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Do buckings become more consistent after break in?


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Old December 12th, 2016, 16:47   #1
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Do buckings become more consistent after break in?

Weather it's an r hop or just a mound, there's lots of conflicting information on the Google machine.

Anyone care to clear this up?
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Old December 12th, 2016, 16:51   #2
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Yes, but what they're made of and how soft/hard they are will play a factor. The big thing is that they're setup properly to begin with. You BBs will eventually soften or wear a groove into the hop, so if it's mounted improperly (BBs flying left, right, etc) then it may not settle nicely. Your BBs should be flying pretty damn straight even before set in begins. But a properly set hop should be good right away as well in general. Depending on the hop material you could be looking at thousands and thousands of rounds before they settle down.
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Old December 12th, 2016, 16:56   #3
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Depends on the hop-up system really. A well installed r-hop should stay the same. For hop-up rubbers it depends on the type and brand. I find that harder rubbers have a longer break-in period, but that's my impressions and not science. I find that most of the time softer rubbers are good to go right out of the box.

My non-scientific hypothesis is that regular rubbers need some time to "sit in" properly. Once you are done installing them there is some "stress" left in them, especially when using a one piece hop-up chamber where you have to painstakingly push the rubbers in. They move around from shots and vibrations until they sit in a position where they stop moving. I find that AEG rubbers in one piece chambers take a lot longer to break in, versus VSR rubbers in two piece chambers, but that might just be the reason why VSR rubbers are considered superior to AEG rubbers anyway.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Last edited by Ricochet; December 12th, 2016 at 22:04..
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Old December 12th, 2016, 17:19   #4
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Excellent, that answers my question.

Bonus question. Would you say ir-hop tubing with a durability rating of 70A break in? This is harder than the 50A stuff. This is on a vsr with a fps of probably 480 ball park.

I'm already having excellent results. Some straying does exist still (I am only using .28 right now) can I expect it to get even better or is this relatively how it's going to be?
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Old December 12th, 2016, 21:30   #5
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A flat hop shouldn't really wear in, they usually just wear out
So if you Rhopped a gun, the performance you have now is the performance you'll likely have after 50,000 rounds.

If you're not getting enough hopup, then you'll have to use a softer patch.
If you're getting good performance, you got nothing to worry about!
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Old December 12th, 2016, 22:06   #6
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Quote of the year. "Lol". I might go get that on a t-shirt, or tattooed across my butt. "Lol".

Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
but that's my impressions and not science.
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Old December 12th, 2016, 22:17   #7
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Haha, go ahead, and we want pictures!

But its true, and I hate when people say that what they think is the truth. I'm pretty sure I'm right, but I could be wrong, and I haven't done a proper experiment to back my hypothesis.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old December 12th, 2016, 22:23   #8
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
A flat hop shouldn't really wear in, they usually just wear out
So if you Rhopped a gun, the performance you have now is the performance you'll likely have after 50,000 rounds.

If you're not getting enough hopup, then you'll have to use a softer patch.
If you're getting good performance, you got nothing to worry about!
I see how that's true for a flat hop cause the rubber is so thin, but I feel like an r hop is more like a mound?

Any how I'm having great success with it. I'd just like the 1/8 bbs that fly radically to no longer do that. I'm just hoping that consistency will be even greater with time.
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Old December 12th, 2016, 22:27   #9
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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That shouldn't be happening. Either your hop is crap or your BBs are.
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Old December 12th, 2016, 22:36   #10
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Actually the opposite is true.
The flat hop is more like a mound, the Rhop is a flat patch that's very close to being in its ideal hopup position.
The flat hop gets deformed from the barrel's outer diameter down into the inside diameter of the barrel.
For some reason the hop rubbers tend to be softer? Or maybe just lower abrasion resistance than the Rhop patches. But I find flat hops tend to wear out faster.

I've found in my own personal experience that the only time you really have any sort of "break in" period on a hop rubber is when it wasn't installed properly.
Like all my ptw hop mods, they all shoot pie plates at 260ft from the day they're installed until the day they wear out.
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Old December 12th, 2016, 23:46   #11
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
That shouldn't be happening. Either your hop is crap or your BBs are.
Using valken .28 right now and they only go kinda wack after around 150 feet so I dunno yet.

I've been pretty impressed so far but it's still my first r hop so I'll have to compare.
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Old December 13th, 2016, 00:08   #12
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valken .28s... there's your problem.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old December 13th, 2016, 01:01   #13
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
valken .28s... there's your problem.
Could you recommend a brand and where to get them?

I'm leaning towards .36
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Old December 13th, 2016, 11:25   #14
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madbull PLA .28s
Or green devil .30s

There's no such thing as an actual bio BB above .30/.32
They'll be labelled "bio", but that's about as trustworthy as a KIA off warranty.
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Old December 13th, 2016, 14:29   #15
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Elite Force 0.32g are easy to get.

Valken BBs are terrible, so start with changing that. If you're still experiencing a hop problem, then your hop is installed wrong or something.
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