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Solution to reduce cheating at indoor games



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Old July 16th, 2013, 06:59   #16
Aper's Avatar
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Being a host, I would not even bother spending time and money on fucking cheaters.

You want a simpe solution ? Identify these players and ban them from your events.

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Old July 16th, 2013, 07:49   #17
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Helmet camera and tracer rounds maybe???
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Old July 16th, 2013, 08:32   #18
Cpt- Lovegrove
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switch to full auto and track your rounds till you hit something soft (under the arm or the back of the neck) if they still wont call it, have a word with game control
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Old July 16th, 2013, 09:18   #19
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I dunno, I kinda like the number idea, it's only indoor CQB afterall, not like it's milsim anyway lol
Most people have distinguishing features, but a lot of noobs don't, big numbers might be a good way to keep track of people. Maybe just armbands or whatever.
I like the idea of keeping track of complainers though, I've known more than a few players that swear up and down people are cheating and they see BBs bouncing off their target, but upon further inspection it turns out they can't even see their BBs and they're all falling 15ft short lol
And not to brand people, but the guys at XT know there are certain groups of people that are quite prone to cheating, so those groups usually play together and anyone else that wants to join in is given plenty of warning about it.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 09:52   #20
Join Date: Nov 2012

Please note that I specifically mentioned indoor CQB.
I did not say outdoors.

The friend I talked to went to Gibson on Sunday.
Apparently there were a group of players that were wearing very
similar looking uniforms.
If you are playing against a team of 20+ players all wearing very similar
stuff, it is indeed difficult to tell each apart. If you goto a venue with 30+ players and most don't know each other, pure honor system can be difficult. In small CQB venues with 10 people, I agree this is not necessary.

350fps with 1 thin shirt on, is not equivalent as wearing thick clothes and
shooting 500 fps. I prefer responsible playing, not injuring each other.

Again, I am fully aware that the last point is controversial.

Another point for you to ponder:
Have to noticed that bank tellers have a badge with their name when doing client facing work? Have to noticed that some police wear badge numbers on their uniforms?
Have to ever thought how this could affect their behavior?
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Old July 16th, 2013, 10:04   #21
Join Date: Nov 2012

Although the solution to turn full auto on and to shoot repeatedly seem to
work sometime, it does not always work. Apparently, it did not work past Sunday during the game.

I prefer not to waste ammo shooting full auto during an indoor game,
as I might be in a serious disadvantage when facing the next 2-3 players.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 10:15   #22
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by lifehacker00 View Post
Although the solution to turn full auto on and to shoot repeatedly seem to
work sometime, it does not always work. Apparently, it did not work past Sunday during the game.

I prefer not to waste ammo shooting full auto during an indoor game,
as I might be in a serious disadvantage when facing the next 2-3 players.
dumping a mag or two on full auto has always worked for us. works better when you do it with tracers and your buddies can join in. if it still doesn't get them to call their hits, we go in with 40mm's! people know better when the 40's come out

it's not wasting ammo if you let these clowns get away with it.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 10:25   #23
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I admire your wanting to thwart cheating but I just don't feel this is the direction we need to take this sport in. What we need is to just stop being friendly to those that are cheaters and force them out with the power of uncomfortableness (not a real word apparently)
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Old July 16th, 2013, 10:26   #24
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Originally Posted by lifehacker00 View Post
Please note that I specifically mentioned indoor CQB.
I did not say outdoors.
Sorry, my bad, allow me to bust out the MS-Paint once more with the same photos of people inside a building....
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Old July 16th, 2013, 10:47   #25
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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For me it depends where im playing but most of the fields i play at have zero tolerence. You cheat (not call hits, go full auto ect.)
You get the boot and are never ever welcome to play there again. How do i ID the player? I go right back to the same spot after i respawn find the fucker and put a hole in his face or neck. Oh and he will call that hit for sure.
I should note that i will put 2 or 3 shots center mass the seccond time roundad then deliver the face/neck shot after the blatant no call cor a seccond time cause hey he could have not felt the hit the first time around.
It should also be noted that i advise hosts and field owners of my practice befor i play if they advise me against it i respect their call. It is there field after all.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old July 16th, 2013, 11:03   #26
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Whats wrong with harassing stubborn targets with multiple rounds to soft tissue, while everyone else gets 1 or 2 in the legs or gear?

Wearing numbered flags makes the finger pointing easier, and if you allow accusations under the safety of anonymity it becomes an all too attractive excuse for whiny brats and their cohorts; a new problem has developed. As you get to know people, not numbers, you learn who needs the just the one-two; and who needs the three-four-five-six-seven-eight and nine.

When it comes to dishonorable pig-dogs; expect no quarter, and none shall be given. Tag them multiple times whenever possible and then move on; you've won. If they tag you, or you get roiled about their play style; you've lost.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 11:25   #27
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Ask your friend how many of those guys in multicam and helmets went home with holes in their faces (prety much all of em who werent wearing face pro.
Because that group was 1 known player on ASC and plus 19 we the staff has decided no more plus 1's this way it is easier to keep track of who is who and who gets banned. A few of them including their "leader" (i say it like that cause he is the guy who said me plus 19)
After that they played once more. Called their hits and packed up and left. If they come again they will all have to make ASC accounts so they can be held responsible for their actions. If they do cheat and are id'd they will be sent home.easiest thing to do is call yourself out. Grab your kill rag walk right up to the fucker and get a good look make sure you know who he is ask him his name. Dont touch him dont yell at him dont call him names and report it to GC ghe rest will be dont by them. Remember we as players and volunteers and hosts all want to have fun chasing cheaters and kicking folks out sucks just as badly for us as for the ones who know they hit someone who isnt calling hits.we all want honest respectfull players on the field cause hell when we get the time we like to pop on the field for a skirm or two as well.
Originally Posted by lifehacker00 View Post
Please note that I specifically mentioned indoor CQB.
I did not say outdoors.

The friend I talked to went to Gibson on Sunday.
Apparently there were a group of players that were wearing very
similar looking uniforms.
If you are playing against a team of 20+ players all wearing very similar
stuff, it is indeed difficult to tell each apart. If you goto a venue with 30+ players and most don't know each other, pure honor system can be difficult. In small CQB venues with 10 people, I agree this is not necessary.

350fps with 1 thin shirt on, is not equivalent as wearing thick clothes and
shooting 500 fps. I prefer responsible playing, not injuring each other.

Again, I am fully aware that the last point is controversial.

Another point for you to ponder:
Have to noticed that bank tellers have a badge with their name when doing client facing work? Have to noticed that some police wear badge numbers on their uniforms?
Have to ever thought how this could affect their behavior?
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old July 16th, 2013, 12:04   #28
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That looks like a tall glass of NOPE
“We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”
George Orwell
To those Rough men... Thank You.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 12:14   #29
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
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500fps isn't a solution. The logic isn't even sound. You assume the people who are cheating at 350fps are more resistant to pain, but will be somehow crippled at 500fps. It's just punishing everyone who calls it at 350fps.

And cheating isn't an excuse for being a dick. If they're blatantly not calling hits, then sure they deserve a few good face shots, but I'm not going to sink to that level, it's unsportsmanlike.
Some rulesets have this written, and for others it's an unwritten rule, that players will not intentionally aim for people's faces. It's common courtesy. Regardless of whether or not that person is being an ass, it's no excuse for you to be breaking rules either.
Now that being said, there are other, more sportsmanlike alternatives. The inner thighs usually hurt more and longer than face shots.

The one thing I've found has NEVER solved the problem, or ever helped the problem, is calling someone's hits for them. I've never seen a situation in which a player yelled at someone to call their hits, and that person called themselves out.

But it's completely different if you do it politely: "Hey, such and such, you've been hit man". It's happened to me, and I've nicely asked others to call it, and guess what? Works every time. No hard feelings, no resentment.

If we're talking about deterrents, having visible embedded admins at claybank worked great. If we got calls around an area, one of us would go there and all of a sudden no more complaints!

If we're talking about catching cheaters, then invisible embedded admins work great. Just have the admin flag on your back so your team can see you, but not the other.
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Old July 16th, 2013, 12:22   #30
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wow was planning taking our guys to the gibson but ....... where was game control i know some of them, they are good guys. hectic bump us with team names of the cheaters and did anyone involved walk up and say hey pal dont know if you noticed but thems markes aint sketers they're bb welts. mabey even sign language them with dill hole your hit. lol sad sorry just don't want this to mark the location it looks fn great and we will be there to play soon.
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