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Another case of Airsoft + Bad Parenting



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Old October 28th, 2009, 16:06   #31
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Originally Posted by stealthy1 View Post
I actually agree with the OP on this...why on earth would the parent of the two boys buy them "clear" guns that actually shoot pellets or BB's? I can't find a majority of the fault on the boys here, obviously they are stupid for shooting guns like that, but I doubt that being the way our society is these days, have little idea of consequence or responsibility at that age.

Either way, the parents are undoubtedly responsible for buying the guns. I remember there was a thread in the Newbie Section where a parent was trying to find some information regarding airsoft for his son. THAT is proper parenting. Education and warning children of consequences.

But again, another hit to the air gun/airsoft situation.

This doesn't change the fact that these kids are obviously wreckless little punks. Sure, their parents are irresponsible. They definitely shouldn't have bought them, and they 100% definitely shouldn't let them use the guns without supervision (or at all...). But it doesn't change the fact that those kids shot at some other girl and could've done serious damage. If the parents won't teach these kids proper safety and how to not be an idiot, then the police and justice system will! (even though they clearly won't. I just wish they actually would)
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Old October 28th, 2009, 16:24   #32
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Originally Posted by ujiro View Post
This doesn't change the fact that these kids are obviously wreckless little punks. Sure, their parents are irresponsible. They definitely shouldn't have bought them, and they 100% definitely shouldn't let them use the guns without supervision (or at all...). But it doesn't change the fact that those kids shot at some other girl and could've done serious damage. If the parents won't teach these kids proper safety and how to not be an idiot, then the police and justice system will! (even though they clearly won't. I just wish they actually would)
I would agree with you ujiro. I was trying to point out that the parents are as equally to blame as the kids themselves are. We can't blame just the kids.

And I also agree: society has lost its moral fiber. But a long time ago.
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Old October 28th, 2009, 16:28   #33
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Originally Posted by stealthy1 View Post
I would agree with you ujiro. I was trying to point out that the parents are as equally to blame as the kids themselves are. We can't blame just the kids.

And I also agree: society has lost its moral fiber. But a long time ago.
Oh. Well then. Yes we are in agreement . I just don't like it when stuff like this happens and people just turn and blame the parents, and the kid gets off free. Now he thinks he can get away with this stuff and someone else will just get in trouble, and he can and will probably do it again.
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Old October 28th, 2009, 16:59   #34
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by ThE UNkNoWNs View Post
ya we need to fix up our justice system.
and what happened to chivalry? your not supposed to hit a girl.
What exactly does military horsemanship have to do with not hitting girls?

but anyway.. the Police did their job and charged them with appropriate offences

the Judiciary will let them off .. but that is not the fault of the police.
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Old October 29th, 2009, 11:37   #35
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[QUOTE=Brian McIlmoyle;1093783]What exactly does military horsemanship have to do with not hitting girls?[QUOTE]

part of chivalry is to be nice to girls lol
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Old October 29th, 2009, 12:03   #36
El Cactus Loco
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you guys actually want these kids to be charged? i would imagine having the fucking COPS show up at your house would be enough to make any kid shit his pants. believe me, they have learned their lesson. any half-baked parent would be scrambling to make this right if only to save face to the other parents in the community. trust me, if this kids mom ever wants to show her face at the local elementary school again she will make DAMN sure this can never happen again, at least by her kids. you guys are acting like this is the first time little boys have been mean to little girls. dont worry, they will come around eventually haha
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Old October 29th, 2009, 12:18   #37
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Ummm yeah they're going to make sure it doesn't happen again and you know what that means right????

Petitions, getting other parents to lobby their city councillor/MP/MLA etc. to ban these DANGEROUS WEAPONS (not toys, but weapons).

It would have been so much better if the access to airsoft was controlled (eg. via ASC holding a monopoly) and out of the publics eye. If they don't know about it then they won't care and they won't ban it.
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Old October 29th, 2009, 15:13   #38
Herr ScheißeLiebhaber
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Parents are so retarded these days that I wouldn't be surprised if they bought them for the kids and said "Have fun." I've got 12 year old kids at the skate park I work at fighting and dumpster diving and smoking cigarettes they found on the ground. Most of the time it's because of 0 parenting at home.
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Old October 29th, 2009, 20:50   #39
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Charge the parents. Have THAT be very public. Even if it's a minor fine, or misdemeanor, or something.
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Old October 30th, 2009, 15:52   #40
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The problem in that case is the parents who dont educate their kids.... Or they just let them do everything they want to. It's sad. And for the girl's shooting stuff.. I dont f***** understand why they done that ! My girlfriend studied to be a teacher and I was talking to her about that stories and she said that some guy's (or kids if you prefer) competionate with the girls... but It's not a reason to do that and I'm not sure If I'm the only one that I've done that, but I never never want to shoot anybodie... at least not in a game !

And sorry for my bad english... it's been a while that I haven't speak or whrote in english..!

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Old October 30th, 2009, 21:45   #41
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How the heck do you know these boys got the guns from their parents? It could easily have been a cousin, an older friend, or somebody having a less authoritative relationship with the child. Yes, the parents are still at fault because they should know what their children are up to, and yes the boys were also at fault, but not one post here mentions the possibility that they may have obtained these guns from another source other than their parents or guardians.

There are obvious problems. The law has gotten to be too lax to be of any use in disciplining youngsters, and the crappy parenting is quite common. If you look at the situation as a whole, there are plenty of parties at fault including stores that sell these guns. Is there a way to solve the crap that makes this sport look bad? Yes. Is anybody willing to do their share and extend their efforts to their community to make them aware? Sadly... probably not, for various reasons, valid or not.

So think what you will, blame who you feel like blaming, but in the end its our problem, and unless we aren't proactive in protecting our own sport, nobody gives a damn about us.
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Old October 30th, 2009, 22:10   #42
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Well what do you suppose we do?

Sure Airsoft in Canada isn't in a position that we'd like it to be in but currently it's probably in the best position it can be in.

Educate parents? Yeah I'm sure that will go over well. "What you're trying to make sure we're safe from these Dangerous weapons? Why don't we ban them?"

The only thing that could probably benefit airsoft in Canada is going the direction of paintball and making it more "soccer mom friendly" and you know what that means right??? It means we're going to end up with spray and pray "tactics", "agg-muppets" as I believe the paintball community refers to them as (guys who just need to chill the fuck out and have fun instead of trying to win all the time), and neon coloured team uniforms (although I actually have nothing against them for paintball it just ruins it if you're talking about airsoft).

I'm not trying to slam you or anything but what are the options available? Really I'd be on board for anything that I think would actually help out the community but as of now it's in the best position it can be in (a monopoly on black coloured AEG's and the AV system to prevent kids from getting their hands on them (as much as possible)).
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Old October 30th, 2009, 22:15   #43
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Well what do you suppose we do?

Sure Airsoft in Canada isn't in a position that we'd like it to be in but currently it's probably in the best position it can be in.

Educate parents? Yeah I'm sure that will go over well. "What you're trying to make sure we're safe from these Dangerous weapons? Why don't we ban them?"

The only thing that could probably benefit airsoft in Canada is going the direction of paintball and making it more "soccer mom friendly" and you know what that means right??? It means we're going to end up with spray and pray "tactics", "agg-muppets" as I believe the paintball community refers to them as (guys who just need to chill the fuck out and have fun instead of trying to win all the time), and neon coloured team uniforms (although I actually have nothing against them for paintball it just ruins it if you're talking about airsoft).
I am only stating a simple fact that the law does not care about the well being of this sport. What we can do about it? unfortunately not much unless we talk to our friends and neighbors about it and spend countless hours convincing them its perfectly safe despite a few recent events of violence using these things.

Note: If we all do this and make every person we know aware, it could make a difference in my opinion. Going public with it may not be the best idea.

Last edited by Slono; October 30th, 2009 at 22:20..
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Old November 3rd, 2009, 17:21   #44
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
What exactly does military horsemanship have to do with not hitting girls?
Chivalry is the moral and social etiquette commonly associated with knightly or gentlemanly behavior. In the modern context, it often specifically means exceptionally courteous behavior toward the fairer sex.

You're thinking of Calvary or maybe you are French Canadian and thinking of Chevalier.

Boys will be boys. I didn't have airsoft when I was a kid but I still slung mud at girls and shot them with water guns. Unfortunately wal-mart-soft gives them much more dangerous weapons. I don't know what can possibly done to change this system aside from banning airsoft sales completely from retail stores and classifying airsoft and airguns both under an adult licensing system as in the UK. That would be perfect.

Last edited by SHÖCK; November 3rd, 2009 at 17:24..
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Old November 3rd, 2009, 17:23   #45
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Originally Posted by SHÖCK View Post
Chivalry is the moral and social etiquette commonly associated with knightly or gentlemanly behavior. In the modern context, it often specifically means exceptionally courteous behavior toward the fairer sex.

You're thinking of Calvary or maybe you are French Canadian and thinking of Chevalier.
Perhaps you are not familiar with Brian. He enjoys his use of sarcasm. Much like many of the people on this forum :P. He was simply making a joke, and a very solid one at that.
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