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Official I hate Canada postal service thread!!!



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Old December 16th, 2011, 14:28   #781
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Originally Posted by anthon View Post
Same happened to me last week, I was waiting literally 10 feet from the door studying for a law exam, I checked the door at one point and just saw the notice in the mail, box....did he even think about ringing the bell, or did he just default straight to missed package?

sorry ringing a door bell involves working....Canada Post does not work
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Old December 16th, 2011, 15:12   #782
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I moved to a new place in September, opposite end of town from where I am now.
Had great service before.
Now... I usually get a door bell ring and tires zooming off, with my package laying on the front door step.

Not bad if I'm right at home to get it, or a roommate is.. But if I am away for the day, as is everyone else...
Yeah, not really fun to have my package sitting there for awhile.
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Old December 16th, 2011, 15:21   #783
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Originally Posted by Forever_kaos View Post
I moved to a new place in September, opposite end of town from where I am now.
Had great service before.
Now... I usually get a door bell ring and tires zooming off, with my package laying on the front door step.

Not bad if I'm right at home to get it, or a roommate is.. But if I am away for the day, as is everyone else...
Yeah, not really fun to have my package sitting there for awhile.
Yeah this seems to happen when the delivery person either forges a signature or reports that it was delivered or a slip was left, which is a lie.

If you really want to try to stick it to them, take your package inside then report it missing/stolen, well I guess get the sender to.
You didn't sign for it and they didn't deliver it in hand to you, and didn't leave a slip. They might stop after you do that a few times and get all your insurance money back.

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Old December 19th, 2011, 17:24   #784
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Two packages supposedly came yesterday, on a SUNDAY! Said there was a notice card left, umm nope.

One more supposedly came today, no notice card left...

I think sometimes they see my german shepherds and think its just easier to leave the card than make any noise.
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Old December 19th, 2011, 19:09   #785
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The package I was expecting has been out for delivery since the morning but no notices since or a package for that matter.

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Old December 19th, 2011, 19:16   #786
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ive been noticing things taking a lot longer to clear customs in the last couple months, i had some pouches take like a week and a half to clear customs, was bizzare
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Old December 19th, 2011, 20:42   #787
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Originally Posted by Scouser View Post
ive been noticing things taking a lot longer to clear customs in the last couple months, i had some pouches take like a week and a half to clear customs, was bizzare
For sure,

Longest waiting period I've had was almost a month for a package from Washington
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Old December 19th, 2011, 20:57   #788
Sgt. Sparkles
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ya, the WW2 mag pouch i ordered from ebay took a while to get here, tho it didnt get taxed or opened. i guess its due to the extra work load they ahve to deal with from all the Xmas shopping.
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Old December 21st, 2011, 17:50   #789
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Made a substantial "Merry Xmas to me" order with Huang on Monday - supposed to be Expedited Parcel shipped to my doorstep.

Noticed last night before heading to bed (tuesday), that it appeared on the online tracking app to be hitting my door in the morning. Got up early enough, and waited with my first cuppa for it to show. Checked the tracking app after about my third cuppa, at about 11:15am, and it indicated that it was successfully delivered at 10:46am.


Nothing at the door. No knock/rung doorbell at 10:46am (house was dead quiet). No packages lying in/around/outside my doorstep (i'm in a condo complex - but VERY quiet/little traffic). Call the CP number for inquiries. "Oh sir, it's probably a mis-scan. He probably scanned the wrong parcel on the truck and didn't cancel it - if it doesn't show up by this early evening, open up a ticket".

I opened up a ticket online before "early evening", thanks.

I can only hope that it was indeed a mis-scan on-truck, rather than a thefted/plundered parcel worth $500.00, but with only $100.00 insurance as applied by sender. Regardless of the outcome, i'm pissed.

Mail-man is gonna get ambushed tomorrow morning.
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Old December 21st, 2011, 22:20   #790
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Two packages from uoarmoury checked in and out of customs in 10 mintues.
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Old January 5th, 2012, 11:01   #791
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2012/01/04 9:19 in the morning - "Package out for Delivery"
2012/01/04 9:19 at night - "Package out for Delivery"
2012/01/05 Next morning - "Package successfully delivered" however the timestamp says 2012/01/04.

.. Somehow, Canada Post thinks their trucks warp time and space, and it was able to deliver the item on the 4th, even though its the 5th, and my package is still nowhere to be found.
Lovely. I wonder where it was delivered to.
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Old January 5th, 2012, 11:19   #792
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Originally Posted by IceTray View Post
2012/01/04 9:19 in the morning - "Package out for Delivery"
2012/01/04 9:19 at night - "Package out for Delivery"
2012/01/05 Next morning - "Package successfully delivered" however the timestamp says 2012/01/04.

.. Somehow, Canada Post thinks their trucks warp time and space, and it was able to deliver the item on the 4th, even though its the 5th, and my package is still nowhere to be found.
Lovely. I wonder where it was delivered to.
Sounds eerily similar to what happened with mine.. mine turned out to be two tracking numbers mixed up/switched.. and it wasn't the shippers fault, but a glitch in CP's tracking number assigning.
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Old January 5th, 2012, 11:37   #793
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Damn you Canada Post!
On a R/C site, me and another member decided to trade some electronics, namely, his speed controller for mine. However, he requested that I send it first because he didn't want his rig to stop running, so I complied. He had over 2000 feedback and not a single negative one. I decided that it was worth taking the risk. According to him, it never arrives. According to tracking, it's non-existant. FAIL.
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Old January 5th, 2012, 11:57   #794
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Guys, you don't seem to realize that when something says "Out for Delivery" it may not even come until the next day, and when it says "Successfully Delivered" it may not come until later or the end of the day, or even the next day!

People need to chill the fuck out and relax. Wait a day or 3.

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Old January 5th, 2012, 12:04   #795
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Canada Post service employee says my package was successfully delivered on January 4th, at 11:29AM.. to the wrong address, but they don't know where.
For anyone looking for age verification in the Windsor region: Unfortunately, I will only be verifying people at games, I am currently unable to run around and setup meetings.
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