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Old February 17th, 2006, 16:14   #16
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I doubt that I would be contacted since I have no real team affiliations but thanks for the heads up Rob.
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Old February 17th, 2006, 16:15   #17
Brian McIlmoyle
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Media...and no comment

A statment of No Comment is translated as "more to the story" by any journalist.

It is situations like this where information is being "hunted" that someone intelligent should step up to speak to the media.

They will get their story.. it is what they are paid to do.

and push come to shove it is better to have some control over that story than none.

If the community all close the blast doors and skuttle back to dark corners.. it is just a matter of time before someone shines a light in there.
What they don't need to find is some goob polishing his glock in his underware.

Granted.. in most cases journalists write the story then start looking for "facts" and there is difficulty in presenting this activity in a light that would make it wholesome to the casual observer, but it is not impossible to do so.

Situations like this where a united front and a set media policy, and a designated spokesperson for the community would be helpful to cast this "sport" in a light that is positive.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


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Old February 17th, 2006, 16:19   #18
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Good heads-up. Thank you.
For my part, I would not show the media my real guns, let alone the airsoft ones, even if I have all kinds of permits and am 'old'.
Anyone from the media who ACTIVELY wants to know something makes all kinds of red flags go up in my mind.

Edit; I fully realize, as has been said, that it's only a matter of time until someone with a big mouth, big ego, and zero clues pipes up and shows them everything they know. That may include this website. Something to consider folks.
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Old February 17th, 2006, 16:22   #19
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Originally Posted by Scarecrow
BTW, the AE specifically mentioned going down to Pacific Mall to look for airsoft guns.
Didnt the RCMP already shut them all down in a raid like 1 year ago?
Independant Player Since October 2007
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Old February 17th, 2006, 16:26   #20
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I bet they will visit TTAC3 soon - google "airsoft" "Canada" and you will end up here, search Toronto and you will end up with "Splatters" and "TTAC3"... there is full schedule of events, locations and people...
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Old February 17th, 2006, 16:34   #21
a.k.a. Silent Souljah
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Originally Posted by ThePUNISHER
Originally Posted by Scarecrow
BTW, the AE specifically mentioned going down to Pacific Mall to look for airsoft guns.
Didnt the RCMP already shut them all down in a raid like 1 year ago?
As far as I know, that shop still exists behind all the gas R/C and model cars they have, and they still do carry parts and accessories and I believe some aegs as well
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Old February 17th, 2006, 16:35   #22
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
Edit; I fully realize, as has been said, that it's only a matter of time until someone with a big mouth, big ego, and zero clues pipes up and shows them everything they know. That may include this website. Something to consider folks.

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Old February 17th, 2006, 16:43   #23
aZn_triXta07's Avatar
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pmall lol...they jus don't keep them on display now..besides, they just busted pmall, first markham, nd oriental centre for selling illegal DVDs but the business is up and running once more can't stop us chinese folks lmao
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Old February 17th, 2006, 16:49   #24
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07
pmall lol...they jus don't keep them on display now..besides, they just busted pmall, first markham, nd oriental centre for selling illegal DVDs but the business is up and running once more can't stop us chinese folks lmao
Not only is it up, the now have at LEAST 4-5 stores in the mall dedicated to selling copied DVDs.

I feel ashamed that I am of chinese descent.
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Old February 17th, 2006, 16:54   #25
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Its a damn conspircay. My father recently got his pal after his fire arms were licensed under the old fac. He isnt grandfathered even though they were registered over 30 years ago because he didnt register them on 2003. How many times does it need to be done! Now he needs to get a barrell that is half an inch longer which doesnt make me feel any safer if its pointed at me!!!! Guns=bad? Many women wear high heels, and so do hookers. Does that mean that they are hookers? Were not criminals, but political strategy is political strategy so we just gota ride it out.
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Old February 17th, 2006, 17:20   #26
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Originally Posted by mouse
Its a damn conspircay. My father recently got his pal after his fire arms were licensed under the old fac. He isnt grandfathered even though they were registered over 30 years ago because he didnt register them on 2003. How many times does it need to be done! Now he needs to get a barrell that is half an inch longer which doesnt make me feel any safer if its pointed at me!!!! Guns=bad? Many women wear high heels, and so do hookers. Does that mean that they are hookers? Were not criminals, but political strategy is political strategy so we just gota ride it out.
My dad's in the same boat. The guns, not the heels. I think that Jay has already pointed out that he once did an interview with City-TV and they completely misquoted him. I think Jay is a well spoken and articulate person. They can edit the story to read any way that they want. Would anyone here like to be known as the person who ended it all for airsoft because they had good intentions but the media spun an interview their way. As Rob said, this is not a "The sky is falling thread". It's just a heads up to the community.
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Old February 17th, 2006, 17:33   #27
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Heh, in guessed what Morb was going to say from the first paragraph. Also I strongly agree. Its the media, what do you expect?

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Old February 17th, 2006, 17:57   #28
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
A statment of No Comment is translated as "more to the story" by any journalist.

It is situations like this where information is being "hunted" that someone intelligent should step up to speak to the media.

They will get their story.. it is what they are paid to do.

and push come to shove it is better to have some control over that story than none.

If the community all close the blast doors and skuttle back to dark corners.. it is just a matter of time before someone shines a light in there.
What they don't need to find is some goob polishing his glock in his underware.

Granted.. in most cases journalists write the story then start looking for "facts" and there is difficulty in presenting this activity in a light that would make it wholesome to the casual observer, but it is not impossible to do so.

Situations like this where a united front and a set media policy, and a designated spokesperson for the community would be helpful to cast this "sport" in a light that is positive.
Who ever does decide to speak doesn't necessarly speak on my behalf (and I'm willing to wager there are others out there that do think this way as well).... If you are approached and an interview requested, just remember this: Who the hell died and elected "you" king of airsoft? (I mean "you" as a generalization to the public and not directaly at you Brian; no offence meant) What gives 'you" the right to speak for the others? I don't have to agree with "you" cause we're all entitled to our own opinion.

True that it's best to have some control over this rather than none at all, but who would you trust to handle this situation? If we had a person who is knowledgeable about the ins and out of this taboo sport and the confidence of majority of the players out there (a mod or greylocks himself???.. just remember to play nice and not flame the reporters okay?) to let this individual represent then fine, by all means represent us and tell the truth. But keep in mind, as Scarecrow stated, they have the final word in editing and the telling of the story. We could be truthfull and honest but it doesn't matter how correct everything is when you tell it cause if they want to make it sound like we're a bunch of psychos running around dressed up as GI Joe weilding guns that is what the general consensus....... remember we're all just a bunch of sheeps.

But the thing is we don't have a representative to deal with this. Not to mention everybody in their own minds will have their own spin on the topic. Hell half the time we can't even agree to disagree on some of the threads out there. So who has the right to represent any of us with their views and present them to the media? I'd dare say no one....

So untill there is a poll or a vote to say "Joe Blow" speaks for the community I'd appreciate some of the more opinnionated ones out there to obstain from voicing their views as a general view, cause you definately don't speak for everyone! This is why it's better to keep things in the dark.... But if you do decide to enlighten the world with your views without our consent please place a disclaimer that you do not speak for me.... (and me specifically!!!!

My $1.99 on the topic.
(> <) Joinning the cause.....

Originally Posted by harleyb
Who wants a Chinese pickle?
Yuxi: Yo...count me in. Viet pickles are great too!

Manmaries: Dude a chinese pickle is when you get a blowjob from a girl while she's taking a shit. Yuxi you kinky white supremascist you!
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Old February 17th, 2006, 18:00   #29
Raw Deal
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Looks like this very informative constructive thread JUST began it's downward spiral.
Gary Paul Johnston: on selecting a new MEU (SOC) 1911 pistol-Whatever happens,there's no doubt that a "few good men" will once again carry the finest combat pistol in the world and we can only pray that a lot of bad men will regret it.

Coyote tan is the new black...
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Old February 17th, 2006, 18:40   #30
Looking for form T-whatev
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Well I for one know I'd rather not talk with the media, I've seen how they can make you say what they want you to say, they're as bad if not worse than lawyers. The 5th estate is no longer noble, they don't whistle blow on things because they are reporting wrong doings, they whistle blow because they want to sell papers/advertising/yadda yadda...

How ever if you are approached, like Jay says, they will quote you out of context. You say that you play the sport to live out harmless fantasy's you'll be portrayed as a blood thirsty antisocial demon. It's been a long time since cops and robbers was acceptable, and an even longer time since cowboys and indians was allowable and allied vs terrorist err freedom fighter just isn't polliticaly correct.
If you mention that playing the sport to relieve stress and you'll be shown as some one who is one frayed nerve from going postal at any moment.
Tell the media how you have to be verified to buy a gun and the age verifiers will be depicted in a bad light.
Mention how it's 18 and over (except it's not, select minors get to play) then they'll say kids have no where to play but the streets.

You're better off with a tactic of avoidance. Some one phones you, tell them you're not there, just like a telemarketer. You can not save airsoft talking to these people, as it's been said before, no matter what you say, the story's been written you've already been judged and you're guilty. You can't fight the press in their court with their ball. While we are not as bad with the fearmongering as the USA we certainly are headed that way. The press is more likely to look at an airsoft team (insert your favourite highly organised team here) and say they're paramilitaries training to overthrow the government then compare them to a bowling team of buddies who like to joke around have a few beers and be armchair experts on everything.
Nothing to see here
May you live in interesting times.
ASCMART, your smart choice
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