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Thoughts on MultiCam


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Old April 24th, 2006, 21:32   #91
R.A.T.M._JLD's Avatar
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I see we have some real multicam lovers here (payroll?). But multicam is a bit light for were I live. Marpat works alright but Cadpat works great here. I steel don't see how ACU works but it dose. And for the whole wild animal thing I have live around BC all my life and never had a trouble. I see them, they see me and we just leave each other alone and we are fine.

Real steal is great and all but you can't shot at each other with out that whole nasty thing we like to call death.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 08:19   #92
Originally Posted by SKSMan24
*warning may give you a tummy ache!*
So today I was thinking, you guys have air soft "operations" in the woods right? One Big question I had was what are you gonna do when a Wild Animal is in the woods and all you have is your TOYS umm that makes absolutely no sense to me. Boris congratulations on having Real Guns to protect you and congrats on the Multi Cam all the people on here that swear by MarPat thats fine but incase you've never noticed, Black never appears naturally in nature??? great idea wearing something that says "hear I am come and get me" ACU and MULTICAM are by far the best camos ever made no question!

P.S. Boris keep posting your great pics I hope to start posting after I get my ACUs....

Man, I don't know how I manage to survive in the forest without a fucking Abrahms to protect me from the fuzzy bunnies and the odd moose.

BTW. $100 says you come looking for me in your fucking ACU while I'm in my marpat, I'll find you first. Seriously, that's $100. You come up here to one of our events, we'll take to the field and you can come after us. If you manage to locate me or any of my team in our marpat before we locate you in your ACU, I will PAY you $100.

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Old April 25th, 2006, 09:15   #93
Clearly a useless camouflage:

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Old April 25th, 2006, 10:18   #94
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius
Man, I don't know how I manage to survive in the forest without a fucking Abrahms to protect me from the fuzzy bunnies and the odd moose.
Obviously you've never been tracked and then stalked by

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Old April 25th, 2006, 10:20   #95
Sure, but I don't have to carry a fucking machinegun. I just ask Newton to bring me my sword, which is usually conveniently located in a nearby tree stump.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 11:55   #96
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With all that black in your camo, my eyes would be drawn right to you. When I was as young as 12, that was 20 years ago, I knew black in camo was bad. I waited about 18 years before the digi-reveloution came along. Cadpat is way too dark and looks like a large dark mass from far, very easy to pick out. Then came marpat, a huge improvement over cadpat, but still has black. So I skipped on it. ACU came out and I got a set, and works better than most will admit to. One thing I notice is that it does not photograph as well as it looks in person, it stands out more in pics than in the bush.

The guy that lives next to my dad watches us when deer season is on (makes sure we do not cross on to his property) and he wears all black in an attempt to hide from us as he keeps an eye on us. No good, he is so easy to see it is comical!! The less black a camo has in it the better it will be, get rid of the black and you got a winner, I look at the pic of marpat and it is good, but the black stands out too much.

The first two pics I posted with the Multicam are close and long range pics, notice how well it blends in? The farther away you get from Multicam, the better it gets, get close and there is no black to pull your eyes to it. In the distant pic my right leg is in the sun and the rest of me is in the shade and the camo did a splendid job of working perfect with light and shade on it. I will remind you again, I am in the OPEN, not on the ground or behind something, I am completley exposed and I hide very well out in the open.

I will say I like you choice of color on the plate carrier though, same I use for MC.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 12:20   #97
That's not me in the photo, it's another member of our community (HAWT Ponch!).

ACU stands out like fucking urban camouflage in the forest, because that's what it is. If you think otherwise, I'm afraid you're delusional.

EDIT - or you happen to have experience in one of few areas where it's actually functional such as a rock quarry or a movie set.

As for MC, I can't speak for it because I have yet to try mine in the bush. That being said, I STILL don't see MC being any more effective than Marpat or Cadpat.

An individual wearing cadpat in a Canadian woodland environment, particularily in the summer, is invisible without movement to catch the eye.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 12:22   #98
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Cadpat is only dark when it's new, after use and washings (or bleachings like what I have done) it fades to a lighter overall colour. Cadpat doesn't have a lot of black in it, it's mostly the dark green that makes it look like a dark blob (which is fine if the background matches). Having black in camo isn't bad at all, as long as it's done right (digitized makes it less distinctive) and not big black splotches like US woodland has. Black exists in nature anyways, so is why the darkness of shadow is introduced in it. And like any camo, multicam included, proper placement of ones body either makes it work or stand out likea sore thumb. And, ambient light affects cadpat almost as much as it does multicam.

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Old April 25th, 2006, 12:38   #99
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As I have said before, ACU will work in 3 places - the bayou's of southern Florida, a partially flooded/partially illuminated subway tunnel, and a raving gay bar. There is no brown occuring in nature in the way that the American camoflauge patterns seem to favor. The only true naturally occuring brown is in a mud puddle. Tree trunks and branches for the most part are grey. The black adds depth and a third dimension to the pattern, whatever the pattern.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 12:47   #100
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Black (or dark colors) are needed on BDUs cause it needs to represent shadows on a 2 dementional pattern. A ghillie suit doesn't need black because it already creates shadows.

Also you can't say which camo is better than another. It depends on where you play. To you Cadpat may suck only cause it doesn't work in your environment(sp). It's the same reason you wouldn't use winter whites in the summer.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 13:06   #101
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They actually designed ACU to stand out, to prevent friendly fire..... I don't get why people think it's a useless camo. o_O..... Marpat works fabulous, so does Cadpat, MultiCam kicks ass, especially the digitized versions of it.

BORIS... I'm gonna have to say STFUnoob. Have you ever seen an effective camo used in the bush? Notice how many have black in them? As ATREU said, it's to add depth, and break up the outline even more.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 23:25   #102
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I remember a long time ago when I was young, I would wear different camo and hide in the woods. I would have my dad come in a few minutes later to find where I was. After failing EVERY time to hide from him I asked what his secret to finding me was. He said "Easy, I look for your boots (boots were black), if I do not see your boots, I look for the BLACK in your camo (West German Fleck)" He did a good job of finding me with the look for black method. I switched to solid OD (still too dark) and earth browns until Multicam came out.

BTW I am not a "noob" I do not airsoft. Airsoft is cool, I mainly come here for the camo and gear pics and advice. Also black is not natural in nature with the exception of some animals. Bears are SOO easy to see in the wild, same for pigs. The "black" you see in nature is what your brain is filling in as black. If you take any color found in nature and put it in that shadow, your brain will fill in the space in as black. Put black out in the open with light on it, and you WILL draw fire (atleast you would from me). The dark brown in multicam works like black but fades into the lighter colors when in the open (look at my first two pics). In my view (and I have good eyes) since 1986 when I started hunting with my own gun at the age of 12, black in camo was not what I wanted, 20 years later I am happy with the new camo out there, and some ARE better than others.

Black will never be a color in any of my camo, and I will use the look for black method when I start doing a little paintballing this summer. I can tell you now that 20 years of being a predator in the woods hiding from animals that want to live and not be my next meal has made me good at stealth and ambush. From what my brother tells me about paintball (he hunts maybe 1-2 times a year, thats how many times I get out a week) is easy because of his time in the woods................

Remember, look for black, and you will see opfor before they see you, unless you got more black on than them.
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Old April 25th, 2006, 23:41   #103
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Originally Posted by BORIS

I remember a long time ago when I was young, I would wear different camo and hide in the woods. I would have my dad come in a few minutes later to find where I was. After failing EVERY time to hide from him I asked what his secret to finding me was. He said "Easy, I look for your boots (boots were black), if I do not see your boots, I look for the BLACK in your camo (West German Fleck)" He did a good job of finding me with the look for black method. I switched to solid OD (still too dark) and earth browns until Multicam came out.

BTW I am not a "noob" I do not airsoft. Airsoft is cool, I mainly come here for the camo and gear pics and advice. Also black is not natural in nature with the exception of some animals. Bears are SOO easy to see in the wild, same for pigs. The "black" you see in nature is what your brain is filling in as black. If you take any color found in nature and put it in that shadow, your brain will fill in the space in as black. Put black out in the open with light on it, and you WILL draw fire (atleast you would from me). The dark brown in multicam works like black but fades into the lighter colors when in the open (look at my first two pics). In my view (and I have good eyes) since 1986 when I started hunting with my own gun at the age of 12, black in camo was not what I wanted, 20 years later I am happy with the new camo out there, and some ARE better than others.

Black will never be a color in any of my camo, and I will use the look for black method when I start doing a little paintballing this summer. I can tell you now that 20 years of being a predator in the woods hiding from animals that want to live and not be my next meal has made me good at stealth and ambush. From what my brother tells me about paintball (he hunts maybe 1-2 times a year, thats how many times I get out a week) is easy because of his time in the woods................

Remember, look for black, and you will see opfor before they see you, unless you got more black on than them.


"Girls only want boyfriends with Skills" Comes to mind right now...
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Old April 26th, 2006, 00:07   #104
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sorry bud, but in real life, not mil-sim, black would = death when you went up against an experienced soldier. I mainly hunt, and animals mostly see black and white and shades of the two in between. An animal will see black in a camo and recognize it as not natural, that means danger to an animal. As a hunter, I do NOT want animals thinking danger.

At this time of year where I am there are fields of corn stalks, then a field of winter wheat. Arid cadpat in the corn would be perfect, and cadpat in the wheat is still too dark, but better than desert camo in a green field. The Multicam changes from one to the other and works better in the tan than the arid, and better in the green than cadpat. In the summer around August, the corn is green and the wheat is golden. Multicam will once again be better in both than tan or green, then going into the other. Get it? I do. cadpat works well in dark pines like German fleck. Spring, summer woodland, and fall time will make it fail where I am at.

Btw, I will be out tomorrow at sun up here in MI looking for woodchucks to kill with one of my SIGs (real gun). Alot of them live in the heavy brush in the ditches and a fast pistol ACR with alot of ammo works wonders on the little critters. If I have time I will give you an after op de-briefing
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Old April 26th, 2006, 00:10   #105
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CADPAT actually works in Canadian terrain! These guys are hard to see at 20'!

(I do not claim any pic responsability; pic by Satanic Pope)


Originally Posted by femina View Post
Okay, I recently went to art show. One of exhibit had huge panoramic canvas pictures of landscape photos taken with a digital camera. These pictures were nice and huge. The canvas was attached to a wooden stretcher frame for direct hanging on a wall without need for a frame. Do you know any more on this subject? Where can I go for additional information on this subject?
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