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Scabbard for rifle (scar-l)


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Old March 18th, 2010, 20:19   #1
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Scabbard for rifle (scar-l)

Hi, I'm starting a loadout with a bar-10 and a scar-l, and I'm planning on putting the scar on one of those 1/2 point slings, so I can swing it onto my back, and putting the bar-10 in a scabbard on my back (molle). The closest thing I've found is this.

I was wondering if this would fit a bar-10 or if there's a better option?

Also, I screwed up the title... It was supposed to be scabbard for a bar-10 not a scar-l

Last edited by krap101; March 18th, 2010 at 20:32..
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Old March 18th, 2010, 20:23   #2
aka coachster
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how long is your bar10? I highly doubt it will fit securely. that condor scabbard fit's my m500 perfectly but with the longer barrel of the bar, it's not going to be a snug enough fit that it will stay still on your back
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Old March 18th, 2010, 20:30   #3
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Thanks for the reply.

Oh, I haven't bought the bar yet, as it is out of stock everywhere, but I plan to get the gspec (if that matters). I think it is a few inches shorter. The normal bar-10 is 42 inches (ish) so I'm guessing the gspec is between 36-40". One problem I see is since the "pistolgrip" on the bar-10 doesn't jut out, it seems like the buckle to keep the gun from moving might also be a problem. If length is a problem, I'm thinking that I could cut a hole (and reinforce the edges) in the bottom, so the barrel hangs out or something like that.

I'm guessing it'd be a tough fit with a scope then?
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Old March 18th, 2010, 20:39   #4
aka coachster
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it's the barrel width and overall length that will be an issue.

won't fit with a scope.

just sling it
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Old March 18th, 2010, 20:41   #5
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
it's the barrel width and overall length that will be an issue.

won't fit with a scope.

just sling it
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Old March 18th, 2010, 20:45   #6
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Darn you modern warfare 2 ><

Lol thanks guys
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Old March 18th, 2010, 20:53   #7
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Sling it. A standard sniper rifle length is around 48". With a scabbard like that, even if you were able to fit the rifle in, you'd be pulling at it for a while to get it out. With a sling on your back over your shoulder, you can just spin it around and pull it off, easy as pie.
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Old March 18th, 2010, 21:00   #8
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Whats a 1/2 point sling? Do you mean a 1 point or 3 point?
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Old March 18th, 2010, 21:09   #9
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Or potentially 1 or 2 point sling.

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Old March 18th, 2010, 21:10   #10
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A 1/2 is a one point that you can turn into a 2 point. or vice versa. It's probably closer to a two point.
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Old March 20th, 2010, 10:08   #11
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Find yourself a two point sling with HK clips at either end, they can either both clip to your rifle or one can clip to the other.
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Old March 20th, 2010, 10:15   #12
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Another alternative here if you are really serious about sniping is to put the BAR-10 in a drag bag; one that has shoulder straps. You can pack it up when moving from hide to hide and carry it while you shoulder your primary (SCAR). Of course this assumes that you're planning on spending most of your time in hides, only changing locations if compromised or to gain a better line of sight on a target.

An even easier way to go about this would be to not carry the SCAR at all, pair up with a buddy who is loaded out w/ a FA assault rifle, who can be your spotter and provide covering fire if someone tries to engage you. You could then get away with carrying an auto pistol like a G18C or a small submachine gun (MP5K, MP7 etc) for self defense.

On a technical note, the BAR-10 upgrades well and has no problem taking standard VSR parts. I was able to get a BAR10 upgraded quite successfully and it's accurate as sin. Just make sure to pay attention to the molding of the hopup unit, some filing may be required as BAR10 hops are known to have extra material that can result in uneven application of pressure across the hopup surface, skewing accuracy.

Last edited by Kokanee; March 20th, 2010 at 10:18..
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Old March 20th, 2010, 10:23   #13
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A regular rifle sling will probably suit your needs, but if you were looking at some sort of scabbard contraption because you were concerned about your rifle shifting around on your back, you could consider what is sometimes called an 'alpine' sling.

I don't endorse the retailer below. I'm just using it as an example of what I'm talking about -
Accuracy International Biathlon Sling
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Old March 23rd, 2010, 02:33   #14
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Thanks for all the responses. I thought I was going to just go with a 2 point, but I found this today, and it seems like it was diy, and not actually meant for rifles

It seems like he had a backpack with buckles on it, and some sort of leg holster to stop the gun from sliding or maybe some sort of pouch. I can't really identify everything he's wearing, so I was wondering if you guys could. It seems like you could just put a drop mag pouch down there and it'd work pretty well.

Last edited by krap101; March 23rd, 2010 at 02:38..
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Old March 23rd, 2010, 07:24   #15
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I think you should really rethink how you're going to run this setup.

First of all, how do you plan on using the two rifles: will you be using the SCAR as your primary weapon while on the move and only going to the bolt action when in a position to snipe? Or do you plan on using the bolt action as your primary weapon, keeping the SCAR as a backup if things get hairy?

Also what kind of setup will you have? (vest? ghillie? carrying a lot of mags or just a hicap?)

The problem with the scabbard or that backpack is you aren't going to get to your weapon quickly. And that single point CQB sling isn't going to secure the weapon properly, leaving it flopping around to slam into you and snap on everything around you.

I think you should steer clear of the gimmicky stuff and get some serious slings, such as the Vickers Combat Application Sling.

If you're using the SCAR as a primary, you should use a drag back as Kokanee suggested. Then just remove the backpack and set up with the bolt action when you need to.

Otherwise a good sling will keep the carbine secure against you while still allowing you to transition to it with relative ease.

I've run a primary and secondary weapon (SAM-R/fullsize M16 and a tactical shotgun with a Vltor Modstock) and you have to be set up properly for it to work, otherwise you're just fumbling around trying to get to your weapon, trying to get another weapon out of the way, trying to keep them secure, etc.
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