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Scabbard for rifle (scar-l)


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Old March 23rd, 2010, 08:23   #16
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by krap101 View Post
Thanks for all the responses. I thought I was going to just go with a 2 point, but I found this today, and it seems like it was diy, and not actually meant for rifles

It seems like he had a backpack with buckles on it, and some sort of leg holster to stop the gun from sliding or maybe some sort of pouch. I can't really identify everything he's wearing, so I was wondering if you guys could. It seems like you could just put a drop mag pouch down there and it'd work pretty well.

no. how the heck do you plan on accessing the rifle strapped onto your back? you're going to need one of two things or both while in the field. drop the pack/rig or have a buddy do it for you. both options require you and or your buddy to take your eyes off of your surroundings which IMO is kind of dumb. Both you and or your buddy, will need to also essentially have hands off your primary for a moment which again IMO is kind of dumb. just take a moment, close your eyes, imagine BB's coming at you and opfor is out of range of your SCAR. how quickly can you get to your BAR 10? how efficiently can you get to you without exposing yourself to incoming rounds?

if you plan to do your rifle swap staging while not in the midst of a firefight, why bother take both? you're better off with a biathlon type sling.
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Old March 23rd, 2010, 09:51   #17
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What if you need to bend over to get behind cover? or sit? I smell a broken stock.
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Old March 24th, 2010, 13:51   #18
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I'm planning to have the scar as primary when changing positions and the bar when I need to stay put.

For my loadout, I'm going with the condor battle belt/h-harness, 2 midcaps/1 high cap for the scar and 3 30 rd mags for the bar. The stuff is still in the mail, and I haven't tried it out yet, but I'm just trying to cover as many bases as possible ahead of time.

At first I was thinking two 2 point slings, but they'll just get in the way of eachother. What do you guys think about a 2 point for the bar, and keep the scar on a one point (the kind that can also roll as a two point)? I'm thinking that I'll only need to unclip one side of the bar sling, and then change the scar sling into a two point, and that should be a reasonable amount of time between switches?
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Old March 24th, 2010, 23:10   #19
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You will run a two-rifle rig once, maybe twice.
It is just so ineffective to have to switch long-guns. Your mobility will be basically none.
Your better off to just run the SCAR and use movement to get within engagement range. Its not like your bolt gun is going to have more than 10-30 yards effective range further than the SCAR.

Now one of the better snipers around here runs a P90 on a 2-point sling and then just toss their rifle if they switch.
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Old March 24th, 2010, 23:17   #20
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I have a buddy planning on running with a MP5k, a glock 17, a glock 19, an M16 and a Vsr.... personally I think it's an accident waiting to happen... Me, I like to go light... if anytihng fuck a second gun bring extra mags.
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Old March 25th, 2010, 02:03   #21
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Well I don't plan to be running around switching weapons. (I'm not one of those that believes that cod is a realistic representation of real life). I'm planning to be mainly "sniping" and be able to pull out a full automatic when it's needed.

I do agree that 2 rifles a smg and multiple pistols is a bit much, unless you're alone trying to protect a bunker or something. Did you ever see the patriot? That was like 4-6 guns per person=close to no reloads.
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Old March 25th, 2010, 02:08   #22
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I carried a SAW and a carbine the last weekend. It was a pain. I switched out to a SMG and the SAW but it was still a pain.
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Old March 25th, 2010, 07:13   #23
aka coachster
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Re: Scabbard for rifle (scar-l)

I ran the APS2 and an MP5 last game. Single point bungee loop on the mp5 and a strap on the APS2. It was a pain. One or the other ended up propped up against a tree or something while I used the other.

I have run 4 pistols, AGX grenade launcher and a short AK spetznas (stockless) before and that was insanely heavy with all the mags but was extremely fun! 8 AK mags and 12 gbb mags plus 40mm (3 king and 2 multipurpose) nades.
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Old March 25th, 2010, 13:51   #24
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Originally Posted by krap101 View Post
Well I don't plan to be running around switching weapons. (I'm not one of those that believes that cod is a realistic representation of real life). I'm planning to be mainly "sniping" and be able to pull out a full automatic when it's needed.
When that automatic weapon is needed, it will be needed very quickly. As in you will be required to engage closely because you will be within the MED for your rifle. Your better off with a pistol or MP5K with a decent sling arrangement.

However if you are dedicated to your plan and you've got deep pockets then check out eberlstock:

They basically do what you are looking for. It won't be convenient though.

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Old March 25th, 2010, 15:41   #25
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Planning on using this this summer
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Old March 25th, 2010, 20:07   #26
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I saw a cool setup on some magpul video that i cant seem to find again, shot show maybe a couple years ago, any how, the setup had a 2 point sling that had an extra clip in the middle of the sling that went around the waist and clipped to the but of the rifle for more stability
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Old March 25th, 2010, 22:20   #27
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Originally Posted by mchlman View Post
I saw a cool setup on some magpul video that i cant seem to find again, shot show maybe a couple years ago, any how, the setup had a 2 point sling that had an extra clip in the middle of the sling that went around the waist and clipped to the but of the rifle for more stability

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