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Trigger master/mechbox/misc issue


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Old June 13th, 2011, 14:41   #1
t0aDe's Avatar
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Location: Aurora, ON
Trigger master/mechbox/misc issue

Ok here's a troubleshooting puzzle for anyone who likes them, haha! I have
only started playing airsoft less than a month ago and have tried my best to
learn as much as I can but as you guys probably know there is A LOT to know.
I need enlightenment.

So a month-ish ago I purchased a used JG G36c with a triggermaster III
installed running on a 9.6v nimh. Currently fires about 350-360 fps on .2g
bb's. Out of the box the gun will not fire semi auto, no matter which position the fire selector is in the gun will be in the burst/hold for full auto mode. If I do a factory reset on the trigger master this is still the case. It even fires bursts for the first 5 trigger presses that are supposed to be "training" the computer for the mechbox, which I find odd. Basically it seems that the trigger master does not actually accept any instructions that I program (does not seem to change the fire modes when programming advanced options). Now what I suspect is that the fire selector in the mechbox is
dirty/not making proper contact, I'm hopefully pulling it apart this week to
find out and I'll let you know what I find... I was just wondering if anyone
else with a trigger master has had similar issues and if they know if its the
computer that is wonky or just that it is not taking input because the gun is
not set to semi as it should be for programming etc. It also seems to not
cycle the gearbox properly, but this I believe may be because I can't fire
the semi auto shots at "boot" like I need to. I try my best but often the gun
will start into a burst or I'll try to stop before it fires a second shot and
the box will cycle half way etc... :/

Now in addition to this issue (HAHA!) I recently bought a 11v lipo (gearbox is all shimmed up and such and obviously the gun is firing faster). The gun shoots fine (as in fires OK, the burst issue persists of course) but I've noticed
now that sometimes the nozzle at the end of the piston that moves back and
forth, letting bb's into the hop-up (forgive me not knowing what stuff is called) will rest in an open position (enough space for a bb to enter the
hopup) and will sort of dribble out of the gun after I fire a burst (a bb not the nozzle, lol). Any suggestions as to what I can do to remedy this? I've seen some people mention this can be caused by too weak a spring? I need to test again tonight when I get home but as far as I know this only happens when I use the 11v lipo.

Sorry if I'm missing any details I've tried to be as clear and meticulous as possible. Thanks in advance for whomever takes the time to ponder possible solutions!
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Old June 13th, 2011, 14:48   #2
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Also I forgot to mention that I removed my whole mechbox assembly/trigger master/battery etc and checked all the connections, they seem fine and nothing is arcing or anything anywhere in the circuit when the trigger is pulled.
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Old June 13th, 2011, 21:22   #3
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worn cut off lever? ... if the cut off isn't stoping it in semi.. theres nothing else to tell it to stop firing... the trigger master thinks the selector is on "auto"
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Old June 14th, 2011, 08:21   #4
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Hmm I'm pretty sure you're right. Especially since the TM says to program it on semi only and it isn't responding properly. Hopefully this week I can open it up and check everything out, I'll keep you posted.
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Old June 14th, 2011, 14:10   #5
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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+1 for cutoff lever
You better have a really good motor if your using an 11.1v LiPo, if you spam semi your TM is going to be overheating a lot in game.
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Old June 14th, 2011, 15:39   #6
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Honestly I'm guessing it's probably not a good motor and I will now actively seek out a better one in the near future, generally I shoot burst when I play. I'm not overly worried about not being able to shoot semi in semi, mostly I'm just enjoying the technical side of the hobby and I like to know how stuff works and troubleshoot so when it breaks or acts odd (as this is) I have an idea of what I need to do to remedy it. Any good motor recommendations?
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Old June 14th, 2011, 16:12   #7
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G&P M160's are very good motors.
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