Originally Posted by Ronan
Am i not better off with a sniper scope and one of those on top?
If you're gonna be "Sniping" You'll need more than a 350 gun... My old M16VN BBhose shot that hard..
As for the optics on top of the scope.. If some one's THAT close to you that you need to switch up to a RDS... You probobly shouldn't be taking the shot with your sniper rifle (Minimum engagement ranges for snipers).. That's when you'd pull out the pistol.
That whole scope/RDS thing is basically just a "OOH THATS TACTICOOL!!111!!"
I'm a designated marksman, and I use plain 'ol peep sights.
Originally Posted by Ronan
So i'll go with a 3-9x50mm or 3-12x50mm from a good brand then  Probably with a Bushnell since thats what you use and got good review for it 
I've found that 3X is the maximum for scopes when it comes to airsoft... If you Could, I'd suggest a 1x-X scope, Because you'll be using the 1X feature a hell of alot more... especially if you're only shooting 350 with an AR varient.
You should see if some one'll let you try out one of their guns that's 3X- whatever first... Because There's a huge chance you will not like it.