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Help! I can't go to work anymore because of my youtube videos



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Old January 11th, 2011, 21:03   #61
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Sim, I'm gunna speak from experience, because not all of this is the company's fault and you do carry some of the burden as well.

My father used to manage a school dormitory a while ago, and sometimes I helped him.

Usually when a person comes to "rat" someone out, it's because they don't like that person for some reason, and usually they don't have a very good connection with them(Either they outright just don't know the person, or have had personal disagreements).

One time we had a 19 year old college student who was clearly mentally disturbed. And he would scream at random times, bring a pregnant girlfriend to the dorm, and whatnot. In general he was just trouble, and everybody around the dorm was just scared that he might become violent and possibly hurt someone. But we couldn't legally evict him because there wasn't any "solid" proof.

You see where I'm getting at?

People around you at work may have felt that their personal safety may be compromised. I'm not saying that you are a mentally disturbed person, or that I'm prejudice against you for any reason, but usually these "fearful" people have no connection with you. And sort of just imagine you being a dangerous stranger, however safe you believe yourself to be. People just don't want to take chances with their lives.

I know I don't.

So you need to really get to know your other co-workers personally. It's a way of implicitly telling them that 'I'm not a bad person'.

If I don't know you personally, and if all the image of you I get are from bad rumours and disturbing youtube videos, can you blame me when I think that you are a dangerous person? Of course not.

It's like getting a job. Employers sometimes search you up on Facebook and look at your pictures to judge what sort of person you are. Obviously if you have a pic of yourself getting piss drunk, it's not going to end well for you.

What you do online will affect real life interactions, you need to understand this. And from seeing your other threads, why do you have your Airsoft guns shooting so hot? They're all like 500+ FPS, even AEGs....?

By the way your boss won't just hire a psychiatrist just because you posted videos with guns. Sane people have guns, obviously. HE MUST NOT HAVE A GOOD IMPRESSION OF YOU IN REAL LIFE EITHER if he automatically sent you to therapy. People don't send others to therapy unless they have real good reason to believe that you are mentally ill.

Last edited by Skladfin; January 11th, 2011 at 21:06..
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Old January 12th, 2011, 00:01   #62
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Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post
I always thought that nurse was a tranny, big feet
lmfao yoda has spoken
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Old January 12th, 2011, 02:52   #63
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My bosses and co-workers know about me and airsoft and have no issues with it. Heck they even let me have my items shipped to the dealership! An informed decision is always better than an uninformed one. Sorry your going through this Sim.

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Old January 12th, 2011, 03:40   #64
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One question, who's paying for the shrink? If you're not careful they'll come to the conclusion that the person who hired them wants them to. ie. It's like waiving your rights to legal action and instead proceeding to arbitration BUT the arbitrator is someone the company you're trying to sue in the first place hired.

Be careful and see if you can maybe bring your own shrink. I know it may sound a bit paranoid but people don't come to conclusions themselves, there's always bias and outside forces (ie. getting paid in a timely manner by the company who hired them for their services).
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Old January 12th, 2011, 08:15   #65
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lol, the pink car rulez! Kidding! Thx for the comments!
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Old January 12th, 2011, 08:46   #66
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Freedom of expression.

Call Human Rights Commission.

Sue them fucking blind.

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Old January 12th, 2011, 10:36   #67
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Sim here is my suggestions, similair to what everyone else has said with with one added step at the end...

1)See te shrink and remain calm and professional and explain what the deal is.
2)think about who initiated this complaint because I doubt someone randomly came across your vids and recognized you
3) go see your family doctor and tell him you are very worried and stressed regarding what has happened and the possible effects this may have on your career/life
4) contact human rights commission and tell them you are being maliciously persecuted by your employer
5) when you are cleared to go back to work show up the first day with letter from your doctor saying as a result of this situation you are stressed and unable to sleep etc.... And are taking a paid stress leave...then take the time you will be entitled to as a result of their actions and take a real vacation on their dime. Bunch of asshats...

Now this won't win you many friends with management so you may want to look at applying at another hospital if that's an option...
Do you belong to a union? If so have a union rep with you. And I know it's kind of an ass move to take the stress leave but who's to say if you are stressed or not? Sounds like a toxic and hostile work environment to me and besides they're trying to screw you so show them that you can play games too...
Anyways good luck and try to think about who started this shit...
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Old January 12th, 2011, 10:46   #68
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If you want my opinion, afterwards don't be so quick to take a flamethrower to the bridges. Maybe pour some gasoline and hold a lighter up (figuratively) but don't just indiscriminately burn the bridges. Remember word in any industry travels fast (especially in the IT sector because if they want to find something they will, which is why I have such restrictive policies on my facebook account and try to present myself as a well groomed and well mannered professional at all times where my name is attached to things). Also you kind of need to leave on good terms in order to find a job elsewhere.

So, what do you do. You protect yourself of course. Keeping a record of all documents that you receive and a record of any conversations having to do with your situation is also a good idea (I know in the US they have 1 and 2 party consent for recordings, not sure what Canadas laws are regarding that but ask the shrink if you can record the conversation and to forward you their notes once compiled). Keep pen and paper on you at all times to take notes (Just like in Hot Fuzz, your "field notes" are gold if you find yourself in a courtroom so you're not relying on memory but can reference something you physically wrote down (primary evidence) as things were happening).
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Old January 12th, 2011, 11:12   #69
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Thanks, all good ideas. I have an "union", I guess it's the word for "syndicat" in french. They contacted me a lot durings this. I asked them if I had no choice but to tell every little details about my personnel life if the psychiatrist decide to ask me. They told me that I had the right to feel uneasy and tell him that. Even if he his a psychiatrist, I'm not going on my own to see him. I have a doc, a person who I trust. I have the feeling that they want to look threw everything of my personnal life to get ammunition on their side. Wich I was going there with a lawyer who could told me what to answer and not. That's the feeling I have, they put me in this feeling of being judge and that I'm the one to defend myself.

Yes it's a very toxic environnement. I will quit it but I have debts that I must clear first. My gf and family want me to change job.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 11:31   #70
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I'd get some REAL legal advise before even going in to see the shrink.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 11:36   #71
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
I'd get some REAL legal advise before even going in to see the shrink.
I fully endorse this opinion. ]

I'd also get a union rep to actually join in on the session with the shrink so that any attempted coercion / steering of the sessions to get their desired result (prove you're a threat so they can fire you) can be witnessed and documented.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 11:37   #72
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Check with your insurance. A lot give you access to legal aid. A lawyer you can call for legal advises, for free.

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Old January 12th, 2011, 11:39   #73
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Well if that is the case have a union rep present as is your right. Cooperate but do not offer anything beyond what is asked. Answer as simply and shortly as you can. Talk to you doctor about a stress leave. Tell him you feel targeted and harassed. That it is a toxic hostile work environment and that there frivolous and vexatious accusations have caused irreparable harm to your reputation and has caused you to suffer undue stress. Take the paid leave and find a better job. Also tell them after you are cleared that there is to be no record of what transpired and that if anybody is told about it it is a violation of privacy as well as a breach of confidentiality and that it is slander and libel as well as a defamation of character.

Fuck them and protect yourself there may be more going on then you know. Exercise all of your rights to the maximum and always have a representative with you.
Best of luck
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Old January 12th, 2011, 12:46   #74
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Originally Posted by dirtdiver View Post
Well if that is the case have a union rep present as is your right. Cooperate but do not offer anything beyond what is asked. Answer as simply and shortly as you can. Talk to you doctor about a stress leave. Tell him you feel targeted and harassed. That it is a toxic hostile work environment and that there frivolous and vexatious accusations have caused irreparable harm to your reputation and has caused you to suffer undue stress. Take the paid leave and find a better job. Also tell them after you are cleared that there is to be no record of what transpired and that if anybody is told about it it is a violation of privacy as well as a breach of confidentiality and that it is slander and libel as well as a defamation of character.

Fuck them and protect yourself there may be more going on then you know. Exercise all of your rights to the maximum and always have a representative with you.
Best of luck

Yeah, I agree with this, especially with the part of defamation since reputation plays a big role..., and the attempt to make you feel guilty when there is nothing to be guilty about is too stressful, and deserves compensation...
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Old January 12th, 2011, 12:53   #75
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Well since you mentioned union... kinda gives you access to a lot of freebies. As mentioned above have your union representative present, and for the union lawyer (can sometimes be the representative). No need to pay for anything since you've got your butt covered by the union. Looks like things just brightened up for your wallet... now you don't have to pay for a lawyer.
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