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Make a MG36


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Old May 17th, 2009, 21:27   #1
Join Date: Mar 2008
Make a MG36


I got an Classic Army CA36 (the one with the very long barrel).
I'm looking to do a MG36, but I want to field it as a LMG.
I know that only a G36 with a box mag will not be accepted as a LMG but what can I add to make it valid?
I will add a bipod in front (probably the SRC one), a C-Mag but should I remove my carry handle and put a g36's rail on it? The real MG36 have a rail or a carry handle?

Also if I do some internal upgrade to make it faster it will help to accept it as a LMG? Like a turbo motor, LiPO, trigger master and... what else?

Btw thank you!

PS: I don't find any pic of a real MG36 on the web... does it exist or it's only in airsoft??
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Old May 17th, 2009, 21:49   #2
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I think that's RS.
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Old May 17th, 2009, 21:50   #3
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I typed "MG36" into google, and the first hit was the above page.

Throw a bipod on there and a box/beta c mag on and it will be acceptable as it is a real world LMG. End of story.

Internal upgrades would be a good idea, but I suggest you get someone else to do it for you.
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Old May 17th, 2009, 21:54   #4
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Ok ok for the pic, I thought that was more than just that because of this site: (Note: That is not a LMG36!)

So if it's only that thank you guys

Last edited by ledor473; May 17th, 2009 at 21:58..
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Old May 17th, 2009, 22:05   #5
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That pic you posted there is nothing more than a G36 with a beta-c mag.

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Old May 17th, 2009, 22:35   #6
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I don't think the German Army uses the MG36.

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Old May 17th, 2009, 23:04   #7
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@ Disco: Ya I heard that too, I heard they don't want it and they only buy some C-Mag and some bipod for their g36

@ kalnaren: I know, it's same for the 2 first picture...
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Old May 17th, 2009, 23:27   #8
The Saint
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Originally Posted by ledor473 View Post

I got an Classic Army CA36 (the one with the very long barrel).
I'm looking to do a MG36, but I want to field it as a LMG.
I know that only a G36 with a box mag will not be accepted as a LMG but what can I add to make it valid?
Depends on what you mean by "valid".

If you mean "valid" as a LMG for certain types of games where LMGs have different firing and ammo rules, you might be out of luck. Those rules are often in place specifically to avoid people using dressed up battle rifles as LMGs. That's something only the game host can give you a positive answer on.
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Old May 17th, 2009, 23:42   #9
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Ok thanks!
I have my answer! Thank you guys
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Old May 17th, 2009, 23:52   #10
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I can't see any reason why a game admin would turn this down as an LMG. It's not like he's talking about slapping a C-mag on a G36C or a M4 and shouting "where da n00bs at? I wanna wastez dem wid ma machine gunzz!"

The MG36 is an established, commonly accepted light machine gun. As one fellow already bought up, yes it's basically just a full length G36 w/ a boxmag. As long as he uses a full length G36, w/ a bipod mounted then guess what - he's basically got an MG36.

There are a few quibbles, such as a slightly longer, thicker barrel, (parts kit on wgcshop takes care of that by the way). But really, the only thing that makes this LMG stand out from others such as the M249 is that it is a variant of a battle rifle. But the RPK is essentially an AK with a reinforced receiver and a longer/thicking barrel + bipod, and some different furniture. So I guess we should be talking about banning RPK's from games as LMG's...

Ledor, build your MG36, I'm sure it will turn out just fine and no game organizer in their right mind will tell you it can't be fielded as an LMG.
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Old May 17th, 2009, 23:59   #11
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In case of doubt, offer to carry a 20 pound weight in your vest to offset the LMG advantage.

Can't wait for my CA36 to arrive, got it on an impulse buy, didn't know what to do with it yet...
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Old May 18th, 2009, 09:49   #12
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Nice idea the 20 pounds :P Not that hard to find, not that hard to carry

I will probably make it in the end of the summer
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Old May 18th, 2009, 10:08   #13
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Originally Posted by surebet View Post
Can't wait for my CA36 to arrive, got it on an impulse buy, didn't know what to do with it yet...
Ditto and I've had mine since October.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 10:46   #14
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The MG36 and RPK are in the same boat. Basically, Some milsim games allow them as LMGs some don't. Most skirmish games allow them however. The whole idea is that game admins generally don't want a bunch of noobs running around with homemade barrel extensions, cheapo craptastic bipods and drums(frankly this is more the admins not setting complete guidelines for these modle LMGs). Be fun to build and if you can't use the C-mag you can always carry a couple midcaps clamped together.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 11:50   #15
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BTW.....I asked the guys at HK about this very subject at this years shot show(I was working on an MG36 project myself). The answer was that the few designated MG36s out there had a slightly heavier barrel.....and that was it.
For my project I increased the rate of fire and the FPS....mounted a dual optics carry handle.......stuck on a bi pod.....and bought 2 C-Mags.....
So...there you go
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