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Old January 16th, 2006, 14:09   #16
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im surprised nobody bothered to mention this yet...

if youre a very casual player and dont want to spend a lot of money... just try to get to a local game - some players have more than one aeg which they might be willing to loan/rent.

also, we always need fresh meat for the grinder - well, as long as you draw fire away anyways...
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Old January 16th, 2006, 14:26   #17
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Location: Scarborough
HAHAHahahaha, when shit hit's the fan, you're pinned and horribly outnumbered. Use the new guy as a distraction and flank 'em

worst comes to worst and they overrun you, put a few in his knee...that way you've only got to outrun him
"Now son. Anyone comes throught that door, You put two in their chest and one in their head for me....Alright?"
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Old January 16th, 2006, 14:30   #18
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yup, its the airsoft version of basic training - 1st day its always the hardest, if you come back to a second game, you'll be allright.

we've all been the new guy once.
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Old January 16th, 2006, 15:23   #19
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Originally Posted by CannonFodder
HAHAHahahaha, when shit hit's the fan, you're pinned and horribly outnumbered. Use the new guy as a distraction and flank 'em
Reminds me of a couple games I played early on, like my 3 and fourth games, doing the short elimination games through the Foxden's haybails. Ringmaster hates running, so what he'd do is pair up with me, say "Ok, there's a guy behind that bail/tree/brush over there, I'll hose that area to keep him in place, you run up and shoot him!" So we worked that way, and it was great! And I still use that technique to this day, get teammates to pin the guy down, I run and flank him, POP! and move on for more.
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Old January 16th, 2006, 21:19   #20
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Alberta
Thank you for the advice, I honestly didn't know how bad the spring guns were. I'll start looking into finding a cheap (I'm still not willing to make too big of an investment) gun for starters, and I'll try to find a field around here.
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Old January 25th, 2006, 12:21   #21
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Location: Scarborough
everyone always rides those crappy CT guns, sure..they suck but they're what got me into the sport. I glanced at the sporting good section of Wal-Mart and saw that infamous crappy orange handled clear springer and had to have it... shortly after I discovered the wild world of airsoft, been addicted ever since. but, I certainly don't miss that gun. P.O.S. crapped out at around the 3000 bb mark so I gave it to a buddy, I think he uses it as a pipe
"Now son. Anyone comes throught that door, You put two in their chest and one in their head for me....Alright?"
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Old January 25th, 2006, 12:24   #22
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the old "fix and flank" never fails. unless of course the fixer runs dry and the enemy sees you flanking 'em then you're in for a hella suprise as that perfect attack turns into a wall of bbs.....but that doesn't happen THAT often
"Now son. Anyone comes throught that door, You put two in their chest and one in their head for me....Alright?"
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Old January 25th, 2006, 12:25   #23
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Originally Posted by Arvara
Thank you for the advice, I honestly didn't know how bad the spring guns were. I'll start looking into finding a cheap (I'm still not willing to make too big of an investment) gun for starters, and I'll try to find a field around here.

You could try the UTG series, they make an alright Mp5 that I can vouch for, and an AK too. but, I never tried it

And some shotties if I read right
"Now son. Anyone comes throught that door, You put two in their chest and one in their head for me....Alright?"
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Old January 25th, 2006, 12:27   #24
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Moose Jaw, SK
The CT guns aren't half bad. The gun in my picture, like he said, kicked the bucket at around 3000 but my CT went to about 12k before I broke it because of dry firing and using it as a baseball.

And yeah, the UTG is great for the price.... Get it from BCAS like I did!
Only $200 + 20 shipping = UTG MP5 and the stuff with it (bat, charger, etc) and a FREE bag of Excel BBs!
Even with the Wal-Mart gun... I DID get a kill or two... to the springer story!

I was behind a shed of some sort at the beginning of the game... when it started I peaked out and raised my rifle to shoot...
The battery went bad again, I decocked it (ICS) and tried again, it would not turn over. I set the gun against a tree and take out a clear springer, the Walmart kind, then I look out again... I see the guy I was shooting at was hit.
I slowly peak out from behind the shed and see the remaining guy left, with a TM AK behind a tree not far away, I was in his sites.
After going around the shed to try and find a good place, I see a small plastic box type thing, maybe a breaker box... it was about 3 feet tall and 2.5 feet wide... but it was between the him and me.
I slowly crept towards it, knowing well that he knew where I was.
Ping Ping! Shots bounced off the shed and I ducked my head, moving slowly towards it, then as I come nearer... he moves to the left and I move to the right to again block his shot. Then as I approch the box it shakes and I hit the ground as a rain of fire falls apon it.
It stopped, I popped my head up and shot, he was no more than 25 feet from me, I missed. I ducked down again after shots rang out.
It stopped again and I stuck my gun up, 'Pop!'

He called his hit and I stood... I had beaten him... though I was using a Walmart springer and only had 5 shots, I took two and hit him... he was standing there shocked, as was the other that had went down before. He had an TM AEG, I a Daisy springer, the bastard child of Crosman, yet I had won....
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Old January 25th, 2006, 12:31   #25
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Scarborough
I think I still have a pair of the crappy dual EBBs you can get at Wal-Mart, I think they're painted black though... maybe I'll stow 'em in my holsters and bring them out during a game..see what happens doesn't hurt to try right?
"Now son. Anyone comes throught that door, You put two in their chest and one in their head for me....Alright?"
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Old January 25th, 2006, 12:35   #26
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Moose Jaw, SK
Er... You may get laughed at...
Best to bring a real AEG for backup...

The springer was actually just for laughs... but it ended up serving me well when my home made battery crapped out, teaches me to be cheap.

Anyway, short story short, bought a GP battery from WGC and a BB Bastard NPT charger.
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Old January 25th, 2006, 12:37   #27
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Scarborough
nah, I've got an AEG as primary, was thinking the grappy EBB as backup till I manage to get a nicer GBB.thinking Glock

I hate those stupid banana mag things though
"Now son. Anyone comes throught that door, You put two in their chest and one in their head for me....Alright?"
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Old January 25th, 2006, 12:50   #28
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Not the springer story again... :banghead:

Originally Posted by Kid
The CT guns aren't half bad. The gun in my picture, like he said, kicked the bucket at around 3000 but my CT went to about 12k before I broke it because of dry firing and using it as a baseball.

And yeah, the UTG is great for the price.... Get it from BCAS like I did!
Only $200 + 20 shipping = UTG MP5 and the stuff with it (bat, charger, etc) and a FREE bag of Excel BBs!
Even with the Wal-Mart gun... I DID get a kill or two... to the springer story!

I was behind a shed of some sort at the beginning of the game... when it started I peaked out and raised my rifle to shoot...
The battery went bad again, I decocked it (ICS) and tried again, it would not turn over. I set the gun against a tree and take out a clear springer, the Walmart kind, then I look out again... I see the guy I was shooting at was hit.
I slowly peak out from behind the shed and see the remaining guy left, with a TM AK behind a tree not far away, I was in his sites.
After going around the shed to try and find a good place, I see a small plastic box type thing, maybe a breaker box... it was about 3 feet tall and 2.5 feet wide... but it was between the him and me.
I slowly crept towards it, knowing well that he knew where I was.
Ping Ping! Shots bounced off the shed and I ducked my head, moving slowly towards it, then as I come nearer... he moves to the left and I move to the right to again block his shot. Then as I approch the box it shakes and I hit the ground as a rain of fire falls apon it.
It stopped, I popped my head up and shot, he was no more than 25 feet from me, I missed. I ducked down again after shots rang out.
It stopped again and I stuck my gun up, 'Pop!'

He called his hit and I stood... I had beaten him... though I was using a Walmart springer and only had 5 shots, I took two and hit him... he was standing there shocked, as was the other that had went down before. He had an TM AEG, I a Daisy springer, the bastard child of Crosman, yet I had won....
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Old January 25th, 2006, 12:59   #29
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Scarborough
love the firing tests on your website Sam

It makes me all warm inside hearing it fire even when it's not in my hands
"Now son. Anyone comes throught that door, You put two in their chest and one in their head for me....Alright?"
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Old January 25th, 2006, 13:03   #30
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Moose Jaw, SK
Originally Posted by sam0182
Not the springer story again... :banghead:


Hey, what can I say? I'm proud of that moment. ;-)
Anyway... Buy from Sam! The UTG is great and the deal he's got.... now that my friends is AMAZING.

Anyway... I'll get you that review I promiced ASAP! Just one more exam tomorrow and I'm set. So I will have it up either tomorrow night or Friday morning... Hopefully with some pictures, to show I ain't lying.

Hope you'll get enough time off from the microwave factory to ship out the hundreds of millions of orders it gives you... (I'm kidding all yous, Sam'll ship ASAP, even if he has to hire a hobo to hold his job at the microwave factory while he gets to the Post Office)

Did I mention the service? I said Canadian Airsoft was great when I reviewed them... Sam has TRULY AMAZING service and is a great guy to talk to.

(No, this is not the review, how could it be? I promiced all the sugar on top and in the review section - with it's own thread! Whoop!)
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