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kjw m9 trouble


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Old August 11th, 2010, 04:53   #1
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kjw m9 trouble

ok, to sum my whole post up, i need part #23 for a kjw m9, according to this diagram in fact, a few would be good, in case i need replacement.

Ok, so please don't attack me too badly for this, i've googled the shit outta it and i still cant seem to find it, and i wouldn't bother you guys unless i couldn't find it, and if this is in the wrong section, again, im sorry.

Here's the situation:
Bought a kjw m9 :banghead:
Fielded kjw m9
Broke kjw m9 (still unknown,could be because idoublt tapped it and it was c02
on a hot day)
Gun collected dust in my closet (you guessed it, m9!)
Being the kind of guy who wants to leave it to the pros, I took it to a gun tech who said it couldn't be helped, and then charged me 10 bucks without even taking it apart.:banghead:
Then i took it apart...
The rubber on the top of the mag is shot, however i can replace that, the real problem i found after taking the rear end of the slide apart, (sans diagram thank you very much ), and finding that part 23 ( ) was blown out, not just blown out but shredded aswell.:banghead:

im guessing the solution would be to find said part 23, however, as i stated before, i googled the shit out of it and cant find, it would be helpful if someone could point me in the direction of a means of obtaining it.
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Old August 11th, 2010, 05:15   #2
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I'll try and offer some help..

I took a look on UNCompany and found that they do stock the part, but are currently sold out..

If you scroll down you'll find it as it starts at Part No.11 and goes to No.65.. You can wait it out, or contact them to see when they will have them stocked again..
UNCompany Parts

Second thing I would do is get into contact with KJ Works directly too see if you can order the part from them, possibly in bulk..

KJ Works Contact

Thats really all I can do for you.

I hope it may have helped you out in some way,

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Old August 11th, 2010, 12:10   #3
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... What guntech did you take it to that charged you $10 for nothing?
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Old August 11th, 2010, 15:31   #4
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
... What guntech did you take it to that charged you $10 for nothing?
I'm wondering the same? That sounds fishy to me.
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Old August 11th, 2010, 18:09   #5
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well i really dont want to be pointing fingers, mostly because i still buy the odd pouch there, but a local surplus store (poco military) told me that they had a gun tech, when i dropped it off they said he'd look at it Monday (this was a friday), i called them on the Monday, they said he'd look at it in another week.... i finally was able to pick my gun up around 4 weeks and 10 bux after i had dropped it off, when he told me it was a lost cause (hinting either paper weight or land filler).
thats a while back now though.
on the plus side they did say it was going to be a $20 inspection fee... but i was a little disappointed to not see any tool marks whatsoever on ANY screws or pins.

would have brought it to damage but this surplus store is within walking distance.

thanks caboose, i shot an email off to kjw, so far nothing, but we'll see, and i hadn't seen UN company before, so i'll do the same with them.

any other suggestions, keep em coming!
is there some kind of washer or o ring that could be used as a temporary replacement?
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Last edited by your-pastor; August 11th, 2010 at 18:14.. Reason: ocd?
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Old August 12th, 2010, 02:26   #6
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KJW is slow to reply to emails. And no, you don't have to order parts in bulk, but they're so damn cheap that shipping costs basically make you want to order a handful of parts at once.

Poco Military doesn't have a GBB doc - I don't know why they said they could fix it... durr. Damage doesn't actually do the GBB - Militia does it, but they have some sort of complex relationship thing going on there... yeah, something like that. He'll fix up your M9 nicely, I'm sure!

As to a replacement piston cup head, I actually have a spare one - but there's no way in hell I'm going out to Langley to deliver it to you, LOL. I'm pretty sure Militia will have something, and he'll do a better job of figuring out if anything else is funky with your M9 than I can.
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Old August 12th, 2010, 15:38   #7
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oddly enough my friend just dropped his m11 there a few weeks ago... telling him 2 weeks, and then he calls them on the 3rd...
interesting that they don't refuse gbb's even though they don't have a gbb doc

i'd take it to a gun doc, but I've already got it apart which for me is about 90% of the work, that and i don't really have any money to shell out right now, i'll just wait for UN to get one in, then just bitch to you guys if that doesn't work.
(which should work, from what i can tell all the other parts are perfectly fine)

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Old August 12th, 2010, 16:37   #8
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Originally Posted by your-pastor View Post
oddly enough my friend just dropped his m11 there a few weeks ago... telling him 2 weeks, and then he calls them on the 3rd...
interesting that they don't refuse gbb's even though they don't have a gbb doc

i'd take it to a gun doc, but I've already got it apart which for me is about 90% of the work, that and i don't really have any money to shell out right now, i'll just wait for UN to get one in, then just bitch to you guys if that doesn't work.
(which should work, from what i can tell all the other parts are perfectly fine)

Taking it apart is NOT 90% of the work, but good luck with that. I'd highly recommend you to not use CO2 in your pistol, as CO2 has a habit of making internals break very quickly.
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Old August 12th, 2010, 18:37   #9
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oh, no, for me i meant, just figuring it out, i video'd the whole thing and i have put it back together and taken it apart a few times now, ifiguring out how to take it apart the first time, that was tough.

and yeah, 007 shipped me a c02 mag without me asking for it... all in all i feel kinda screwed with this gun.
mind you it was my choice not to bitch and complain about it, i thought the c02 sound was pretty sweet.
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Old August 22nd, 2010, 18:17   #10
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other question, as un hasnt gotten it in yet, and kjw isnt responding, would the same part from a different gun be compatible? perhaps from a tokyo mauri m9? or a kwa one?
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Old August 22nd, 2010, 19:34   #11
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Marui - maybe/sort of/in theory, yes.

KWA - no, it's a different design.
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Old September 14th, 2010, 18:51   #12
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i was told that this would fix my problem...

but i need a second opinion, it says not suitable for 92f series, is there any difference with the m9 version?
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Old September 14th, 2010, 19:51   #13
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Nope, the CO2 KJW are not compatible with Marui. It's the 1st gen that were more or less compatible. The best you could do is buy a new one and keep the broken for spare.

I doubt the CO2 is the reason why it broke, I have a M9A1 KJW (2nd gen with reinforced nozzle), that little guy is unbreakable.
The CO2 is doesn't change much of pressure even if very hot or cold, I could use it by 5 or 30 degrees, it didn't care.
Unless you have a Vertec which was not upgraded and stayed in 1st gen, the CO2 ain't the problem.

The gun probably took some hit.

As for the gun tec charging for nothing... what an ass !
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Old September 14th, 2010, 20:22   #14
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well uh, er, hang on a sec...
are you saying kjw co2 compatible guns are not compatible with mauri or that kjw CO2 guns are not compatible with mauri... because my m9 can be either... just depends on what mag i decide to use...

also, its just a rubber piston cup head, no way im spending another 200 and leaving my old one for parts, its an $8 fix... provided un company gets their act together and stocks the part... or i find another vendor.

what do you mean by some hit?

and yeah, what a dick. im not impressed.
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Old September 14th, 2010, 20:46   #15
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Here is the part from Evike. 5$+ shipping..You are Welcome.....
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