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Airsoft shops in beijing china



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Old May 27th, 2006, 15:16   #16
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Originally Posted by NOOB
no no no no no,

Airsoft IS BAN on china, BAN not eqaul to no body play, I personally know china airsofter and they themselves knows it's a high risk game (illegal)

Back to your question, if possible get your friend to buy it then ship it to you, slightly cheaper (just slightly after the S&H)
There is definitely no federal law against airsot in China, perhaps it's a provincal thing. In January I was in Changchun (Jilin province) and I saw a few cheap springer airsoft guns at several different stores and when I visited a friend in Shanghai, he had a decent collection of AEGs (mainly CA's)

Where abouts in China is the person you know?

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Old May 27th, 2006, 15:16   #17
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So wait....they can make it but they can't use it?
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Old May 27th, 2006, 15:40   #18
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Even if he sucess to buy a airsoft there, he won't be able to import it in cananda...

I am not right? :???:

Edit : ah, yeah, if he want to import things like mags...
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Old December 6th, 2010, 07:57   #19
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Hi guys,

I'm going to Beijing soon and I would like to know please (a correct answer if possible)
if I can carry in the under luggage cargo an ASG or Airsoft accessories .

Please do not reply if you don't have an accurate answer.

Many thanks
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Old December 6th, 2010, 08:19   #20
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Guns - NO
Pistol frames - NO
Rifle receivers - NO
Silencers - NO

Gear and internals and other parts you can bring back safely without problems.
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Old December 6th, 2010, 08:41   #21
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Originally Posted by maiochine View Post
I'm going to Beijing soon and I would like to know please (a correct answer if possible)
if I can carry in the under luggage cargo an ASG or Airsoft accessories .

Please do not reply if you don't have an accurate answer.

Many thanks
Relevant info is here:

Specifically this section (copy-pasta):

Okay, so I can’t import guns. What about parts and accessories?

Yes. The good news is that most parts and accessories, including most magazines, can be successfully imported by individuals without requiring a BFL. Examples of things you CANNOT import:

* AEG magazines with fake cartridges (i.e. P90, G36, SG 552 mags)
* Frames, receivers, and metal bodies
* Suppressors and silencers
* Prohibited-length outer handgun barrels (i.e. USP Compact, Glock 26)
* Hand and 40mm grenades that look real

Examples of things you CAN import:

* Magazines for AEGs and GBBs without fake cartridges
* Outer barrels for most guns
* Inner barrels of any type
* Handgun slides
* Flash suppressors
* Scopes, red dot sights, iron sights, lasers
* Rail systems and scope mounts
* Springs, bushings, gears, pistons, or other gearbox parts
* Batteries, BBs, loading tools
* Helmets, goggles, body armor, tactical vests, camouflage

Note that CBSA inspectors have discretion to detain goods of questionable legality, and although it shows up on the above list it MAY be held if you draw an inspector that is particularly ignorant or of foul demeanor. That said, I have yet to hear of any seizures of the above items.

Prohibited-length handgun barrels may or may not be stopped. Most outer barrels are not dimensioned internally to even appear capable of firing a real bullet, and faux rifling marks typically extend only a few millimeters down the bore. However CBSA inspectors are not firearms experts and if they think there's a potential of it being usable in a real gun, they'll seize it rather than risk their jobs. Best not to take a chance on it.
Note that the magazines with faux bullets in them are technically allowed in (or at least that's what the consensus was in some other thread) but you will likely get hassled a lot if the inspector decides it's illegal. Better yet don't try importing those and taking back "black" magazines instead (by "black" I mean coloured/opaque).

EDIT: As for the suppressors and silencers..... they're in a grey area as well. On one hand they're just tubes of metal but on the other hand you shouldn't have any foam (or other) inside them. As well, trademarks will likely make agents question it.
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Last edited by L473ncy; December 6th, 2010 at 08:45..
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Old December 6th, 2010, 11:16   #22
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Originally Posted by maiochine View Post
Please do not reply if you don't have an accurate answer.

Give me the answer I want to hear or you're an asshole for replying and crushing my dreams.
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Old December 6th, 2010, 11:34   #23
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No point in even responding ..if the guy is heading to Beijing he won't find squat.
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Old December 6th, 2010, 17:16   #24
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There is no rule saying airsoft is banned in china however it is illegal to possess any sort of fire arm including replicas. The places people see only sell gear nothing else, no receivers rail systems etc, even though china produces these they are not allowed to be sold locally and can only be exported all the stores in beijing ive been to sell lots of gear ( vests, BDU, belts, etc.) but not guns the only accessories ive seen are Red dot sights, Sniper scopes, flashlights and lasers.
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Old December 8th, 2010, 05:04   #25
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Originally Posted by phloudernow View Post
There is no rule saying airsoft is banned in china however it is illegal to possess any sort of fire arm including replicas. The places people see only sell gear nothing else, no receivers rail systems etc, even though china produces these they are not allowed to be sold locally and can only be exported all the stores in beijing ive been to sell lots of gear ( vests, BDU, belts, etc.) but not guns the only accessories ive seen are Red dot sights, Sniper scopes, flashlights and lasers.
Hi there ! Could you please give me some addresses in Beijing ?

Many thanks
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Old December 8th, 2010, 05:33   #26
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Originally Posted by maiochine View Post
Hi there ! Could you please give me some addresses in Beijing ?

Many thanks
I dont know exactly where it is but im sure there is a place in either XIDAN shopping center theres a vendor on the top floor at the back that sells Gear, if not XIDAN its one of the big department stores with billions of vendors inside where u get cheap stuff You can deff haggle for stuff, i bought a pair of Boots that were going for 300 YUAN for 40 YUAN
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Old December 8th, 2010, 06:07   #27
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Also a tip..... From what I've heard you also need to say that you would like to buy a "dog" if you go into those stores or something. I'm not sure of this but apparently the word for gun and dog are very similar or something like that and they talk about "dogs" in Chinese airsoft forums.
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Old December 8th, 2010, 07:03   #28
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Also a tip..... From what I've heard you also need to say that you would like to buy a "dog" if you go into those stores or something. I'm not sure of this but apparently the word for gun and dog are very similar or something like that and they talk about "dogs" in Chinese airsoft forums.
No not really, Dog sounds completely different from the word gun in chinese, nothing to do with each other so yeah dont know what kind of forum your're looking at because the only chinese airsoft forum i know of is Civilian Gunner and its a Hong Kong based one dunno about China tho
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Old December 8th, 2010, 07:28   #29
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Originally Posted by phloudernow View Post
I dont know exactly where it is but im sure there is a place in either XIDAN shopping center theres a vendor on the top floor at the back that sells Gear, if not XIDAN its one of the big department stores with billions of vendors inside where u get cheap stuff You can deff haggle for stuff, i bought a pair of Boots that were going for 300 YUAN for 40 YUAN

thanks for the help and thanks for all too
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Old December 8th, 2010, 07:32   #30
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Originally Posted by phloudernow View Post
No not really, Dog sounds completely different from the word gun in chinese, nothing to do with each other so yeah dont know what kind of forum your're looking at because the only chinese airsoft forum i know of is Civilian Gunner and its a Hong Kong based one dunno about China tho
Yeah.... I'm super whitewashed and I know in Cantonese it's "gau" (phonetic) but I swear that I read that they use the word "dog" as a substitute for gun somewhere.... (then again could have been someone that was shitting me though). Also HKSAR has different rules than the mainland so they can talk about it freely there.

Then again they could just be getting their hands on Robert Goulet......
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