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Dboys VOG Grenade - BBs Not Staying


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Old September 3rd, 2012, 20:24   #1
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Alberta
Dboys VOG Grenade - BBs Not Staying

So I recently purchased the new Dboys GP-25. I must say, on the whole I am impressed with the launcher and the overall product.

Despite the almost all aluminum construction the GP-25 is sturdy and has no wiggle. The Vog grenades are solid if not a little complicated on the inside. My advise is to not take those babies apart unless you are in a white room with a magnifying glass for the parts that will inevitably fall out.

That said, there are only nine parts to the whole grenade. A heavy inch long spring, the two pieces that cup it, four 5mm ball bearings and the upper and lower sections of the grenade. Ten if you count the fill valve.

So far, my only issue with the set has been with the VOG grenade. The channels for the BBs do not have an O-ring at the end to hold them in and the inset groove that looks like it would hold one is too far from the end to properly prevent the BBs from falling out.

As of now I'm mystified as to how Dboys intended the BBs to remane in their troughs.

If anyone has any ideas as to how the BBs are intended to be kept in, please share.
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Old September 3rd, 2012, 23:43   #2
SuperCriollo's Avatar
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Location: Kitchener, ON
Hmmm toilet paper ?

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Old September 4th, 2012, 13:07   #3
CR0M's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Hamilton
are you filling them up right to the ends of the holes? because some/most dont work that way... leave the last 4-5 in each hole out... toilet paper also works
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Old September 4th, 2012, 19:23   #4
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Alberta
I've only filled them with the recommended six BBs though it doesn't seem to be that it actually matters whether you put more or less in. The only thing that seems to be a no-no is to push the BBs down once they're in the trough. Do that and you'll have to unscrew the grenade and empty them out of the reservoir.

I'm considering spinning a new groove to seat my own O ring. Though, for now I'll hold off on that in case someone figures out what Dboys intended.
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