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Appropriate gun for 12 year old


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Old December 27th, 2012, 19:17   #1
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Appropriate gun for 12 year old

I have read the FAQs and all the pages regarding age verification but didn't see very much in regards to minors using these guns except that one can't be age verified until they are 18 and in most cases, games are restricted to those over 18. I also realize that many places will only sell airsoft guns to folks over 18.

Is it very common for 12 year olds to have/use these guns in Alberta, specifically the ICS GSG 522 Semi and Fully Automatic Airsoft Assault Rifle?

I am still confused as to the age verification requirements. Can the ICS GSG 522 be used anywhere in Alberta without the child or parent being AV'ed? If so, where can such a gun be legally used? Ie, public vs private property, or airsoft game sites only?

I have read that airsoft guns such as the ICS GSG 522 are not allowed to be purchased/owned/used by minors in Ontario. Is this currently correct?

Thanks for your help.
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Old December 27th, 2012, 19:25   #2
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Not going to touch a lot of that, but one thing I will say is that, technically, firing an airsoft gun is illegal anywhere within any city limits, except at a designated range or field.

Typically there is a reason for a law, and in this case it should be fairly self-evident that an airsoft gun in the hands of a 12 year-old can be a very dangerous thing. Police have shot and killed people seen walking around with these things out in the open, and the airsoft gun itself is capable of causing serious bodily harm, such as puncturing a human eyeball.
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Old December 27th, 2012, 19:25   #3
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Never in public, not even transporting them. They are still considered firearms and should be treated as such. Now if a parent wanted to purchase one for thier child and let them use it on private land that's up for debate I suppose. However an adult should always be present when they are.
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Old December 27th, 2012, 19:27   #4
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I'm new here but here is what I figure it is in a nutshell..the age age verification is essentially a forum specific program set up and enforced so that minors cannot purchase these airsoft guns from this site thus eliminating the liability of this site from any reprocussions if a child purchased a gun and say took it out on the street and well...for instance was shot by a police officer because when the officer demanded he drop said gun he didnt cause its " just a toy".

Airsoft guns are dangerous and look real enough that minors shouldn't have access to them at all as far as I am concerned....with all that said thats just my opinion
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Old December 27th, 2012, 19:36   #5
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Where are you located in AB? you know it doesn't help if you're super vague. You could be in Calgary, Ft Mac, GP, Claresholm, or Milk River for all we know.

Kids can't own these guns or be gifted them period (at least in Ontario because it's specifically spelled out in the Provincial statutes, other provinces may have different wordings or different statutes). They are the property of the supervising adult and the adult takes responsibility for any use/misuse.

I know AB is more gun friendly especially for kids in the boonies and on farms who varmint hunt with .22's and stuff. There's no reason why you can't use it but you should do so under direct parent supervision.
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Old December 27th, 2012, 19:53   #6
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When I was 12 I had my own real firearms. I did not get to tote them about at will though.

Without personally knowing the child in question there is no easy answer. If you want something they can keep in their room and use at will get them a Nerf gun. They can use it in house, shoot their friends, and so on.

I suspect you've got your kid bending your ear explaining they need to buy that ICS and at the end of the day it's up to you to decide. If they attend organized games supervised by adults at an established venue, then the answer is maybe.

If they want it so the can tuck it in a gym bag and use it in the park, etc. then chances are high this will end badly.

Anything in between the two will probably end badly also.
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Old December 27th, 2012, 20:03   #7
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Theres nothing to say expect "too bad" I wanted to buy a p90 from a retailer when I was 16. I didn't buy it until I was 18.
"too bad, so sad"

Airsoft is made 18+ for a reason. those who choose give guns to someone that is not 18 or older is doing something every every harmful to the communities they live in.
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Old December 27th, 2012, 20:11   #8
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best idea is to wait and better things will happen in the future years to come
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Old December 27th, 2012, 20:20   #9
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That's some very peculiar and strangely worded questions.

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Old December 27th, 2012, 20:20   #10
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Disregarding what the above(GBBR) says.

What does your son plan to do with it? Ask him talk with him. Heck make him make a little presentation with maybe a slide show or a display of local (read nearby) airsoft stuff. Can he find places to play safely? Does he understand he will require equipment to protect himself from injury. Does he understand he must follow rules and play fairly?

Is your child even tempered? Will he bring it to school? Or tell friends he has a gun at home? All of these things can be harmful. And that's just a tip of the iceberg. Does he understand that a police officer can shot him with a real gun if he brandished the airsoft in public?

Ask him and yourself these questions .
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.

Last edited by Curo; December 27th, 2012 at 20:22..
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Old December 27th, 2012, 20:40   #11
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
That's some very peculiar and strangely worded questions.
Wait till your kids are 12.
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Old December 27th, 2012, 20:41   #12
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Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Disregarding what the above(GBBR) says.

What does your son plan to do with it? Ask him talk with him. Heck make him make a little presentation with maybe a slide show or a display of local (read nearby) airsoft stuff. Can he find places to play safely? Does he understand he will require equipment to protect himself from injury. Does he understand he must follow rules and play fairly?

Is your child even tempered? Will he bring it to school? Or tell friends he has a gun at home? All of these things can be harmful. And that's just a tip of the iceberg. Does he understand that a police officer can shot him with a real gun if he brandished the airsoft in public?

Ask him and yourself these questions .

I'm not trying to discredit your post. but seriously shit happens sometimes.

Its completely different if you are going to get the gun and let your kid use it in games and such. There is a guy who brings a 7 year old to sgt splatters, that kid is a great player too, but he doesn't own any of the guns he uses.

Using the gun under adult supervision is cool
someone under 18, owning a gun is... well

I think the "interview" thing would be an appropriate precaution to take before allowing the child to PLAY airsoft.
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Old December 27th, 2012, 21:02   #13
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Under "direct" adult supervision with consent from a "legal guardian" a child can operate (not own) an airsoft gun, firearm, whatever; as long as the instrument is legal to own/operate in Canada, and is being used in legal manner, at legal facility that encompasses all federal, provincial, and municipal laws, legislation, and by-laws. A child however cannot legally take responsibility for themselves, and therefore cannot shoot a projectile at another human being. Make sense? Make sure that while you child is operating an airsoft in a legal place under close supervision, that they are wearing appropriate eyewear.
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Old December 27th, 2012, 21:24   #14
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Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
Theres nothing to say expect "too bad" I wanted to buy a p90 from a retailer when I was 16. I didn't buy it until I was 18.
"too bad, so sad"

Airsoft is made 18+ for a reason. those who choose give guns to someone that is not 18 or older is doing something every every harmful to the communities they live in.
Thing is we don't know if he's a farm kid from out in the sticks or a 12 year old COD playing screeching city slicker. That said, Styrak is onto something, very peculiar and strangely worded questions....

I'm betting it's a city kid because farm kids have 0 fucks to give and varmint hunt all the time (or so I'm told, but they also do field work and chop trees and what not). Plus don't have to worry about city bylaws because they're outside city limits and are allowed to shoot on their property and know it.
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Old December 27th, 2012, 21:34   #15
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Now that I re-read the original post, it is quite odd; nice catch Styrak. Obviously you have that particular gun in mind for some reason. I'm assuming it's because you already have it, it's whats available from a local retailer, or you think you can obtain one? I will say this; any illegal activity which involves the use of an airsoft gun will be treated as a full firearms offense. Whoever you are please double check all your local by-laws before doing anything. You have something in mind, just make sure it's perfectly legal. Always remember safety comes first, and people's feelings are ...not on the list.
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