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The price of used stuff!



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Old February 15th, 2006, 11:24   #31
Join Date: Jan 2005
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To me, and this is just me speaking, internal upgrades don't add any value to the gun.
1: No longer stock/virgin.
2: Will break sooner.
3: Nothing fubars a gun faster then upgrades done by someone who didn't know what they were doing.

Buying a gun with upgrades is a risk.

I have seen many guns for sale like the following:

TM M16
PDI 170%

and thats it. That thing will break down the road guaranteed.

I had one case where I bought an upgraded G36, it worked like shit. The guy said it worked fine. Really? No.
I have bought 6 different aegs over the past year and all of them, excluding the G36, were stock and worked great.

As to the value of the guns. Supply and demand. If all the guns were priced at 50% of original value, the for sale section would be emtpy.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 12:20   #32
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Originally Posted by dynomite69
Ok but this isn't the late nintys is it. It is not difficult to get these items any more. There are roughly 14 dealers on this very site listed in the Canadian retailers that a person can purchase from without being verified. I just think that if I bought something new it's automaticaly fifty bucks less and if I have used it a bunch o times it's another fifty less. Perhaps I upgrade it and now its 100 bucks more but I use it for a year and it is a hundred bucks less due to wear and tear. So I sell it to a buyer at that price. They inturn use it for a time and decide to sell it for less than the price they bought it at. It just keeps on losing value doesn't it. In the end it's your decision to buy or sell at whatever price you like I just thought I'd find out the reasoning behind it. So far I guess it's just because it's a sellers market and you might as well buy new just to make sure there are no problems and head aches that can't be rectified.

Just my oppinion. MUch like an ass hole evey one has one.

What if they originally bought it at an inflated price? It would seem fair to them to charge the inflated price minus a few bucks. Whether or not it sells is another issue, but it probably seems fair to them.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 13:38   #33
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That's like saying it's fair to sell stocks and bonds at a higher price, because you bought them when their value was higher. I think anyways.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 13:40   #34
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That is what happens...
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Old February 15th, 2006, 13:48   #35
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Some people need to stop using the FS forum. Fine, some stuff *is* worth itself. But so far, I've seen this week a dysfunctional *beginner* AEG, selling for the same price as a new one from a certain supplier in BC, as well as a ***replica*** pouch, with an asking price double what you can get a real-deal pouch for almost half the cost.

If you're serious about selling it, post a serious price then. Please. If you want to charge for the upgrades in the gun, fine. But don't keep bumping a thread over and over wondering why no one's being suckered in.

Hence forth, I always note a "PM sent" in the original thread, if anyone has any comments they'd like to send to me personally.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old February 15th, 2006, 13:59   #36
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There is a simple solution to this issue: If it's over priced... don't buy it.
It amazes me a thread about this can run 3 pages. The reason prices seem inflated is because people are paying it. It's like Ebay, the damn prices keep escalating... because retards like thowing away their money.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 14:21   #37
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Originally Posted by Sgt_Lynch
There is a simple solution to this issue: If it's over priced... don't buy it.
It amazes me a thread about this can run 3 pages. The reason prices seem inflated is because people are paying it. It's like Ebay, the damn prices keep escalating... because retards like thowing away their money.

Don't like the price, don't buy it. Nobody's forcing you to. So the only reason you have left for whining about it being too expensive is cuz you want it and you can't afford it, which is really though nuggies for you. If it's really overpriced, nobody will touch it and the price will drop. If someone DOES buy it, you maybe need to perform a reality check about the price of airsoft, new or used.

Originally Posted by Skruface
I remember back in the late 90's when I started playing, a *new* TM M16A2 was almost $700, plus shipping. Nobody bitched about prices, because there were hardly any guns to be found in-country. Some of you n00bs have no idea how good you have it today.....
Man I'm happy I'm not the only one who remembers this.

Originally Posted by jerryliang2k
- $10 for being used
- $30 for being fielded a few times
How are those different?

That just sounds like random excuses to try and get cheap stuff. Maybe people need to spend less time griping on dboards and more time getting a job.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 14:25   #38
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Originally Posted by Sgt_Lynch
There is a simple solution to this issue: If it's over priced... don't buy it.
It amazes me a thread about this can run 3 pages. The reason prices seem inflated is because people are paying it. It's like Ebay, the damn prices keep escalating... because retards like thowing away their money.

I agree that some prices not only for guns but some gear is on the high side sometimes. I do get the urge to send a seller a link of it brand new for less, but I don't.

I agree with Lynch - if you see something listed and its priced wrong DON'T BUY IT! If you are in the market for an item - ignore the post and buy it from someone else - but if your just cruising through the FS ads and see something priced high a.) Relax b.) Slowly move your mouse and click the back button.

People try to absorb the cost of the gun that they're selling. i.e. adding internals may not be of interest to the buyer - but it sure as hell was to the seller when he dumped cash in to it. (it also is forgotten that some people cant make these upgrades themselves and pay someone to do it)

A bit of a ramble - but Lynch is right!
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Old February 15th, 2006, 14:26   #39
Brian McIlmoyle
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open market

The buy sell forums just like ebay is an open market... prices are driven by what people will pay.
and in my opinion people will pay too much in their zeal to get what they want without having to wait too long.

It is pointless to complain about the price... other than with a decision not to buy.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old February 15th, 2006, 14:54   #40
Scotty aka harleyb
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In terms of parts, I think there's a very good reason why someone can charge more for a C-mag than what it would cost to bring it in from WGC... it's because it's here now, and you don't have to wait a month for it. That alone is extremely significant. The seller is also selling convenience; if you don't need that convenience, don't pay for it, order it from WGC or something.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 15:53   #41
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It's simple. If the prices are too high people will not pay it. If the prices are reasonable then people will pay it. If you are concerned about the price don't buy it. Very simple.
Originally Posted by Fantastix
if i could get some hours here i would suck less
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Old February 15th, 2006, 16:58   #42
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Too many people think it's they're right to be entitled to a the cheapest price possible, and then get offended when they're told the buyer won't go lower. What I like about the ASC Buy + Sell is it's free market economy at it's finest. If you don't like the value a seller places on an item, buy the item elsewhere.

This thread smells like communism to me.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
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Old February 15th, 2006, 18:22   #43
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Originally Posted by dynomite69
Ok but this isn't the late nintys is it. It is not difficult to get these items any more. There are roughly 14 dealers on this very site listed in the Canadian retailers that a person can purchase from without being verified. I just think that if I bought something new it's automaticaly fifty bucks less and if I have used it a bunch o times it's another fifty less. Perhaps I upgrade it and now its 100 bucks more but I use it for a year and it is a hundred bucks less due to wear and tear. So I sell it to a buyer at that price. They inturn use it for a time and decide to sell it for less than the price they bought it at. It just keeps on losing value doesn't it. In the end it's your decision to buy or sell at whatever price you like I just thought I'd find out the reasoning behind it. So far I guess it's just because it's a sellers market and you might as well buy new just to make sure there are no problems and head aches that can't be rectified.

Just my oppinion. MUch like an ass hole evey one has one.

Airsoft guns aren't Nikey shoes. Wear and Tear as you call it, efect a mechbox VERY differently based on how it was maintained. Example, M4 that was used in a sandy environment and never striped down, Vs M4 that was used in a clean environment and re-lubed every 100 000 rounds. Obviously the internals onthe sandy M4 will be much more fucked than the clean M4 will it not?
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

My Buy/Sell 1337ness rating
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Old February 15th, 2006, 19:05   #44
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All you gotta do is keep an eye out and know a bargain when you see one. I personally put low price tags on the stuff that I sell. This is because I want to sell it sooner. However, even with great prices people seem to haggle me greedily - one time even in a face-to-face deal. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the seller has paid for this gun and is most likely selling it at a loss. They shouldn't feel obliged to just pawn it off for 60% of what a new one would cost, especially if the gun is in good repair.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 19:41   #45
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Canadians in general have lost the fine art of "haggling". Some people put a slightly inflated price on things because they expect to haggle with the prospective buyer. Some people do it because they want to get thier money back out of an item they've bought.

We live in a culture of franchises and have become very complacient paying the price we see on the tag. This is unheard of in a lot of other cultures. I rarely buy an item in Chinatown for the price on the tag. I can usually always get a better price or the taxes dropped. A lot of people deal this way. I watched my stepfather try and get some kid working at McDonald's to throw in some 'nuggets for free with his 'Extra Value Meal No.5' because he thought it would be a fair deal. (Ya, try growing up with my family)

Anyway, my point is...if I ever had one....have sex in a hot tub at least once in your life. Also, everyone is out to try and get a good deal. Don't get your panties in a bunch if you think they're trying to lowball you. Embrace the art of haggling, it's fun. Unless they offer you a really stupid figure. Then just tell them to fuck off.

My 1 cent.....................I'm not giving you two. What, do you think I'm made of money?
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