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VFC V2 Tappet Compatibility


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Old July 3rd, 2013, 10:49   #1
McKee's Avatar
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VFC V2 Tappet Compatibility

So I lost a tappet plate this weekend (;_;7 RIP) from my VFC M4. I had a spare Modify tappet but upon installing it, it wasn't feeding at all. Best I can figure, the nozzle now sits too far forward at it's rearmost position, enough so that it blocks the BBs from feeding into the chamber. This is confirmed by releasing the front body pin, sliding the upper reciever forward a bit, then firing. This allows bbs to feed.

The only other explanation I can think of is that there is too much spring tension on my tappet spring since I have cut a few coils off this so that it will feed midcaps properly. That said, that spring fed fine with the VFC tappet (though perhaps contributed to the tappet failure).

My question: Who has had this problem before? What brand tappet have you successfully used in a VFC V2? Any ideas on my problem?
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Old July 3rd, 2013, 14:37   #2
HKGhost's Avatar
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Install a sector gear delayer or file down the nozzle a bit. The part that could be different is the arm that engages the sector gear. The Modify one could be a bit narrower than the stock one. Using the delayer chip should make the pull back farther. Or you can ask around on who has the widest tappet plate arm. I think acm parts has the widest, but don't quote me on that.
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Old July 3rd, 2013, 15:01   #3
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A sector delay chip (they're the little circle things that snap over the nub that sticks out of the side of the sector gear) will not necessarily pull the nozzle back any further. Many do not alter the outside edge of the nub...rather make the nub larger in diameter so the tappet fin rides in the open position longer vs. a smaller nub. By holding the fin back longer, BB's have a longer time to get up into the chamber, so it helps a bit with fast setups if you're getting blanks intermixed with shots. Be sure that your sector gear has a round nub vs. an oval shape or else the chip may not fit.

If you compare the setup lengths of the tappet plate + nozzle of the setup that worked vs. the new setup you should be able to tell if there's a material difference in length. If your nozzle is too long..then shaving/filing the tip a bit is ok...but if it isn't then you stand the risk of introducing an air leak.

If everything looks ok, sometimes repositing it all in the body/barrel sorts it out. Loosening the grip screws and tightening the stock screw a bit will pull the nozzle back just a bit too on some guns.
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