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WW1, WW2

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Old May 11th, 2012, 22:17   #61
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What's the field like? Could help choosing a theme?
Don't have to be a 101e operation...

A regular US GI bdu and boots don't cost that much.
HellRanger 1969-2007 LRRP FOREVER

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Old May 11th, 2012, 22:53   #62
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A jump into Italy? I dont think that has ever been done.
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Old May 11th, 2012, 23:02   #63
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Originally Posted by B@K3R View Post
A jump into Italy? I dont think that has ever been done.
HellRanger 1969-2007 LRRP FOREVER

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Old May 11th, 2012, 23:42   #64
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Do these mainstream themes matter?

Personally I've never been too keen on naming airsoft games after such large scale operations, which involve divisions.

What about just saying the battle is taking place between, say American, British troops and a KG of various scattered German elements in the vicinity of Falaise or some other French or Dutch or Belgian etc. town, where the probability of British and American troops meeting is higher.

Planning and naming a platoon-on-platoon event (which is the approximate size of either side, I anticipate to partake), based on field conditions.

The event could be an attempt by German forces for a tactical withdrawal through a 'gap' or perhaps a vehicle recovery by whichever side?

Just brainstorming after a few beers

Ontario Airsoft WW2 Reenactors
Originally Posted by János Hunyadi
To withdraw is impossible, to surrender is unthinkable. Let us fight bravely and honour our arms!- 1444 Battle of Varna
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Old May 11th, 2012, 23:56   #65
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Originally Posted by Krieg View Post
Do these mainstream themes matter?

Personally I've never been too keen on naming airsoft games after such large scale operations, which involve divisions.

What about just saying the battle is taking place between, say American, British troops and a KG of various scattered German elements in the vicinity of Falaise or some other French or Dutch or Belgian etc. town, where the probability of British and American troops meeting is higher.

Planning and naming a platoon-on-platoon event (which is the approximate size of either side, I anticipate to partake), based on field conditions.

The event could be an attempt by German forces for a tactical withdrawal through a 'gap' or perhaps a vehicle recovery by whichever side?

Just brainstorming after a few beers
Myself i don't really care as long as i get to shot Natzies

Beer's talking here to
HellRanger 1969-2007 LRRP FOREVER

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Old May 12th, 2012, 00:32   #66
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Originally Posted by Krieg View Post
The event could be an attempt by German forces for a tactical withdrawal through a 'gap' or perhaps a vehicle recovery by whichever side?
And just look at your quote!
Pff, would be "advancing" in the "wrong" direction, that is all!

I do agree though. To name/theme it after a battle, puts some limitations on what we are doing.

We could have a mix of everything, one big stew-battle. Spice it up a bit.
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Old May 12th, 2012, 11:23   #67
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if you what to just say its like D-Day + 27 something like that

Just a Idea here...

Allies are pushing into France.

After a joint OSS SAS operation, the Allies learn that the Germans are getting ready to unleash a new secret weapon. A long range bomber capable of hitting the North American East cost.

A quick look a unit locations they determine that the US 101st AB and British 6th AB will be able to react to this new threat.

The 101st and 6th slowly get pulled off the line being replaced by the 29th ID and the 3rd AD. After a winding 12 hour ride in the back of 6x6s, they are ready to start pushing toward this hidden AF and factory located in Southern France.


The 2nd SS that was just called up too join the fighting in Normandy, run into the 101st and 6th.

Well fighting the Germans discover that the Allies have a Nerve Agent, witch they are planing to use on Berlin, when the capture the AF and steal a plane.


All out battle as the Allies try to push for the AF and the Germans try to get to the Stock Pile of Nerve Gas the Allies have dropped to take up arms

What about that?
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Old May 12th, 2012, 18:27   #68
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What about something along the lines of the Bruneval Raid, Operation Biting. A German radar installation in Bruneval, France that occurred between 27–28 February 1942. An airborne assault, followed by sea-borne evacuation would be the ideal way to surprise the garrison of the installation and seize the technology intact, as well as minimise casualties inflicted on the raiding force.

This Game would start durning the night, say about about 2300 or so, and continue into the daylight hours.

The Germans, just occupy a small static garrison at a Vital Point, with some form of Tech, or a PW Snatch, (as some silly Rupert got put in the bag, and he has vital sensitive knowledge). They main German Garrison is some distance away, and not activated until the balloon goes up.

The Allies are Jumped in to the LZ/DZ. They re-organize at the RV, and push off to perform the Raid. They must neutralize the defenders of the VP, secure the area, and capture the documents and/or tech. Take pictures of it as well. They then must exfiltrate the objective to a predetermined location to meet up with their extraction method, be it trucks, landing craft, or to a Maquis/Resistance safe area.

The Germans have left 5 to 6 men in an organized defence at the VP. As the War in Europe as not started yet. They have not considered that an Allied Raiding Party would strike this area. So they have yet to impliment full defence procedures and positions. They have left this section element at the VP, and on a frequent basis a 2 man sentry team checks in with them.

The Main Garrison, is quartered in several houses, some distance away. They also maintain a small nightly picket, and do not regularly become active at night. They must maintain for the purposes of the game only a 2 man Mobile Sentry between them and the VP, a 2 man picket at their Housing, and another 2 man Sentry at a nearby crossroads. They may not be deployed in defence of the VP until the Sentries are missing and out of contact for longer than 20 minutes. They have been alerted by the VP via Field Phone that they are under attack. OR They have noticed the sounds of active battle, or attacked themselves.

The Germans are aware that there is a Maquis/Resistance presence in the area, but have been unable to establish their numbers, location or taskings. For this this have established some roadblock sentries by day and night. All Identity cards are checked, anyone carrying weapons are arrested on sight.

The Maquis/Resistance are active in the area, but do not use the roads at night, when carrying arms due to the martial law and curfews imposed. They have been alerted that they may need to assist "Henry, the man with Purple Shoes", if he comes calling. They are in radio contact with SOE, and have not been told, what exactly that means. Lately due to increased German patrolling by day, and some radio DF vans in the area, they have been laying low. For the past several months, they have been restricted by the Germans in getting near the VP, as to recce it. Mainly due to their own curiosity, and not on the direction of SOE. It is possible that SOE, may after they have been informed of the sucessful capture and on going exfiltration, pass a coded phrase to the Maquis, to put in an attack on the German Garrison. They know that if they hear "The cupboard is empty" passed over the radio, that is a message to put in an attack. Otherwise, they will stay passive unless actively attacked by the German Forces.

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Last edited by Mr.Shiney; May 12th, 2012 at 18:57..
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Old May 12th, 2012, 18:47   #69
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What is the layout of the field like? Are there any buildings available to us such as a barn?

For scenario ideas how about something closer to op varsity? Anyone who wants to come in for night fighting on the first night could infiltrate and find the partisans to destroy an early objective, or mark an LZ for paras to come in to try and capture something/someone important. All the while the Germans would have to stay in their base with rolling patrols and such until the allies are found, with regular army units trying to break their lines to meet up with the paras.

The advantage here is that anyone who arrives earlier can partake in initial fighting, and late arrivals are reinforcements. Alternately anyone who doesn't want to night fight (if such a person exists) can skip it to be fresh for the next day. It would also allow for later arrivals to rotate out others for a rest period with the other paras/Germans if they desire.
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Old May 15th, 2012, 01:15   #70
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by SHaKaL View Post
What's the field like? Could help choosing a theme?
Don't have to be a 101e operation...

A regular US GI bdu and boots don't cost that much.
it is a woodland field with adjoining fields

it already has some bunkers built up ..
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old May 15th, 2012, 01:35   #71
Brian McIlmoyle
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Keep the Scenario Ideas coming

the field is woodland with some clearings , with adjoining fields

I expect a platoon level engagement, so this could be a small part of many battles that raged in Europe after Op Overlord.

Germans have fallen back and occupied a woods next to open farmland.

They are establishing a defensive position to conduct a holding action against the advancing allies, they have been ordered to hold at all costs.

Allied units are advancing to contact to establish the front in order to facilitate an encirclement of the German forces.

Resistance forces of unknown strength and disposition are known to be using the woods as a base of operations.


Friday night.. German forces have occupied the woods and have begun working on fortifications. .. Setting out OPs and roving patrols They are hunting for the resistance.

Allied advanced parties are tasked to conduct probing actions to establish the location of the German Defenses.

Saturday: Based on the information from the night patrols Allied forces stage a deliberate attack on the German position to clear them from the woods.

If the Germans Hold... Allied forces will consolidate and attempt to break through elsewhere

If the Germans are pushed back they will consolidate and Counter attack to retake the positions.

This would be the foundation... We could add many other elements .. such as the woods concealing a V2 launch-site.. or a Transmitter..
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old May 15th, 2012, 06:24   #72
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The 101st AB and the 6th AB are the lead advance of Patton’s 3rd Army.

After a quick Pincer move, the Germans cut off and surround the forward elements of the push.

The 101st sends out patrols to contact the 6th, to find them and set up a counter attack
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Old May 15th, 2012, 10:26   #73
Brian McIlmoyle
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Field confirmation is locking down, I have access to 75 acres of woodland, and I'm confirming on another 50 acres fields/ woodland adjoining.

The planning group is going to start putting their heads together and coming up with a Theme, and begin roughing out the Scenarios.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old May 15th, 2012, 10:55   #74
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Would cold burning smoke or other pyro be allowed? Might Thunder B grenades could be used as static charges for demolition purposes only to be used by certain personnel?
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Old May 15th, 2012, 11:42   #75
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by backspasm View Post
Would cold burning smoke or other pyro be allowed? Might Thunder B grenades could be used as static charges for demolition purposes only to be used by certain personnel?

depends on the field conditions on game day

I'll be nailing down these issues over the next couple of months with the land owner.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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