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BioshotBB vs BBBastard


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Old April 5th, 2011, 03:43   #46
L473ncy's Avatar
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I use what's available to me:

BBBastard, Green Devil, Blaster Devil, Excel, Metal Tech/Airsoft Elite, Madbull.

Only ones I won't use are Firepower (bad experience with chopping/jams), any crappy Walmart/CT BB's, and Zero One "House brand" BB's (but moreso because of their business practises/ethics than anything, if they're offered to me I'll take them but I won't go out of my way to buy them).
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old April 5th, 2011, 19:15   #47
A Total Bastard
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Originally Posted by Zep View Post
I have lots of smoke. Don't you worry. I have done plenty of research and talked to many people and i know the quality of BBB.

The test i have done with TM, Guarder, G4 airsoft, Omega's, Bio TM, echo1, systema, madbull, and BBB does not compare. But i understand your loyalty and thats fine. But one of the best are still Bioval proven military training grade, used in the US and Canada approved by the GOV.

believe what you want. tests have shown the results.
Thats funny, my guy at Colt and in procurement says there isn't an NSN for "airsoft BB's". I'd love to see who approved what, since we are talking with Colt Canada right now about their current trials with airsoft on behalf of the DND to determine if it will be effective as a training platform.

Originally Posted by Zep View Post
Guess you get the special bags then. lol

US has shitty quality control? please tell me where BBB are made. Id love to know.
While we are a 100% Canadian Company, our products are made in a factory we have been working with in Taiwan since 2003. For some reason folks seem to think this a secret.

We developed our own molds, and the double polish process that is so popular now across brands. The good news is they will soon be made in our own injection molding company in Georgetown (third quarter of 2013).

Our commitment is to bringing manufacturing to North America to make the product even more reliable, consistent, and to protect our IP. It is also our commitment to our loyal customers to do this without raising prices one cent.

Airsoft guns are inaccurate by design. Not all BB's work well in all guns, and part of the fun of airsoft is that AH HA! moment when you find that perfect ammo that preceptively improves your guns performance.

I'm disappointed if our product doesn't meet your needs. Just means we have to work harder, thats all. I would love to see some of your testing data. It would help us in our efforts to design a better product to find out why our BB's don't perform well in your guns.

I am in Pet regularly, and am working with some fields up there this summer helping them get started up. Let me know if you would like to meet to swap results!
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Old April 5th, 2011, 21:07   #48
Ryan Smith
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Anyone who uses a brand of bb because it is "cheaper" needs to go get a new job. 10 year old kids play paint ball and save allowance up to pay 30 dollars for 500 paintballs. If you are 18 and get bent out of shape spending 20 dollars on thousands of bb's...........Do yourself a favour and either 1) Go back to school 2) Go to school 3)Move on from being a walmart greeter 4) Give your head a shake 5) Sell your van down by the river and live in a box. With the money you got for your van; invest in bb bastards.

Seems logical to me.

On another note, i experienced the same, "wow quality bbs actually make a difference" excitement that many experienced before me.
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Old April 11th, 2011, 23:51   #49
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There are no current government approvals for specific brands of airsoft bb.

The only current concern has to do with biodegradability, and more importantly, non-toxicity. Most "bio" products are a mix of PLA and mineral powder and starch as a binder. Some brands add an enzyme to enhance the speed of degredation - we think thats stupid - anyone who played at Claybank last year, or anyone who has been forced to play in 100% humidity (welcome to Muskoka) will tell you, you want it degrading on the ground, and not in your mag or barrel. Enzyme additives are for marketing, but there are plenty of BBB ECO bags out there half used from last season, and they're still good to go. So while there might be a marginal price difference, we think the thought and engineering behind the product is worth the value we offer.

Governments dont regulate airsoft bbs - they regulate what can be left on land before it has to be remediated. And that is up to the current landowner. The idea that one bb is approved over another is only valid insofar as its composition. ABS Styrene is a moncyclic aromatic hydrocarbon - big bad petrolium base. It will require remediation if used on land - the ratios vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. So being approved really has more to do with having a bio friendly formula that eliminates remediation. Compositions that meet that criteria in a 6mm package between .20 and .30 grams limit what you can use. The distinction then becomes manufacturing for fit and finish. Thats where BB Bastards are (in my belief and experience) the best choice you can make that meets quality for cost.

As Blackthorne said, we're always willing to look at serious test results and claims backed up with fact. Present your research and identify your methods and we'll take you seriously. Outside of that, well, its opinion. There is lots of anecdotal evidence in this thread that supports BBB. If you want more stringent, look to CDN_Stalker's thread, as well as what we post on our website and here. We are transparent about is because airsofters figure stuff out pretty quick and outright marketing without substantiation lasts about as quick as a smarty on a fat farm.

My 2 cents. Cheers. And enjoy airsoft - with whatever brand you shoot. All we ask is you give us a chance to have your business. We'll give you a good product at a fair price with a money back guarantee. We do that because we KNOW you will be happy with our product.

'crow out.
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