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Echo1-P90 Feeding issues


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Old August 2nd, 2012, 19:16   #1
Shifty-C's Avatar
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Echo1-P90 Feeding issues

Echo 1 p-90 with:
Modify piston
Pro-Win hop up
Guarder Clear sleeve
SCS spacer
VFC m4 Barrel

Mags im using are MAG brand and echo 1 brand. (and they fit fine.)
and madbull precision bbs.

seems to work fine when the mags are partially full (under 40-50 rounds)
but the mag brand should hold up to 170 rounds.

when i fill the mags more than that i seem to get a jam in the hop up.
doesnt fire, pull the mag out and i see a stack of bbs fall out and 1 stuck in the chamber. Not really jammed in the barrel or anything, once i take the mag out i can fire the one still in the hop-up chamber no problem.

ive changed the hop up sleeve, no dice. The other thing i tried was filling the mags with only a couple dozen rounds and it worked no problem. I would have tested it more but i ran out of bbs.

So that makes me think when theres more spring tension pushing bbs into the hop up, it starts to cause the jamming. doesnt make sense though.

So it might be a mag issue, maybe air nozzle?
i know its not a very high end AEG lol.

when i get more bbs il be able to diagnose it better.

Thanks for taking a look!!

Last edited by Shifty-C; August 2nd, 2012 at 19:21..
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Old August 2nd, 2012, 19:41   #2
Short Round
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I know midcap mags should never be loaded to the max capacity, always load them to about 150ish rounds or less.

If you load the magazine to the max 170 rounds, the spring inside the mag tends to push all the bbs out at once due to all the stress and tension being created when inserting the bbs.

A friend of mine though has had issues with MAG brand magazines for P90s. Might just be a lemon.

My suggestion, pick up the KA midcaps if possible, or just don't load the mags all the way.
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Old August 2nd, 2012, 21:13   #3
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thanks, il do some more testing with all my mags. i hope this is the problem, easy fix. and i dont mind only filling it to 50 or so. more realistic

Are KA mid caps alright for Echo 1?
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Old August 2nd, 2012, 22:50   #4
bigmac10attack's Avatar
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Same gun. Same mags. Same problem. I just don't load them to capacity. The low caps I have (Echo1 brand and some unknown brand) don't have any feeding issues.
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Old August 3rd, 2012, 08:16   #5
"bb bukakke" KING!
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seems to be very common with E1/KS p90s... It might be that the gearbox is just a tiny hair out of spec and isn't sealing properly when there is force from a full midcap pushing down on the nozzle. I fought the issue for 8 months before giving up. my CA gearbox works fine with the mags in the exact same body that the e1 gearbox was in.

I have now swapped out every single part from the bad gearbox into the good one and it has worked. I think I can safely say the e1/ks gearboxes are of slightly different spec.
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Old August 15th, 2012, 22:54   #6
Mamouth's Avatar
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Hi, maybe you have the same probleme as me...

I have an Echo 1 P90:
Iv already changed:
piston head bore up
cylinder bore up
Tappet plate
tanio koba barrel
hop up
Nozzle bore up

I think i have a nozzle issue because it goes to far in th hop up chamber and no one BB goes in the barrel.

I 've read somewhere that a delayer could fix the situation but i'm not sure... I'm a little bit tired to buy parts for it...

If you could help me i will be very grateful.

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