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Old August 22nd, 2007, 11:34   #1
Zeonprime's Avatar
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Zombies Airsoft games

A Zeonprime Airsoft Game
Rules and gameplay designed by
Shrike, C.G, The Saint, Murdoch, Duffman_In_Cadpats, Shadowninja, Armyissue, Deathsniper

The reason for this thread is that I've received PMs from multiple people from the western provinces interested in continuing the Zombies!!! games started here in Ontario.

So instead of running multiple similar conversations via a 99% full inbox I'm starting this thread.

Now understanding that I have the second Zombies!!! game in 2 days I'm just getting this thread started. Information will be added to the thread post Zombies!!! The Re-Animation.

50 players 8hr game.
Zombies!!! The Re-Animation
70 signed players (Final number posted post game) aprox 9+hr game.
Zombies!!! The Mutation
(First ever published title for the October Zombies!!! game!!! you saw it here first!)

Hosting a Zombies!!! game:
It is important to note the host may not get to play an event like this. Zombies!!! I managed to play oh about 2 hours out of 8 playing hours. There is alot to watch for and being on the field as a player will be limited. If you have a group of people hosting the game with you that are able to make some decisions it is recommended if you desire or hope to play. Though carry a second game radio with earbud just for the game host duties. Have this radio designated an emergency channel and ban it from game play use. All players may contact you on the radio frequency at anytime so be prepared to pull yourself from the game to allow you to run the game.

Zombie Rules:
To be added after this weekend as we have a couple rule mods we're going to be using at Zombies!!! The ReAnimation and if they work as planned will make it as finalized rules.

Safety Safety Safety:
Max safe number of players.
Weapon and personal safety issues.
Physical contact in an airsoft game.


Ammo Rules:
To be filled in.

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.
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Old August 22nd, 2007, 12:01   #2
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Well, I've got a field that'll work next year, just dates need to be set up. Looking forward to feedback you get from this game. Sask players, look to for info in these next couple days, I'll be wanting input on dates, numbers etc.

I also have an idea for smaller groups: To give everyone a chance to survive and play humans, allow the people who started as Zombies, once the horde reached appropriate numbers, allow them to become human (one by one, so as not to suddenly diminish the horde). In the praries this could be explained as Farmers wandering, searching for other survivors.

Last edited by Cushak; August 22nd, 2007 at 12:18..
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Old August 22nd, 2007, 23:48   #3
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Nice, Canada-wide zombie outbreaks. This could potentially turn into one of the largets nation-wide game series.
If I was banging all of them, I'd be a manwhore. At the moment, I'm just an opportunist.

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Old August 23rd, 2007, 00:37   #4
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minimum equipment needed? (aside from proper clothing and a gun)
I believe in ordinance overkill

We're gonna need more BBS
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 02:05   #5
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Originally Posted by jaa View Post
minimum equipment needed? (aside from proper clothing and a gun)

In what regards? Hosting a game has all sorts of equipment requirements. Props such as signage, money, tables, weapons, cases, etc etc.

Planning a game has all sorts of prep work...I think the minions can verify this but I think we have had 2 months planning going into Zombies!!! The Re-Animation. Probably about 2 months into Zombies!!! And Zombies!!! The Mutation I started work on about a month ago so it will have almost 3 1/2 months planning into it.

Originally Posted by Cushak View Post
I also have an idea for smaller groups: To give everyone a chance to survive and play humans, allow the people who started as Zombies, once the horde reached appropriate numbers, allow them to become human (one by one, so as not to suddenly diminish the horde). In the praries this could be explained as Farmers wandering, searching for other survivors.
Rotating Zombies to Humans and visa versa is something you find you have to do for the larger game too. for some simple reasons actually
A) Not many players want to sign up to a game to NOT wield their very expensive toy, so you end up with a lot of noobs in that role OR some good guys/girls that don't mind saving on the ammo for one night and taking lots and lots of BBs to their person.
B) The Zombie role is by far the most physically demanding role in the game. We had Zombies with sprained ankles, torn shoulders, blown knees who still wanted to go more but their bodies refused. so we had to rotate fresh players just to maintain the hordes.

For smaller Zombies!!! games I've limited the armed players to shotguns and pistols only. 3h vs. 20z with a goal to make it from one end of a town to another. sounds simple...and it is if your fellow humans are guys you know and trust, but still really freaking stressful.

The first Zombie game in southern ontario that I'm aware of. A simple skirmish hosted by Shrike and next to impossible to complete alive.
and keep going til you get to this photo.

All the pics between those two links above are 3 teams of 3 getting their brains eaten by some very fast moving zombies.

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.

Last edited by Zeonprime; August 23rd, 2007 at 02:19..
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 03:31   #6
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I'm hoping to get at least 30 guys out to our game, but as long as everyone's interested I'm sure we could get up to 40.

One thing I'm considering for the smaller numbers, is to make it so a Zombie is only stunned by gunshots for 5-10 seconds.

Also, I was wondering something. In your rule-set, the Zombies can't touch Civilians who are in the town. Why is that? Also, I'm confused by the purpose of the envelopes.

Last edited by Cushak; August 23rd, 2007 at 03:33..
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 07:18   #7
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Originally Posted by Cushak View Post
I'm hoping to get at least 30 guys out to our game, but as long as everyone's interested I'm sure we could get up to 40.

One thing I'm considering for the smaller numbers, is to make it so a Zombie is only stunned by gunshots for 5-10 seconds.

Also, I was wondering something. In your rule-set, the Zombies can't touch Civilians who are in the town. Why is that? Also, I'm confused by the purpose of the envelopes.

ahh grasshopper I cannot release all info before the players find out my evil plans.

we've tried the 5-10sec stun it's rather short. (many many test zombie skirmishes) 20sec is ok. 15sec well meh. specially if your going to do a full game instead of a short skirmish battle. Remember those stuns are almost heavenly to the zombies..they get a chance to stop and catch their breath.

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 08:42   #8
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I'm too lazy too read on lol Miniumum Required: Your time to plan, organize, go through rules.. lots of coffee.. there after, your imagination and creativity... if you can't get props or work with anything this would come in -very- handy.. there after, good group of players.. full face masks.. - good 'story line' so it's not just 'ahh zombies kill em! die die die!' although that's fun...
Otherwise think of a zombie outbreak situation, classic small town, or biohazard project gone awry, what kind of zombies do you want running around? Those that can adapt? Those that amble around? Total brain thirsty freakazoids? - There after on game day, be willing to play Host, realise you might not get too much game play in, like Z said, but if you want to play, make sure you have a few bitc--er 'helpers' around incase problems do happen or just to make sure the rules you put in place are being followed.
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 09:22   #9
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Having enjoyed overnight games in the past, I commend the midnight movie break to you. It helps sets the atmosphere, gets everyone together for a few laughs, and gives you a chance to eat etc.

It also helps to have crazy sponsors who will help make the event a success. :roll:

When the elephants fight, it is bad for the grass. When the elephants make love, it is also bad for the grass.
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 09:56   #10
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Originally Posted by Lawdog View Post
Having enjoyed overnight games in the past, I commend the midnight movie break to you. It helps sets the atmosphere, gets everyone together for a few laughs, and gives you a chance to eat etc.

It also helps to have crazy sponsors who will help make the event a success. :roll:

Yup sponsors help too

A midnight showing of your favorite scary related movie to the game helps for the fun and atmosphere.

mental note.. CG can't go near the computer after she finishes her first coffee as she hasn't come down from her high yet

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 10:01   #11
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Originally Posted by Lawdog View Post
Having enjoyed overnight games in the past, I commend the midnight movie break to you. It helps sets the atmosphere, gets everyone together for a few laughs, and gives you a chance to eat etc.

It also helps to have crazy sponsors who will help make the event a success. :roll:

Hmm, the movie idea does sound like a good idea - it'd have to be a zombie movie though.

One thing I'm considering for game-day is a raffle for survivors. Surviving Civilians would get the best prize (because to the difficulty do to few weapons etc), Soldiers the next best etc etc. The purpose of the raffle is to encourage civilians to stay civilians, rather than join the Feds or Corporates.

However if I were to do that, i don't think I could rotate the zombies and still have a fair chance for everyone. (I could always put all the prizes into just the main raffle).

I've also got a bunch of ideas:

-One channel on the radios could be a news station, with "regular updates" on how other cities are faring, any chances of backup etc.

-Scripted Scenes, involving myself (or not) and a couple other players, to get the ball rolling on Zombie infestation.

-Fake news broadcasts on a little TV in the town area...


For planning the dates, I'm also looking at the lunar calendar. Other than lights we'll be setting up around the structures, I'd like it to be near-pitch black. Objectives will require people to move from one set of structures to another, and these would be the most dangerous times.
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 10:20   #12
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Originally Posted by Cushak View Post

For planning the dates, I'm also looking at the lunar calendar. Other than lights we'll be setting up around the structures, I'd like it to be near-pitch black. Objectives will require people to move from one set of structures to another, and these would be the most dangerous times.
Zombie based movie of course!

don't over script things I have some minor scripting and even then I have conflicting opinions from one my minions on why such and such has to do this instead of doing what they want at the start of the game.

The radio might not be all that great and you'll probably want left open for normal/emergency comms.

now the TV idea is a good one.. you can get video broadcasters from radioshack (or whatever the hell it's called these days).

Raffle the prizes to everyone. The zombie role is probably the toughest btw.

finally all the games have been based for the lunar calender. 2/3->3/4 moon. gives us light but not too much. but keep in mind you get a cloudy/overcast/rainy night well no moon

so check your almenac or whatever for weather conditions in the area on that date for the last few years..will give you an idea of what to expect.

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 11:39   #13
The Saint
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My suggestion would be that the best (and/or dedicated) zombies should get the best prizes. Surviving all night as a civilian is tough, yes, but like Zeon said it's even tougher to find people who are willing to be great zombies for the entire event. That should be rewarded if all possible, if only to create incentives for more said zombies.

Take a vote on the whether to do a midnight movie and which movie, especially if you're doing it with a small group of people and the vote can be do easily. I personally got really stiff hanging around watching a movie, and so did others.
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 12:00   #14
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Sounds like fun and weekend except the October 13th of course.
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 12:08   #15
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Originally Posted by Krusty View Post
Sounds like fun and weekend except the October 13th of course.
looking at the 20th

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.
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