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TM M1A1 Thompson vs TM M14 vs TM AK47


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Old December 14th, 2005, 13:41   #16
DuffMan's Avatar
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If the M14 is setting you off because it's too long, you could get the SOPMOD version with collapsable stock, or modify it.

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Old December 14th, 2005, 14:00   #17
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it upseted me because of the GB...
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Old December 14th, 2005, 14:58   #18
Hortons Heros
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Thompson is a great gun, very accurate and the internals are very reliable. It is upgradeable (check the upgrade section for 007) but not as easily as the V3 the the AK has.

Tommy mags are expensive and low caps are hard to find, but the high caps are easy to find and work great. Star makes AK mags that are $100 for 10 30rounders and they are easy to find. Remeber that you need to put these mags somewhere on you...AK mags and M1A1 mags are big. I had to buy a vest and add velcro extensions to put my 6 low and 1 high for Tom while the AK fits easier into more vests.

Your right about the shorter barrel length on tom( the cluster grows quite a bit at distances and the fps chronos at around 270 so no crazy long shots). While the AK does better long distance and has 10-20 more FPS.

Both the AK and the thompson don't easily take external mods like optics but it's easy to attach a rail to an M1A1 and the AK has parts you can buy.

The ROF is really nice on the AK compared to the Thompson.

I have a thompson but I would tell you to go with the AK. More common weapon that is easier to upgrade and find accesories to go with it. Have you thought about the AK Beta? More modern with the same internals, better for cqb then the the full AK and does the same as the tommy outdoor, comes with a midcap standard and lower rail and takes a large battery still.

I would also recomend to get verified and buy used if you are starting out. Most airsofters really look after their guns and you can save a couple hundred bucks easily in buying a package for around 400-600 dollars. Most packages have the gun , battery, 2-4 lows and a high (plus whatever extras there are), beats having one mag and a battery to start with.

have fun
age verifier for Prince George, Mackenzie, Quesnel, Fort st James and northren BC
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Old December 14th, 2005, 22:25   #19
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Oh i definitly want to get verified, my first thought was to buy second hand for my first aeg, its just finding the time with school.

I hadn't considered the Beta, and i thank you because it has that classic AK style, but with a bit of a tude. Its all black and what not, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

i've effectively ruled the M14 out and im gunna do a little more research on the appearent "awkwardness" of the m1a1 and go from there, thanks Horton.

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Old December 15th, 2005, 02:40   #20
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Kamloops
Originally Posted by Brimstone
As Nic_s mentioned, the M14 can be a bit on the awkward side... I would especially recommend not getting a silencer if you don't like carrying a 4'5" gun around...

i have been on the receiving end of that exact gun and it shoots very well. it is long and heavy, so if you are worried about smashing around on walls and tree's and such i suggest a shorter gun to start. everyone above is right about the ak's, they are a very solid gun and can take a beating. from what i have been told the ak spetsnaz is a good compact version, but you lose some power and range with it. i use the styer aug and p90 mostly and they are pretty solid. dont get me wrong though, the m14 is an awsome gun and will probably be my next purchase.

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Old December 15th, 2005, 06:14   #21
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I own 2 AK's, a regular model and a Spetz. The only difference is minor. The Spetz has a little shorter range. Power is the same.
The rest of the parts swap in a few seconds.
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