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Help! I can't go to work anymore because of my youtube videos



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Old January 13th, 2011, 16:58   #106
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
Look, people who don't know just don't know. As far as they could speculate, it might be part for a flashlight which it perfectly could be.
My point was that if they'd actually watch the videos they would of realised otherwise
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Old January 13th, 2011, 17:08   #107
Death March
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What some people don't seem to know is that once you have a PAL/firearms permit the Police can knock on your door at 2am without reason and ask to see you guns,ammo and how you store them.It's one of your right's you give up once you have your PAL.or firearm.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 17:43   #108
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This guy, from what I've read, did not at any point threathen someone like David Abitbol did.

According to this situation, some guy at the place he works saw him in videos shooting guns and also saw him say that he had his PAL.

In my mind this says one thing : The guy has a permit to shoot guns so I should probably expect to see him using one in a picture or video since he has a licence for it...duh!

No more than 2 hours on the internet would have confirmed every bit of info needed to know what was going on with this guy.

This was non existant detective work if you ask me so there is room here for reparation should he require it.

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Old January 13th, 2011, 18:12   #109
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Well at least thing move. I already have an appointment at my workplace monday to "talk about the events that happened". Well, I'm not angry at all agains't the cop that are respectfuly doing their job (and I said that I bought everything from Torontoairsoft, wich is also true) but I'm very, very tired about all this "tabou" about my personnal and private life that in no way at all is related to my job and that now too much people know.

Yes I talked openly about my getting my pal, since I did everything with one of my coworker that just go it also. This is why we talked about it at my worplace, prepared for class and everything!
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Old January 13th, 2011, 18:17   #110
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They will probably try to reassure you that they were only thinking about your best interest and that the best thing would be to let this all just fade away. They are probably scared that you are going to sue them. I would expect them to be "Very nice" to you on Monday.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 18:25   #111
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Originally Posted by Death March View Post
What some people don't seem to know is that once you have a PAL/firearms permit the Police can knock on your door at 2am without reason and ask to see you guns,ammo and how you store them.It's one of your right's you give up once you have your PAL.or firearm.
Of course the police can ask ANYONE if they can come in, but no one has to say yes.

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Old January 13th, 2011, 18:42   #112
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
Well at least thing move. I already have an appointment at my workplace monday to "talk about the events that happened". Well, I'm not angry at all agains't the cop that are respectfuly doing their job (and I said that I bought everything from Torontoairsoft, wich is also true) but I'm very, very tired about all this "tabou" about my personnal and private life that in no way at all is related to my job and that now too much people know.

Yes I talked openly about my getting my pal, since I did everything with one of my coworker that just go it also. This is why we talked about it at my worplace, prepared for class and everything!
Talk to a lawyer.
Don't have one? Get one.
Sue, or don't sue, Whatever the case may be.. Seek counsel.

Regardless of what anyone here says, you should speak to professional legal counsel about exactly what happened, it is your right to do so. They will advise you.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 19:19   #113
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Originally Posted by c3sk View Post
Talk to a lawyer.
Don't have one? Get one.
Sue, or don't sue, Whatever the case may be.. Seek counsel.

Regardless of what anyone here says, you should speak to professional legal counsel about exactly what happened, it is your right to do so. They will advise you.

Exactly it is in YOUR best interest to retain proper legal advice for your own protection. Even if you dont want to sue you should hear what a professional criminal/civil lawyer has to say. The police may seem like they are being friendly and everything us fine but they may just be giving you enough rope to hang yourself... Furthermore they overreacted and may just try and reasonably explain their over reaction but the their action were NOT justifiable or LEGAL!!

In any case it is your move but proceed with caution, this may still not be as resolved as you are being led to believe.. Also just because you were not charged there will still be a record of your " interaction" with the police and this will not go away. You have to ask that you see all records related to this incident and have them destroyed as well as your fingerprints!!! If you don't they will be kept on file...

As for your employer you may sympathize with their reasononing but it doesn't make them right! I'm sure there have been any number of shooters from all kinds of demographics that doesn't mean that a 22 year old with a gun needs to see a shrink... Or anyone who reads Catcher in the Rye will become obsessed with and shoot a celebrity or whatever... They need probable cause... And just because you have a PAL does not give the police grounds to search your home. They CAN come to your door and ask to see your firearms, where they are stored, and where your ammo is but they can't SEARCH your entire residence... Furthermore just because you have a PAL doesnt mean you own a firearm... That is what the registry is for!!(I know let's not start on the registry) but if someone goes to the trouble to obtain a PAL why buy an illegal gun...

Anyways play it safe get counsel, be careful and do what you think is best.
I hope everything works out for the best!

*here is my disclaimer I know in some of my posts in this thread I've seemed overly lawyer happy and provided confrontational advice I did not do so lightly and when dealing with the government and police you must exercise your rights to the max. I work for the federal government and i have seen things happen and you better believe that there are many people working their side so it is best to make sure you are careful and have someone who has YOUR best interest in mind* my advice would have been different if this was a private company or individual or some other set of circumstances
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Old January 13th, 2011, 19:35   #114
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I think just for the fact that airsoft is so taboo and unknown u should pursue this legally because now your not just fighting for yourself you would be fighting for all legal airsoft owners out there and I cant see things going back to normal at your workplace after all this mess.

I know they have been recently changing the laws for airsoft in canada but I think airsoft has reached a pinnacle point it needs to become as open as paintball is, it needs more exposure so incidents like this do not reoccur or at least are a very minimal.

These are just my thoughts but I love this sport I will never give it up and if I was in your position I would use this incident to not just help myself but the entire airsoft community.

I was shocked to read you were arrested and I can imagine how things were with your girl friend and I want you to know that you have a large number of the airsoft community supporting you regardless of what you do.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 19:56   #115
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Definitely get a lawyer. Your rights as a law-abiding Canadian citizen have been trampled upon, and you need to stand up for them. Not just for your sake, but for all of us airsoft enthusiasts as well. I can appreciate not wanting to open a huge can of worms, but sometimes it's necessary to fight for the things you enjoy.

If this makes me sound like an idiot, I apologize. I need sleep, but I felt it was time to throw in my two cents.
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Did he not pay his ASC bill this month?
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Old January 13th, 2011, 19:59   #116
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That is what the registry is for
It reminds me about the cop that ask me why I didn't register my M14... I already talked about this register to my workplace, but most people are ignorant and so once they are scared they stop listenning. Fear removes all logical senses. Sadly. I'm more calm now. I contact my union, it was the first thing I did. Of course at 18h00pm I only left a message but I'll talk to them first hand tomorrow morning and I may ask my representative CSN worker to come with me to this "friendly goûter". I know them, they are sly, they won't excuse themselve but will mostly ask me to not talk about this case and I'm pretty sure they'll say something like: ok, after discussing about it, we will let you the chance to come back on condition of you stop talking about firearms while being at the hospital. I'll keep the "I'll sue you" as last ammo. Now I'm pumped on adrenaline anytime I think about it.

Thanks as always! I read all! I'm not familiar at all with laws, lawers and sueing so this is why I don't put amphasis on this now. I never had any lawer. I also don't have money, I'm seriously in debts so if I can get everything back as I want (not as they want) without going the juridic way I'll be happy.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 20:07   #117
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Wow thats crazy.. What kind of nonsense is that? They can not do that although i don;t know how the Labor laws apply in Quebec but here there would prob be a can of whoop ass over something like that.. I wouldn't deal with a lawyer yet though this should be dealt with by your union Steward.. The union would have to take this to court not you i am pretty sure..

Your personal life is non of their business unless you are some crazy psycho, either wise they can go to hell. What business is it for them to punish you for your hobbies.. Or whatever it may be.. Unless you were showing off real guns shooting people or had an abundance of child pornography on your computer your airsoft rifles are your own business. Bunch of crap IMO just centering you out..

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Last edited by BobbyDangerous; January 13th, 2011 at 20:10..
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Old January 13th, 2011, 20:30   #118
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We have a ministry for everything and then some, in my opinion you should also take a look into contacting the CSST as well
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Old January 13th, 2011, 22:04   #119
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Originally Posted by Death March View Post
What some people don't seem to know is that once you have a PAL/firearms permit the Police can knock on your door at 2am without reason and ask to see you guns,ammo and how you store them.It's one of your right's you give up once you have your PAL.or firearm.
Actually, NO THEY CANNOT, unless they've obtained a warrant for entry/search. Only a CFO or a firearms officer appointed to the CFO office and NOT A POLICE OFFICER may enter and inspect firearms stored within a dwelling house without a warrant, and then only at such a time which is convenient - meaning prior request made to home owner and consented to. Just because you have a PAL or RPAL, does not mean the police have carte blanche to enter and search. Before inadvertantly spreading such false rumors, I strongly suggest you re-read both the Criminal Code of Canada, and the Firearms Act and educate yourself regarding the law.

NO WARRANT = NO ENTRY, PERIOD. And, to get a warrant for a dwelling house isn't that simple because there's significant Charter implications to go along with violating one's right to privacy and freedom from unreasonable search. No sane judge or JP will grant such a warrant either without clear evidence / probable cause provided by the police.


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Old January 13th, 2011, 22:25   #120
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To add to fly statement they do need to have warrant to enter your home without your consent but if they ask and you say yes then they can. As long as you say yes they can search anything they please.

This actually happens a lot. Police walk up to your door and ask may I see your fire arms and then some people go "ok" without thinking. Crafty ones go "May we speak to you?" then they ask "may we come inside?". Anything they see in plain view can be use as evidence or at least to get a speedy warrent or they can skip the warrant if they believe the evidence will be destroyed before they can get one.

I did a few law enforcement classes in college with a retired RCMP member. It was every interesting and tricky to see what a police person can and can't do. They have a hard job and everything changes on them over the years.

In this gentleman's case I'm willing to bet the law enforcement group will say that the You tube video is public domain and therefore "in plain view". They will come to his house and ask to see the gun if he does not let them they will go for a warrant. They will have easy grounds for a warrant that this gentleman has a gun which he does not have the proper releases from the govt to have, the proof will be the video. They will be wrong of course but they will play it safe and make sure it's a airsoft gun. The gun might be sent off for testing by the same guys the CBSA uses.

Last edited by Hurley895; January 13th, 2011 at 22:37.. Reason: video reasoning
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