really shined. After placing my order with them I had the holster in my hand in less than 10 days. But here's the thing, my order was placed on a FRIDAY so it wasn't until MONDAY that they actually started to make my holster.

Actually here's my order:

01/24/2011 - We appreciate your order. Your order will go into production within the next 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays). Our production process is currently running about 2 business days. You will be notified as soon as your order is complete and ready to ship.

01/24/2011 - Your order from Comp-Tac is in the shipping department and will be shipped within the next 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays).

01/25/2011 - We just want to let you know your package will be taken to the post office this afternoon. Thanks and have a great day!

01/31/11 - Holster is in my hands.

So that $38 Shipping is actually for International Express USPS shipping which is nice. $100 insurance in included as well as a tracking number.

Opening The Envelope:

So I opened the envelope. Inside was bubble wrap and inside that was a plastic ziplock type bag with the a company sticker on the bag. Inside that bag was my holster, a receipt, instructions, a pamphlet about the NRA, and candy. Yes, CANDY! Inside they placed a couple rolls of Rockets

Ok so the candy doesn't cover up the huge costs and yes it's cheap assed candy but it's the thought that counts.

The Holster:

Ok so here's where the review really happens. So I took the holster out an immediately noticed that the finishing wasn't perfect. Some spots were a little rough. Now in all fairness these spots aren't really noticeable but they are there. Now over the term of it's use the holster will be getting some bumps and bruises to be sure, but when you pay $100 for a holster you expect it to be pretty much perfect. Maybe that's just me anyways.

So I start rooting through the safe for the right handgun and after finding it I slip it inside the holster. Perfect fit, and I mean PERFECT. Yes I know it was made for the gun but I'll explain what I mean perfect in a sec.

What sets Comp-tac holsters apart from cheaper holsters is, their holsters are riveted shut. Comp-tac holsters have two bolts with thick rubber washers. Tightening up these bolts gives you a tighter holster grip to the sidearm (and thus harder to draw). The opposite side of the coin is you can loosen it as well.

Now before leaving the factory, the person who made your holster sets the gun inside the holster and draws and holsters it over and over fine tuning the bolts.

When I got mine, the gun went in and even shaking it upside down won't dislodge the sidearm, but it has a VERY smooth draw.

Final Thoughts:

Would I order another holster from them? In a heart beat! Would I tell a friend about them? In less than a heart beat! Even after prices and the minor cosmetic flaws, it doesn't take away that this is a very nice holster.

Last edited by Drache; January 31st, 2011 at 20:27..
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Old January 31st, 2011, 20:08   #2
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Sounds nice, you think it'd fit a MK23?
Proud Member of the Strelok society

Whoa guy with the thumb rings, save some pussy for the rest of us

Welcome to Bed Bath and Beyoncé, if you find anything you like, put a ring on it.

What idiot called them Black Bears instead of African Abearicans

Last edited by SniperSam; January 31st, 2011 at 20:51..
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Old January 31st, 2011, 20:28   #3
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Originally Posted by SniperSam View Post
Sounds nice, you think it'd fit a MK23?
They do not have one listed but you can always call them and see if they'll do a custom one.
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Old January 31st, 2011, 20:51   #4
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Hm, will do
Proud Member of the Strelok society

Whoa guy with the thumb rings, save some pussy for the rest of us

Welcome to Bed Bath and Beyoncé, if you find anything you like, put a ring on it.

What idiot called them Black Bears instead of African Abearicans
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Old January 31st, 2011, 21:14   #5
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They look like pretty nice holsters. $80 isnt bad. Anything in a drop leg configuration? didnt see any listed.
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Old January 31st, 2011, 21:21   #6
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Originally Posted by DEATH2000 View Post
They look like pretty nice holsters. $80 isnt bad. Anything in a drop leg configuration? didnt see any listed.
Not that I see. Although The Infidel doesn't come with a mounting system, you buy your own.
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