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A meeting today with Canadian Customs



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Old October 25th, 2007, 14:02   #121
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Originally Posted by Ghost_boo View Post
ok guys! I read all the 8 pages and I was still wondering. Can we still import airsoft with after all the conditions :-?
1) must shoot under 500 FPS.
2) must have a plastic body
3) must not have any trademarks that match a manufacturer of real firearms
4) must be able to demonstrate that the magazine could not be capable of being used to load real ammunition
5) must have a orange muzzle tip
6) must be declared at the border and a 15% duty paid
7) must be transported in the trunk of the vehicle

I just read someone say that its not written in any document by canada gov...
Do we have anymore infos on that?

I'm going on a business trip on tommorow and I need someone to clear up my mind please! BTW I'm going to NY and I know airsoft are prohibited there but outside of the city is allowed.
If I referred the name ''Customs Officer #13951'', would that work or not.=?
All the gun I check on the web seem to be JC g36... all platic, under 500, orange tip etc..

thank you, J-D

Ill put down 20 bucks that on page 10 someones going to ask this same question again.
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Old October 25th, 2007, 14:05   #122
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Getting an airsoft gun from the states or outside of Canada is like trying to nail jello to the wall. Its essentially impossible, theres a one in a million chance it may happen, but only for a few seconds and it will never happen again.
utter rubbish..

people are doing it every day, one way or another..

To say otherwise denys truth.

The risks have been laid out... the legality or admissablitly of any object coming across the boarder from the USA or from abroad is based upon the assessment of the CBSA agent who inspects it and their interpritation of the laws, guidelines and regulations according to their understanding.

With this in mind.. and coupled with the fact that not every package is inspected the likelyhood that any one proscribed item will make it to you if ordered is unknown.

The answer to the question " can I order a gun from the USA and get it delivered?" is and always will be


The risks and ramifications of the decision to attempt it have been debated to the Nth degree... and still the answer remains "maybe"
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old October 25th, 2007, 14:33   #123
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Everything I say is utter rubbish.

You are correct Brian, Im just biased since Im bloody black listed so for myself its very difficult and plus I just have a general distain for the CBSA. My own fault I acknowledge, but I can still hate them.

But it is indeed true that it does happen every day, so I shall correct my previous post.

Getting airsoft guns into Canada is like nailing jello to a wall. Difficult but not impossible and results may vary everytime. But its a hell of alot easier if you freeze the jello first.

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Last edited by TokyoSeven; October 25th, 2007 at 14:35..
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Old October 25th, 2007, 14:57   #124
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
and plus I just have a general distain for the CBSA.
Lol. Along with every other airsofter on ASC.

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Old October 25th, 2007, 15:04   #125
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
I just have a general distain for the CBSA.

Hey, they're doing the best job they can with a shitty law. I don't care much for some of them, but others I have dealt with have been quite nice and helpful.

If you want to pissed at anyone, be pissed at Allan Rock and the Liberal Party. They gave us this mess and he forced this bill through quickly before an election and the OIC and Parliament has been "fixing" it ever since.

You should look at the flip side of this coin and be happy you can at least get a gun, any gun. The CBSA could all be pricks and you (and any other Canadian) could get nothing. They can shut you down, license or no license, in a heartbeat. I've witnessed that.
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Old October 25th, 2007, 15:21   #126
The Saint
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Hey, they're doing the best job they can with a shitty law. I don't care much for some of them, but others I have dealt with have been quite nice and helpful.
I suppose it's rather unfair for us to only hold against them the stuff that don't make it through, and forget the stuff that they do let through.

If you want to pissed at anyone, be pissed at Allan Rock and the Liberal Party. They gave us this mess and he forced this bill through quickly before an election and the OIC and Parliament has been "fixing" it ever since.
I blame crazy people first and foremost. Their shooting rampages create both the demand for stricter laws and the unrealistic expectation that you can legislate against insanity. Criminals come in a close second.

You should look at the flip side of this coin and be happy you can at least get a gun, any gun. The CBSA could all be pricks and you (and any other Canadian) could get nothing. They can shut you down, license or no license, in a heartbeat. I've witnessed that.
And the RCMP could visit us at our games with a bunch of airsoft gun catalogues that clearly show the majority of our guns were made after 1998.
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Old October 25th, 2007, 15:33   #127
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
And the RCMP could visit us at our games with a bunch of airsoft gun catalogues that clearly show the majority of our guns were made after 1998.
They'd still have to take you to court and prove they're replicas. But yes.

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Old October 25th, 2007, 15:42   #128
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
And the RCMP could visit us at our games with a bunch of airsoft gun catalogues that clearly show the majority of our guns were made after 1998.

every replica I own I posses legally.. and my right to do so is established in law.

how I got them is the absence of evidence is a mystery.. that establishes reasonable doubt that I commited an offense.

I don't fear the law... I use it
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old October 25th, 2007, 16:32   #129
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Just some very recent info (as of about 2hrs ago) I lost a bunch of airsoft parts at the border, two separate parcels with a bunch of disassembled AEG parts, unfortunately for me in one of the parcels had the receiver of a M-14, no need to beat that to death it was my fault for not insuring it was not in there!!

I was aware of the receiver being a risk, just the rest of the parts are my concern, especially the box that had all legal parts that we "all" order each day is what I will try to retrieve!

anyway, I am only sharing this as because the of the contradictions I am hearing on this post as to what the different custom people are saying, the Superintandant I was dealing told me that under customs regulation 98-98? owning any airsoft guns are illegal, and if caught with them you will be arrested, so I asked how they can be sold legally in Canada then and how hundreds and hundreds of people use them each and every week in clubs all over Canada and do not get arrested, he said he knows that but, that is the law, they are illegal replicas as far as he understood it and he is a superintendent for the lower mainland entry!

so.. from what I got from this hores mouth is, no to all airsoft and, you cant even own them let alone try to import!
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Old October 25th, 2007, 16:44   #130
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by BIGMEDCIN View Post
Just some very recent info (as of about 2hrs ago) I lost a bunch of airsoft parts at the border, two separate parcels with a bunch of disassembled AEG parts, unfortunately for me in one of the parcels had the receiver of a M-14, no need to beat that to death it was my fault for not insuring it was not in there!!

I was aware of the receiver being a risk, just the rest of the parts are my concern, especially the box that had all legal parts that we "all" order each day is what I will try to retrieve!

anyway, I am only sharing this as because the of the contradictions I am hearing on this post as to what the different custom people are saying, the Superintandant I was dealing told me that under customs regulation 98-98? owning any airsoft guns are illegal, and if caught with them you will be arrested, so I asked how they can be sold legally in Canada then and how hundreds and hundreds of people use them each and every week in clubs all over Canada and do not get arrested, he said he knows that but, that is the law, they are illegal replicas as far as he understood it and he is a superintendent for the lower mainland entry!

so.. from what I got from this hores mouth is, no to all airsoft and, you cant even own them let alone try to import!

the "hores" mouth is not this guy... it is the Criminal Code of Canada... which is freely available to any one to read...

I really don't understand why people accept all this hearsay... read the freaking law... it is there in black and white..

this so called "superintendant" is wrong... full stop
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old October 25th, 2007, 17:01   #131
The Saint
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Originally Posted by BIGMEDCIN View Post
so I asked how they can be sold legally in Canada then and how hundreds and hundreds of people use them each and every week in clubs all over Canada and do not get arrested
Versing yourself in relevant sections of the CCC and CFA (hell, even Tariff Act and the Tariff Code) is a far stronger defence than arguing equity. Anyone trying to bring airsoft guns or parts across the border is advised to learn their rights, not anecdotal success stories.
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Old October 25th, 2007, 17:14   #132
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It's that small ray of hope that nobody wants to admit doesn't exist.

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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Old October 25th, 2007, 18:32   #133
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Rukus View Post
It's that small ray of hope that nobody wants to admit doesn't exist.
This comment is not directed at you... is is directed at all the bellyachers wo whine about not being able to " get guns in Canada"

What Ray? I don't need hope.. I have never had a single issue getting any gun I want and I have about 20 now...

all it costs is money...

There is zero issue getting airsoft guns in Canada... I really don't get this "can't get.. stuff" BS

You mean you can't get cheap guns... well to bloody bad... Whining about what stuff costs in another country makes zero sense... GET OVER IT..

Can't afford airsoft in Canada... Get a better job... now you have a reason.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old October 25th, 2007, 18:52   #134
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It's very simple guys: if the source of your information is Not Willing to put it in writing, or give you a copy of the document he/she claims to quote, then they are full of it.

If on the other hand you download the current laws and regulations posted on the CBSA and the Dept of Justice's site, then YOU will be really informed.

Try it, it's free. To save you some searching, the closest applicable real Law refers to Replica guns. Any other is an interpretation or a policy based on what an airsoft gun is perceived to be. The latter make no sense.
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Old October 25th, 2007, 19:04   #135
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
There is zero issue getting airsoft guns in Canada... I really don't get this "can't get.. stuff" BS
Not entirely correct. For the longest time I've wanted a Piper's M-134A2. Well before Kang went down in flames, and Warcraft Games had tea with the CBSA and RCMP, I asked just about every vendor this side of the border if they could bring one in for me. Nobody would touch it with a 10 foot pole. Want the latest gun coming out of Asia on the release date? Not likely to happen. Perhaps you'll get one when they begin to trickle in sometime later.
I couldn't even get a thermal imager into Canada, as it was both an export violation under US law, and an import violation under Canadian law, even after I showed both parties proof of my exclusion from those restrictions. It's a very much "who you deal with" kind of world out there, printed law or no printed law.
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