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Old May 10th, 2010, 12:31   #1
Join Date: Mar 2010
Thumbs up

First review here, thanks for your time and constructive criticism

Being a new shop, it`s hard to take the risk of being one of their firsts customers, but I needed some items for my new AEG and after some price comparisons and talk a bit with their live support (pretty good english) I bited the bullet and made a small purchase.

First Impressions

The shop has an average good looking layout, easy to navigate, menus are translated to a very good Spanish (yep! Im from Spain) which is obviously not “google translated” and the “search function” works very well, much better than other shops where it shows you everything remotely similar to what you want except what you are really looking for.


Registration is fast and easy, perfectly translated to spanish, asking the most important questions for a quick purchase and shipping. After filling the blancs and accept them, you recieve a welcome mail, just like with any other shop, so no surprises there.

After this, you are ready to spend money.


I won´t describe how to add things to the cart or how to finish the checkout, we have made such things countless of times in similar shops. This is just the same, look, add, check out, pay, recieve… quick and easy. Thing is you can use another paying method as “Inpay” if you prefer not to use “paypal”. I prefer Paypal, but every alternative is allways welcomed.


What surprised me the most was how cheap shipping costs were (I allways use Airmail method) compared to other Hong Kong shops, low and very adjusted to my purchase weigth. A happy surprise, indeed.

Fort he rest of the process, they work pretty well, after payment confirmation and after a couple of days I recieved an email with the tracking number which actually worked(im not so lucky with other shops) and arrived in the advertised time, ten days for me using Airmail method without being stopped at customs, which unfortunatly is a common practice in Spain…

The good

I’m very picky with the accesories I put in my AEG, It’s not I look for the highest quality pieces but I love having unique and cool looking (for my tastes) replicas, so sometimes it is very hard to find that part you know ACM brands produce but is not stocked by regular shops. Thats why has a search service abailable to customers, it is as easy as contact them, send a pic of the part you are looking for, they find it and send you an invoice, taking it or not such invoice is totally up to you. I tried, convinced me and it is already on the way to my address.

Pricewise it is very similar to other HK shops, sometimes lower, but considering them plus the lowest shipping costs I have ever seen and a great customer service, is one of the best shops I dealt with in a long time.
Customer service is excelent, as I said before, but not only by email as every single one is answered fast and politely, with a more than aceptable english, their live support too, which is not filled with poor english speakers but atended by knowledgeable sales men. I just expected my emails fall in the great chinese email black hole…

They have an exclusivity contract with the new Black Bear Airsoft brand for distributing their products in Asia and Europe, (Evike is the exclusive USA distributor) who will start a WWII replica line, why do I say that? Because it amazed me to find a salesmen team who knew what, when, whom they were selling to and who actually was not afraid of giving any detail you may ask.

The bad

Maybe I was just lucky with my first purchase, but right now I can’t think of anything bad enough to call “bad”, just the “ugly things” normal in young bussiness which will be polished with time and featured in the next part of the review.

The ugly

Having a catalogue of an acceptable size and ever growing, it is still smaller than the one you can find in the regular HK shops we all know, but thats something normal as these shops have been in the bussiness for several years now, while has been around for less than five months and having a similar catalogue would require a colossal investment. But Im sure that time will solve this “catalogue” issue.

Navigation is easy and pretty much the same as any other HK shop. But not as smooth or comfortable, maybe it is due to me not being still used to it or I am too used to other shops style of navigation, but I feel it is not smooth enough for me and I use more the “search” function.

Final Words

Buying and dealing with guys has being a pretty good experience, easy and pleasant, big surprise there, after dealing with other more “settled names” in the sector… you know what I mean…

Do I recomend these guys? Totally, due to prices, customer service, profesionality and all the possibilities they offer, like the item search, they told me that if any ACM factory produces it, they find it. Granted, they are not perfect but polishing needs time.

I will deal with them again, and I am sure you will do it too.
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Old May 28th, 2010, 10:03   #2
Long_Bong's Avatar
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Bought and pay an item on the 11 of May,

Item was shipped on the 28 of May,

Not impress...
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Old May 28th, 2010, 18:55   #3
szetor's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Long_Bong View Post
Bought and pay an item on the 11 of May,

Item was shipped on the 28 of May,

Not impress...
Bought and paid for my items on the 9th of May.
Item was shipped on the 27th of May.

I am also disappoint.
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Old May 31st, 2010, 11:16   #4
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Sorry for hearing that, my order was shipped quicker than I expected...
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Old May 31st, 2010, 11:34   #5
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Items bought April 30 shipped on May 28. I will not be shopping there anymore especially since they got rid of their replica magpul stuff.
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Old May 31st, 2010, 12:14   #6
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Location: Canada / Ireland / USA
First Order
I was purchasing a few items I couldn't find anywhere esle, so I figured I'd give them a try. Order total (with shipping) was 37,50$.

It took 3 weeks, 4 days to get it shipped, and 6 days more to my door.

Process was fine, prices are fair and, for once, shipping cost really reflects the weight of the order. That's a good thing.

Communication by email was shitty, I got next to no answer.
Their Live Chat, however, proved to be very useful and it's what finally allowed me to get in touch with them and get it shipped. Those I got on the chat had good level of english, and one was also french/english bilingual (I'm french, so good thing). They were helpful.

I didn't have to use their forums, but it seems that if you have problems, post there and you WILL get attentiont for the store staff.

When I got my items, they were properly packaged and as described.

Final note:
- Shitty comms by email
- Great comms by LiveChat
- Honest shipping costs
- Honest prices
- Very long shipping delays

The shipping delays killed it for me.

Second Order
I wanted the SpecterDR repro, and I wanted it fast so I figured I'd give them a second chance (they offer express shipping).

Interestingly, the price for the SpecterDR came very close to most oothershops cost even shipped express. Good, good! (IIRC 157$ vs 150$).

I told them how long it was (1 month) before my last order was shipped, and they apologize, saying they'll make sure it doesn't happen again. They say they added a product for free in my order as a compensation. That's a nice attention!

Two days later, I go on the chat to ask them approx. how much time it will take to be shipped: I'm told it was shipped the same day. Hoorah!

4 days later (following monday), still I don't have a shipping number, so I ask the LiveChat guy who tells me he doesn't have it on hand, but he'll email me when he gets it. He confirms the email I used for my order. As promised, I get the email about 20h later with a tracking number. (8 days from order date)

According to the tracking number, and to my great deception, the order was shipped the day before (when I asked for the tracking number, on the 7th day) and not when I was originally told it was (the 2nd day).

While 8 days isn't that much of a delay, it means I didn't get it when I should have (before the game), and that paying for express was pretty much useless in that case.
What sucks the most is that they told me it was shipped, when it wasn't.

My package was released from customs this morning, I expect it this week.

Last edited by Conker; June 10th, 2010 at 14:13..
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Old June 3rd, 2010, 01:03   #7
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Sorry for the double-post.

I emailed the ACM Gear staff to let them know this link, my experiences and yours. Considering they've been receptive (at least via chat) I guessed it could be helpful.

Here's the answer I got:
The gets though to the shipping department which is very busy.

This one (which is not for enquiries) or the other ones or would be answered daily unless our server went down (we were down for a week with changing hosts) or i was out of the office on that day. I usually have to wait until the shipping department finishes that day for an update on all orders.

There were some delays with shipping recently due to a huge back log of Magpul orders before they were removed from the site and then 2 Chinese holidays.

We are now 100% on top of orders and will be processed within 2-4 days usually.
So take note of these emails if you do business with them, you should get an answer faster.


Got my SpecterDR from ACM-Gear today, will do a review on it later. As for this order, itself (to add to my previous post), it was very well packaged, so no chance of breaking. They included a spare battery with it, could definitely come in handy. As for the "compensation", I received an MBUS sight which, while delays still sucks, does compensate. After all, it's not life critical gear so I guess I could survive without it for one game^^

Let's hope they indeed got all the delays cleared, but for now they still need to get more choice in their catalog.

Last edited by Conker; June 10th, 2010 at 14:11..
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Old June 3rd, 2010, 04:33   #8
Join Date: Mar 2010
An MBUS???!! nice compensation

As you too Conker, I wont be dealing with EBB never again...
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Old August 25th, 2010, 16:27   #9
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No recommendations from me

still waiting for a backordered part and It's been a month now. I've tried to contact them 4 times and no reply. Maybe canadians aren't a high priority for them. I also noticed that their online help is never on anymore...probably tired of getting complaints.
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Old August 25th, 2010, 16:56   #10
Join Date: Mar 2010
If you paid for it, you should open a paypal dispute and get your money back.

I never had a problem with them (crosses finguers) so i keep using their shop
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Old December 17th, 2011, 21:21   #11
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Hi, sorry to reopen this tread, but have anyone recently purchased things from them?? If you did, did they improve on their services?? thks
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Old February 2nd, 2012, 21:55   #12
a.k.a. Palucol
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Originally Posted by landwarrior View Post
Hi, sorry to reopen this tread, but have anyone recently purchased things from them?? If you did, did they improve on their services?? thks
Paid on the 17th of january.... and so far, no updates on my order.... it hasnt been shipped....

Their live help is always offline, and they never answer emails....

So I'm giving them another week, then i'll probs file a Paypal dispute.... -_-"
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Old February 2nd, 2012, 22:03   #13
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I ordered from them early summer last year and everything was in order. I can't remember for the life of me if they sent it out in a timely manner though, but no complaints overall.
WE M4 Raptor
KJW Hi Capa
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Old August 16th, 2012, 22:31   #14
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not very good experience at all

Ordered about 5 or 6 items, all items were said to be in stock. 2 days later my order ships, but 2 of the items were sold out they say, and they will send them to me when they get in. what ever, no rush, no biggy. about 4 days go by, I send them an email asking for an update, they reply saying they shipped one of the out of stock items the other item is still backordered. No worries.

Fast forward about 2 weeks, I get my original order (with one item backorderd and the other in transit still), BUT!... heres the kicker... I ordered 2 double mag pouches, I instead get 2 double pistol mag pouches, I recheck my order, and yes I ordered correctly. So I go to the website, read the description, and yes it suppose to be 5.56 type mag pouches. I look for the double pistol mag pouches on their site, and they dont even have them for sale, they have single pistol mag pouches but no doubles.

This says to me, they either made a mistake, or are not listing their items correctly.

I send them an email and send them pics of the pouches, telling them I want the pouches that I ordered and they should send them to me with the 1 back ordered item when it gets in. (keep in mind, these emails are very professional)

same day, I get an apology and they say they will send out the pouches with my 1 back ordered item, 2 days later I get an email notification that Ive been refunded the balance of the items owing.

Im a pretty easy going guy, waiting isnt a big deal to me, but selling items that you dont have in stock is terrible. I understand things sell fast sometimes. In that case you let your customer know before you ship anything, that something is sold out, and offer to refund the item before shipping the rest of the order.
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Old September 14th, 2012, 11:17   #15
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My experience with ACMGear:
Bought 4 scopes on September 6th. Shipping through airmail, not EMS
Package posted next day on Sept. 7th!
In Canadian Customs on Sept. 10th.
Released from customs on Sept. 13th.
Received next day, Sept. 14.
So in total it took only 8 days to arrive, from the day of purchase, even though it wasn't EMS. I am impressed!

Last edited by volteco; September 14th, 2012 at 11:20..
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