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Realistic Pricing of AEGs


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Old July 10th, 2015, 13:47   #61
Cobalt Caliber
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VFC (CA,G&P, TM, quality brand AEG, im just using M4 brands) Well upgraded by a REALLY GOOD WELL KNOWN gun doc. With the parts listed. I swear to god.

Upgraded? What did you upgrade? Did you just add a tight bore? I swear to god. Adding a tight bore is like adding a fart can exhaust to your honda.

Lets set an example. If your shit is upgraded it should look like an EOD steve add.


*insert pictures here*

Promethous XXXmm barrel 6.03 (or whatever size)
Flat hop, R hop, moon hop(IDGAF) hop up
firefly hop up rubber
Seigetek gears
Raptorfet mosfet
m100 spring (shoots XXX FPS)
XXXXXXX piston
XXXXXXX spring guide
TM high torque motor
shimmed, aoe corrected

I see you take the time to tell that its actually been torn apart, rebuilt, replaced with quality shit. I'll look at it. (Recipts etc help, especially if your not a big name guy.) It might even add some value.

But just like when I drove my civic and some guy was like I'm selling my spoon style carbon fibre wing and Got no pics or nothing. I ain't interested in your fake shit.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old July 10th, 2015, 14:56   #62
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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My absolute favorite:
Selling echo1 DMR
4x scope
12" RIS
(Internals are all stock)

selling upgraded G&G DMR
509 madbull 6.03
SRC gen3 mechbox
M130 spring
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Old July 10th, 2015, 16:55   #63
willing to perform services in a dark alley that may or may not leave you satisfied for a title. GFE = 1, looks = 2, BBFS for an extra $50.
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Originally Posted by EOD Steve View Post
why do you think asians buy white cars?
I don't know why I was expecting a punchline after that :P
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Old July 10th, 2015, 17:23   #64
AV Removed, buyer beware.
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Don't like the prices for used stuff?

Don't buy used. Don't even shop used.
VFC HK416 - Ares G36c - Echo1 ST6
Tokyo Marui HK45 - WE Sig Sauer P226

(Ignore my warning, I`m awesome)
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Old July 15th, 2015, 15:45   #65
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I feel as though half of the guns listed in the classified are overpriced and this is reflected by the thread being bumped for weeks with no sale.

I also can't stand when people put " Price = BANANA " when I want to reference what an item was sold for.
Why do I keep seeing this when the rules state you need to keep the price it was sold for.
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Old July 15th, 2015, 16:25   #66
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Most people lie about what it sold for anyway, they don't want to admit how much of a hit they took on their "investment".

I sell all my stuff on consignment at an Airsoft store. Takes away flakes wasting time and the 15% commission is easily made up for in a retail setting and online advertising.

As for buying the only thing I buy is PTW's that have tackleberry motors and extra mags and batteries. For some reason these seem to be one of the few things reasonably priced and or can be negotiated to a decent price.

As for items being priced well I found there are 3 types of sellers. Need money fast (will take an offer that covers the need), want to money for something else (normally "ok" priced and not a lot of movement) and trying to make a profit off a purchase/getting out of a busted item (will bump until a sucker/newbie takes the bait).
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Old July 15th, 2015, 17:21   #67
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Originally Posted by BrendanL View Post
I feel as though half of the guns listed in the classified are overpriced and this is reflected by the thread being bumped for weeks with no sale.

I also can't stand when people put " Price = BANANA " when I want to reference what an item was sold for.
Why do I keep seeing this when the rules state you need to keep the price it was sold for.
They need to enforce it more, not enough mods these days. No warning/punishment = no care for most people
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Old July 15th, 2015, 23:53   #68
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Yes you have the sellers selling overpriced items.


One of the real problem IMO are fancy-ass buyers that doesn't buy used stuff because Mr.FancyPants is expecting a USED gun/pistol that's showroom condition without any visible wear or scratches on it. How many times have I stumbled across good priced guns and pistols that had a little issue easily fixable that makes it impossible to sell because of that ?

Notice how people are afraid of getting their hands dirty to fix their own goddamn guns these days ?

''Hammer is broken but shipping an extra one for replacement'' ...

1) DUDE fix your retarded gun before shipping it

2) DUDE fix your new used gun after receiving it to get used to the internal of said gun

Yeah I know, buying a gun from across the country by just looking at pictures isn't the best way to go, but hey welcome in airsoft buddy unless you buy a gun from a guy living 2 blocs away from you. At least you're not spending 10K on a car that you've only seen on the interwebs right ?

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Old July 16th, 2015, 15:33   #69
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Originally Posted by Aper View Post
Yes you have the sellers selling overpriced items.


One of the real problem IMO are fancy-ass buyers that doesn't buy used stuff because Mr.FancyPants is expecting a USED gun/pistol that's showroom condition without any visible wear or scratches on it. How many times have I stumbled across good priced guns and pistols that had a little issue easily fixable that makes it impossible to sell because of that ?

Notice how people are afraid of getting their hands dirty to fix their own goddamn guns these days ?

''Hammer is broken but shipping an extra one for replacement'' ...

1) DUDE fix your retarded gun before shipping it

2) DUDE fix your new used gun after receiving it to get used to the internal of said gun

Yeah I know, buying a gun from across the country by just looking at pictures isn't the best way to go, but hey welcome in airsoft buddy unless you buy a gun from a guy living 2 blocs away from you. At least you're not spending 10K on a car that you've only seen on the interwebs right ?
but it's a $5 part, from asia, with $20 shipping, and 3-4 week wait time!
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Old July 16th, 2015, 21:05   #70
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Originally Posted by Aper View Post

Notice how people are afraid of getting their hands dirty to fix their own goddamn guns these days ?

''Hammer is broken but shipping an extra one for replacement'' ...

1) DUDE fix your retarded gun before shipping it

2) DUDE fix your new used gun after receiving it to get used to the internal of said gun

I agree. I don't understand why people just don't fix their own guns. I was at TA once and the kid in front of me was trying to return his G36 after owning it for a week because the hex screw on the mag release came loose, and he thought it was defective.

I've only been playing since the beginning of this year, but coming from a background in RC the norm was that you fix and upgrade everything on your own; that should be the expectation in any hobby IMO.

At the end of the day though the last thing you want is to get a: "selling my only-gamed-once rifle" for a decent price only to realize some serious parts needed replacing, whether the seller was aware of problems or not. I recon the casual airsofter probably doesn't open their rifle very often. I'd always assume a used guns is going to need at least a few parts replaced, thus I factor that in to the selling cost. So put another $40 on top to account for things like changing connectors, missing pins, replacing a spring, chipped piston etc...

Even if a seller is honest and thinks their gun is mint there are a lot of small things that could be off about a gun.

Last edited by AnthonyG; July 16th, 2015 at 21:18..
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Old July 16th, 2015, 22:39   #71
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Originally Posted by AnthonyG View Post
Even if a seller is honest and thinks their gun is mint there are a lot of small things that could be off about a gun.
This is why I switched to GBBRs. A part is fucked ? You know which one it is right away. No weeks of scratching heads sorting an unknown firing problem.

If it's not the mag, it's something about the bolt carrier / chamber. If it's not that, then it's the trigger box malfunctioning. As simple (or almost as simple) as a real deal AR as for pinpointing gun issues.

Another fact, actually THE most important fact about GBBRs is that you can field strip and detail strip them in a matter of minutes, and this means cleaning and maintenance can be done more easily and more often that most AEG's out there that probably never been opened in months/years.

But now we're getting far away from the original thread so i'll just end this discussion here lol.

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Old July 17th, 2015, 14:04   #72
Zack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by Aper View Post
This is why I switched to GBBRs. A part is fucked ? You know which one it is right away. No weeks of scratching heads sorting an unknown firing problem.

If it's not the mag, it's something about the bolt carrier / chamber. If it's not that, then it's the trigger box malfunctioning. As simple (or almost as simple) as a real deal AR as for pinpointing gun issues.

Another fact, actually THE most important fact about GBBRs is that you can field strip and detail strip them in a matter of minutes, and this means cleaning and maintenance can be done more easily and more often that most AEG's out there that probably never been opened in months/years.

But now we're getting far away from the original thread so i'll just end this discussion here lol.
All moot points when temperature is below 20 degrees Celsius.
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Old July 17th, 2015, 16:34   #73
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I don't play airsoft in the winter anyways so it doesn't apply for me haha.

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Old July 17th, 2015, 17:10   #74
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Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper View Post
All moot points when temperature is below 20 degrees Celsius.
duster gas
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Old July 17th, 2015, 17:24   #75
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Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper View Post
All moot points when temperature is below 20 degrees Celsius.
GBBR in the summer, HPA in the winter!

Though don't really play in the winter either... but was a great excuse to get a HPA gun lol.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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