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Old June 21st, 2010, 03:03   #1
Join Date: Jun 2010
Starting Equipment

Hey there! My names Kyle, and im in the market for some starting equipment. Suggestions and the like would be great! I live in Calgary Alberta and probably wont be heading to Quebec any time soon so local suggestions would be great if ya know what i mean thanks!
I currently have my BDU down, and my boots, inche raised 10 eye garrisons are nice, unfortunatly not steel toed. What im mainly aiming for as far as equipment goes is informaiton on aquiring a good Tactical Vest, Goggles, not Glasses, or a good Paintball mask, Holsters mag pouches and a Camelbak. Although i dont mind ordering off the interenet i would much rather buy it from a store. Unfortunatly Crown Surplus doesnt have tactical vests fit for airsoft or atleast not to my knowledge, and doesnt have Camelbaks. Good BDU store though....
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Old June 21st, 2010, 03:15   #2
Rugger_can's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Kommandant View Post
Hey there! My names Kyle, and im in the market for some starting equipment. Suggestions and the like would be great! I live in Calgary Alberta and probably wont be heading to Quebec any time soon so local suggestions would be great if ya know what i mean thanks!
I currently have my BDU down, and my boots, inche raised 10 eye garrisons are nice, unfortunatly not steel toed. What im mainly aiming for as far as equipment goes is informaiton on aquiring a good Tactical Vest, Goggles, not Glasses, or a good Paintball mask, Holsters mag pouches and a Camelbak. Although i dont mind ordering off the interenet i would much rather buy it from a store. Unfortunatly Crown Surplus doesnt have tactical vests fit for airsoft or atleast not to my knowledge, and doesnt have Camelbaks. Good BDU store though....
Hi Kyle.

If your new to airsofting I highly suggest you get out to a local game. If you have some Camo, goggles, and boots your ready to at least attend your first game and meet n greet. It will be a great chance to talk to the geardo's and get some tips on local places and what not to buy.

Goggles can be found at a variety of places, but Im sure a local boy can point you in the right direction, also bear in mind if you are "sans" gun atm you can rent and very often the rental will include goggles which again will allow you to talk to people and get impressions about what works. Its usually a good idea to either borrow or rent for your first outing and SEE these things in person, you will very quickly discover what you like and if your polite and respectful and ask first most airsofters will be glad to allow you to handle their stuff to get a better impression.

Welcome to the sport.
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Old June 21st, 2010, 03:22   #3
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You can go to Laser Trek during the winter months to play CQB but outdoor is where it's at apparently (Trek isn't that great of a place and apparently the owner isn't really an honest guy either).

Join JOC and contact "Gish" who is an Age Verifier, there are also a few others dotted around Calgary however that's the only one that sticks out (other than Ken Cheung or "KenC" on the forums here).

Have you tried 911Supply? I believe it's owned by a member here "Pivot" or at least he works there. If you're in/around the Edmonton area there's also Capital Airsoft run by Jeff Baker or "Baker_Jeff" on the forums.

EDIT: I use hiking boots myself ("McKinley" boots with a composite toe) and they're good and all however they're starting to fall apart from lots of use (I've had them for about 6 years and use them pretty often). So your work boots might fit the bill if they're in an earthy tone and provide ample traction and roll protection.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew

Last edited by L473ncy; June 21st, 2010 at 03:26..
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Old June 21st, 2010, 03:57   #4
Join Date: Jun 2010
Thanks for the advice guys, ill definatly have to try one of those Lazer Trek games, especially since im a fresh recruit when it comes to this airsoft stuff Although it seems like somthing i really want to get into.
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Old June 21st, 2010, 13:27   #5
oriden's Avatar
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you have chosen a great sport to get into, as long as you got the $$ to do so. beeing new my self, im already in $1300 in just over 3 months.
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Old June 21st, 2010, 13:47   #6
apparition's Avatar
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go check out if your from calgary. its a local board there and full of helpful people as well. Seals action gear has a bunch of gear, might be a bit pricy as they carry more high end stuff. hope this helps

edit: oops didnt see latency's post, he basically got it down
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