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Marushin Derringer (8mm black ) Heavy Weight



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Old December 15th, 2008, 16:17   #1
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Marushin Derringer (8mm black ) Heavy Weight

Hi ! Everyone, this is my first time review on pistol so if it doens't have much detail, please ask me more but honestly, I already add all detail as much as possible and also my Englis is not my first language so there might be some grammar mistake.

Today, I was sitting doing my assignment and waiting for my toy coming. I heard the door bell around 1:00 PM so rush to open the door and got a small package that nobody can't think of that there is a pistol inside there.

The box is the pretty simple, nothing fancy at all. It just only the card board that has been cut to the same size of pistol. Inside the box, there are a manual, a bag of 8 mm bbs, a target paper.

The manual is in Japanes so I don't bother to read but At least, they have some pictuture how to load the gun; othewise, I will stuck all day find out how to load it.

The second thing in the box is the 8 mm BBs, it's really suprise me that it comes with starter BBs unlike the one on Redwolf website, they state that you have to buy BBs along with the gun since it doesn't come with BBs at all.

I took the the gun out of the box, and hold it in my hand. The weight of this gun is really suprise me. I though that it would make from ABS but I'm 100 % worng, this Babe makde from full metal with high quality ABS grip so you wouldn't feel like plastic anywhere at all on this gun and it's like a sex in hand when holding this gun.

The barrel, trigger, hammer, stock are full metal except the grip is high quality ABS so the color the stock is pretty match with everything on this gun.

Since I don't have any green gas or duster so I test this gun with propane. After doing research, I found out that this gun can't handle the propane because propane has more kick than HFC134a so it might tear off the small plastic that use to hold the 8 mm BBs inside the barrel.

Before I fill the propane, I drop some silicone oil in the fill valve to make sure that it will lub well because I don't want to damage this gun for the first time use, it wont take long to fill at all. 2 or 3 second this gun is full of propane.

So after filling propane, I was stuck find out how to load this gun so the user manual come to mind, I start to read it and don't understand anything at all but the picture already guide me how to load the gun.
First you need to press a small button on the left side of the gun then you have to pull down the another small button on the right side of the gun then the barrel will be open ( It might clear to you since my Englis is very bad, I might have post video later on for you guy to understand how to load this gun, it's quite simple when you used to it ). I fill 2 8mm bbs inside the barrel and put back the barrel also the lock the button on the right side as well.

This gun has to be cock to fire it. one cock will fire on BBs out. The first cock will fire the upper barrel and the second cock will fire the lower barrel.

My chrono has not been fix yet so I don't have chrono to test the FPS on the gun but according to the sound and how the BBs go, I would say this gun shot very strong than my TM 1911 springer.

The first fire, I miss the target because it hard to aim the small pistol like, also the second fire, I miss the target again because I forgot that the lower pistol will be out so you suppse to put your pistol a little bit over the target to get it right.

I'm really suprise how this small thing can hold a lots of gas, I fill one time about 4 second and fire almost 12 rounds and it's still kick ass but since this gun is not for gamable and it's just a collectio piece so It doens't matter than how much it can hold the gas also if you field it, you won't have time to reload another rounds as well. It would be good for snack some guys when you are close to them. I would use to get out some guy when on the field. It's somehow better than the knife.

In conclusion, I love this pistol so much and the price is kinda can accepted. There is only one retailer who can import this pistol for me but don't even try to PM me ask who, I won't tell ya since I just want to be unique. .

Pro :
-Full Metal build
-Has hard kick ass
-Very small but not hard to fire it
-Feel solid when holding in hand

Cons :
-Take 8mm BBs ( you have to buy another bag of BBs )
-Take only green gas or HFC134a
-Somehow it's hard to reload the BBs

-Build 5/5
-Price 5/5
-Accurate 3/5
-Finish 5/5

I think that's all I can write about this gun.

Thanks everyone for reading.

Comment and everything you want to say are welcome.

Sinec this is my first review, there might be a lots of mistake.

I will post up the picture when I get back tonight.

Cheers !

Last edited by KND; December 15th, 2008 at 16:19..
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Old December 15th, 2008, 17:02   #2
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I have one of these, too. They're surprisingly fun little guns.

About the build material, like many of Marushin's other guns (as well has WA) it actually isn't full metal but Heavy Weight (HW) ABS, which contains a mix of metallic powder. It does feel quite convincing, however, as you witnessed first hand

Second, as is typical of Marushin engineering, the reservoir and firing valve are all built as one big "gas block" which fits inside the grip. Unfortunately in the case of the Derringer, since the sides of the gas block make up the grip panels, one side is removeable; the reservoir is kept sealed by a rubber member under the removable panel. This is far from optimal, unfortunately, and using anything stronger than duster will quickly cause a leak. I tested mine with green gas/propane, and there was little by way of increased performance anyway -- the barrel is just too short, even for the heavy weight 8mm BB.
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Old December 15th, 2008, 21:33   #3
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can we see some pictures?
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Old December 15th, 2008, 23:37   #4
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Last edited by KND; December 15th, 2008 at 23:40..
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Old March 5th, 2009, 14:10   #5
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Ya I had one of these bad boys and they sure are fun... Till they start leaking. This was the only issue I had. Now the look on some ones face when you sneek one of these past them... Priceless
You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bo staff.
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Old February 2nd, 2012, 11:47   #6
Join Date: Feb 2012
Hi, everyone!

I just joined this forum and am glad I found this forum.
I'm a big fan of small guns and long long ago, I wished I had a gun like Derringer (originally Deringer). It just caught my eyes when I was little and younger than now, but there was no airsoft guns at that time but only real guns. I didn't and don't and will not want to own a real gun.

Recently, I found Marushin made this Derringer and searched on the internet and finally found this forum. Thank KND for a nice review and photos.

I'm really interested in buying one of the Marushin Derringer, but I don't know where to buy it. I have searched on internet for some time, but what I found was most of the on-line stores carrying the model were in US. I also asked them if they would ship it to Canada, but because of the custom, they wouldn't ship it to Canada. One store (airsplat) linked from said they would ship it without guarantee of successful delivery (again, because of the custom issue), but the shipping fee was incredibly expensive, almost the same price as the price of the gun itself.

Does anybody know where in Canada (Toronto area) I can buy this small but amazing gun, Marushin Derringer?

Thanks in advance.

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Old February 2nd, 2012, 12:01   #7
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I can certainly understand your enthusiasm, however please start by reading the forum rules and FAQ; you'll find you are not allowed to request information about purchasing guns outside of certain proscribed areas.

Additionally you'll find you need to be Age Verified (AV'd) before being able to gain access to those sections. Fortunately for you, there are many convenient locations where you can get AVd in the Toronto area. Once verified, you'll have a better idea what is available, Canadian prices, and you'll be able to find answers to your other purchasing-related questions.
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Old February 2nd, 2012, 12:18   #8
Join Date: Feb 2012
Dear Drake,

Right after I joined the forum, as I always do, I went through the forum rules but I didn't know it was not allowed to ask such question where to buy. It's still not very clear to me why, but I don't want to violate any community rules. If you want, I will delete the message.

Thank you for your kind advice.

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Old February 2nd, 2012, 12:21   #9
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There is a retailer on the site who carries the Marushin 6mm version in black and chrome for 165$ shipped. However, to access him you need to get your AV status.

Before you jump from sticker shock, be aware that the situation in Canada is particular since we can't import willy nilly from abroad, there is a premium to pay on guns but in this case the markup is worst because of the low value of the item. On most higher end guns the markup falls below 100%, sometimes being near inline with American pricing.

There are a few threads around that breakdown the various reasons for this pricing around the forum.

As Drake noted, the good news is that Toronto has an absurd amount of verifiers so the process should be painless.

FYI pretty much any firearm in this form factor would be prohibited in Canada.

EDIT: A single error is not a big deal, just keep in mind that this community regards personal research very highly. There is a lot of content in here and it's almost reasonable to say we covered pretty much anything in the past. Best way to start out is to take a few hours to browse the stickied threads (the ones that are pinned to the top of the various forums) in the FAQ and Newbie Tank sections. Condense your questions and the stuff you don't get in an omnibus thread afterwards. Bonus points for making references to those threads to show you researched.

EDIT2: There is also a vibrant secondary market on here, where you could find used or new items from individuals. I'll be honest, derringers aren't the most common items but the good news is that when you find one it's probably not going to be very much used. Pricing should be lower than the above quote.
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Last edited by surebet; February 2nd, 2012 at 12:25..
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Old February 2nd, 2012, 12:27   #10
Join Date: Feb 2012
Thank you very much for your quick response, surebet. I appreciate your kind explanation which is very helpful to me. Have a great day!

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