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Old January 12th, 2011, 14:37   #1
Chris098's Avatar
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Hey guys, i want to get a Airsoft gun but i don't know weather to go with an AEG or a Gas Rifle. i want something that isn't gonna break, something you can throw around/ be rough with.

I don't really have a good experience with AEGs, i had a buddy who had some mp7 had it for a few weeks and the gear box died or something cause it was winter.

the air soft gun im looking at is the WE T91 - GG

Looks pretty solid considering its Full metal.

Any help would be great, links to where to buy would be even better.
Id check the buy and sell, on here but im not age verified and don't know how to get on that.

Thanks Gents.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 14:39   #2
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If you're just starting airsoft get an AEG. GBBR's are cool but they dont work all that great in the winter. If you really want an air gun my personal opinion is to go classic or daytona, though a lot of people hate on that idea.

Get a good quality AEG don't cheap out and if you take appropriate care of it, it will not break
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Old January 12th, 2011, 14:42   #3
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Well im not just starting i used to have a gun back in the day, and i don't plan on playing in the winter anyhow is the rifle in my link any good?

PS thanks for the input
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Old January 12th, 2011, 14:45   #4
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for beginners, AEGs are the way to go. They work all year round and maintenance is minimum. Mags and parts are cheaper and you can find them just about everywhere. But if you're more of a milsim player, then GBBR is the way to go.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 14:49   #5
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Yea well i don't mind having to do maintenance on the gun... We talking open the reviver take out bolt Assembly and oil? / silicon oil gas mags? Are GBBR's reliable thoe? the parts arnt going to break is the gun in my link a good gun ?
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Old January 12th, 2011, 14:52   #6
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IMO The gun you linked SHOULD be great if it's been updated with the other WE guns (ie gen.3)

Now, I own a GBBR and i must say, they are infinatly more fun than aegs, however much more of a pain in the ass. Need constant lubing, cleaning and in many cases, repair. AEGs are just simpler.

Best advice, Get your GBBR but also get a moderatly decent AEG to bring with to games as a backup (even a kraken would suffice) in case your GBBR goes all female on you and stops working so you can at least keep playing after a trip back to the staging grounds.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 14:55   #7
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AEGs have alot more aftermarket parts out there which would make an AEG easier to maintain. Since you are a beginner, i would recommend an AEG. It also properly functions in the winter rather than a GBBR which is useless for outdoor skimishes in the winter.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 14:55   #8
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You may have been into it before, but it really seems from your posts that you're inexperienced. And based on that, I would say a quality AEG is your best bet. A good AEG can provide you with tens of thousands of rounds of service with nothing but regular barrel cleaning. Overall, they're more reliable and have much more spare parts available should something go wrong. Also, the knowledge base out there when it comes to working on AEGs is much greater than gas guns.

Now, the MP7 you spoke of - you didn't specify a brand, but I'm assuming that it was one of the Tactical Force models, as they make up probably 90% of electric MP7s I've seen. Those are cheap garbage guns known for breaking down easily. I wouldn't take that as a measure of what an electric gun can do.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 15:00   #9
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Another thing I would like to point out is that your freinds gun was most likely an AEP.

A clear small MP7 correct?

That's not an AEG. It'd be silly to base an opinion on one crappily made airsoft gun, there are AEG's out there that'll last you a good 10 years if you're good to them. Tokyo Marui being a common name out there.

Personally, i'd go with AEG first, Out of the box they normally run long and steady provided you don't fuck around with it. GBBR's normally need parts swapped out before they can be game worthy,

Not to forget the cost for a full load of magazines can be as expensive, if not more than the gun itself, when it comes to a GBBR.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 15:08   #10
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Even the brand name tokyo marui MP7's are crap, I see them break down all the time. Small gearboxes just aren't reliable.

But AEG's are the way to go, I've seen stock marui AEG's last 3-5 years no problem (if kept stock inside) before breaking down. And fully upgraded guns last the same (if upgraded properly).
tokyo marui is the way to go, classic army or G&P if you want metal.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 19:27   #11
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Every airsofter needs an AEG backup. GBBR are for fun but need more maintenance. AEG are a lot cheaper then GBBR and mags are waaaay cheaper too.

I own both but prefer to use my GBBR.
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Old January 15th, 2011, 16:14   #12
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Originally Posted by Chris098 View Post
Hey guys, i want to get a Airsoft gun but i don't know weather to go with an AEG or a Gas Rifle. i want something that isn't gonna break, something you can throw around/ be rough with.
good quality, name brand full metal bodied AK47 AEG ... seriously.. you can damn near take these and use em as a ladder step across 2 chairs... it's a metal brick with a V3 gearbox inside...

if you are still very insistant on a GBBR ... check the retailers here and the few canadian online

KJW M4 full metal GBBR .... the WE's are getting better .. but the KJW M4 has proven itself to pretty much stay running and firing no matter what goes wrong inside.. they just start to get really ineffiecient on gas ...but they still stay working... they are also one of the few (if not the only) GBBR you can unbox at the field, gas, load and hit the field ..

the trade off is.. theres next to nothing for it for internal upgrades(only 1 company I am aware of) and you can only use KJW mags

if I'm wrong.. please someone feel free to correct me so the OP gets the proper info
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Old January 15th, 2011, 20:16   #13
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Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
good quality, name brand full metal bodied AK47 AEG ... seriously.. you can damn near take these and use em as a ladder step across 2 chairs... it's a metal brick with a V3 gearbox inside...

if you are still very insistant on a GBBR ... check the retailers here and the few canadian online

KJW M4 full metal GBBR .... the WE's are getting better .. but the KJW M4 has proven itself to pretty much stay running and firing no matter what goes wrong inside.. they just start to get really ineffiecient on gas ...but they still stay working... they are also one of the few (if not the only) GBBR you can unbox at the field, gas, load and hit the field ..

the trade off is.. theres next to nothing for it for internal upgrades(only 1 company I am aware of) and you can only use KJW mags

if I'm wrong.. please someone feel free to correct me so the OP gets the proper info
I don't know, my KJW M4 GBBR shot around 580-640 right out of the box with Green Gas. My WE Scar GBBR shot about 340-350 right out of the box.
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Old January 15th, 2011, 21:43   #14
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AEG - If you want to be on the bandwagon, There are lots of Gun Docs who can fix it. Variation are too much to count. If you want to game all winter, this isn't the best choice simply because of battery issue.

PTW - Step up from AEG, these are more realistic, and cost alot more. The only problem is the motor, you get it mod and it should be good for rest of it's life. The Price is a big difference and PTW are only in M4/M16/Mk18 and MP5A4. (MP5 is discontinued series, yet the newest)

GBB -Most realistic airsoft you can get. These are what's best describe as the best simulation to firearm without high velocity rounds (as in lethal) Temperature operation is best above 10 degrees, some can run around 0 to 10. GBBR are not suited that low. The biggest down side is the magazine price is significantly higher than AEG/PTW ones. In addition, not much gun docs are available (though it's not hard to fix as they're all mechanical and you can easily figure it out. AEG has electric so it's a little harder)

Classic -The original airsoft gun. These one has everything GBB has to offer except a hoseline instead of gas in a magazine. The kicks are usually stronger because higher pressure can be used. The benefit is simply cool-down is barely noticiable (I tried using a Daytonagun AK in -20 with CO2, works fine without cool down. Gas consumption increase alot though) The benefit of cheap AEG mags in Escort/ Daytonagun are also found. In another words, a Classic is AEG and GBB combine except it has a hose line.

All up to you...

Personally I wouldn't go AEG, imho you need to know and how to fix your own gun (atleast basic to intermediate difficulty stuff)
only down side to Daytonagun and Escort is the availability. (There's two in classified right now, an AK and a M249)
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Old January 15th, 2011, 21:46   #15
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Originally Posted by Jager627 View Post
I don't know, my KJW M4 GBBR shot around 580-640 right out of the box with Green Gas. My WE Scar GBBR shot about 340-350 right out of the box.
Depending on the model you get for both. KJ offers a low velocity one (<350fps), and medium (~400fps), and a high (450fps) AFAIK
WE offers the same essentially

High fps are from Hong Kong, and Canadian retailer to meet your firearm laws.
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