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Old January 11th, 2015, 22:36   #76
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Last time I had fees with FedEx they called me once it got in country so I could pay through CC before it even leave their facilities

So I would expect that if you got them, you're good
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old January 11th, 2015, 22:51   #77
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Well.. I have been watching this thread...

WAITING... for someone who has recently ordered to post a pic and give a review..

So when someone gets them can you post it pls
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Old January 12th, 2015, 02:02   #78
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I'd be interested in hearing how the sizing is going as well.
More warm weather, lightweight boot?

/Edit: anyone pick up the low Persuits? Would like some feedback on those as well.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 02:45   #79
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I picked up a high and low pair. Will inform once I get them (should be the 15th)
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Old January 12th, 2015, 11:06   #80
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I picked up 2 pairs just in different colours. I know the quality of 5.10 and I can guess how they "should" fit based on them fitting like a climbing shoe. I'll put up a review on the weekend after I get them.

I'm calling their office this morning to get a shipping manifest and bill of lading, then CBSA to self declare a low value shipment to get the B15 form. I'll let you guys know how the process goes. I'm following the guide that Anthony posted.

I think I really should have bought a pair of the low cut ones and a pair of climbing and bike shoes while I was at it. $60 for a pair of $150 climbing shoes (I paid $120 for my last pair of La Sportivas), and $50 for a pair of shoes for my flat pedals is a crazy deal.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 11:08   #81
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Has anyone's actually shipped out? Mine's just "shipping label" created since last Thursday.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 11:30   #82
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Just talked to a 5.10 customer service rep this morning. They definitely did ship out.

What he's telling me though is that they were all shipped out in a container to Canada to be distributed once its cleared the customs warehouse, theoretically we shouldn't get charged for brokerage since it's all going out as one but that was only his best guess, he talked to his supervisor for a couple seconds while I was on hold and that's the best that they know.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 11:35   #83
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Thanks for the follow up - guess we'll keep waiting a week or so more :P.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 11:43   #84
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Keep in mind that was his best guess and he said that normally he doesn't deal with Canadian customers mostly US. I'm still going to call up fedex to see if I can get a commercial invoice and go to the CBSA office to get my B15.

Update: Called Fedex and they said they're still organizing a container for the shipment so only the label has been created package has not been picked up. It will eventually get an International Shipment Identifier Number (UPS calls it the Unique Shipment ID Number) assigned to it once it gets that you should be able to go to CBSA for the B15.

Keep in mind this is what I'm being told so I could be getting the runaround and have to play phone tag, I'll do a final update once I can get the B15.

Also probably a good idea to print out the order confirmation and bring that to the CBSA so you can pay your taxes and get the B15.
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Last edited by L473ncy; January 12th, 2015 at 12:04..
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Old January 12th, 2015, 13:31   #85
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For clarity I didn't say they fit like a climber, they fit more like a climber than a lumpy old tac boot.

Butt covering ahoy:

The nature of footwear is such that buying them without trying them is risky business.
Feet vary wildly from individual to individual (wide, narrow, fallen arches, bunions, long-ass toes...) and therefore it is literally impossible for someone to tell you if a pair of boots or shoes will fit you properly, unless they get out the measuring-plate-thing and know what they're doing.

You have to know your own feet and guess at sizing based on your own experience. Some people say they fit tight, I say they don't and/ or are supposed to. That is my, and their completely subjective experience. Mine are great, but I have remarkably average feet.
They're made out of suede in the foot region, so they'll stretch and form a bit as they break in. That means they might relax to a half size up, but they won't come down any if you buy too big.

It is very possible that you will buy these and you will hate them because they don't fit properly. That is 100% on you to know and risk as an adult to know your own feet. You will probably be able to resell them at or near parity though, which is pretty good all considered (I will buy 11.5s, maybe 12s).

5.10 tactical boots.
Fit more like a hybrid between a climber, a runner, and a tac boot than a typical flat-toed tac boot. These are sportswear in a rooty-tooty-point-and-shooty package.
Double or triple stitching everywhere.
Comfy; hugs like a US issue desert boot that doesn't suck.
Extremely grippy souls. Like, sticky on carpet, acceptable on ice.
These are summer/ desert wear for sure.
Not CSAs (no steel/ composite).

Good luck with the boots.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 18:28   #86
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You said you'd get 11.5 or 12's for yourself? Just curious what you buy for normal shoes?
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Old January 13th, 2015, 09:47   #87
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1/12/2015 - Monday
9:08 pm Departed FedEx location RICHMOND, BC
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Old January 13th, 2015, 09:59   #88
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Originally Posted by chaz View Post
1/12/2015 - Monday
9:08 pm Departed FedEx location RICHMOND, BC
All of ours got shipped.


ETA Thursday for me.
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Old January 13th, 2015, 12:48   #89
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In Transit! Yay
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Old January 13th, 2015, 18:02   #90
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Yep, mine hit Richmond BC as well and is at Vulcan at the moment.

I called CBSA and the document that you need to request from FedEx is the CCD or Cargo Control Document. You will need 2 copies of that as well as 2 copies of the invoice (I believe she was referring to the one sent by 5.10 to your email). Go to your local CBSA office, pay your taxes/duties and get your B15.


So.... Fuck Fedex. Not sure if they're incompetent, maliciously refusing to give me the documents or don't have them or what but yeah it looks like they're refusing to give me any sort of documentation associated with my package. Called up 5.10 and they did confirm that it's shipped out to Canada to Richmond as the port of entry to clear customs then is split up and distributed across Canada. So I don't know if they themselves have already paid for brokerage or what but it's been confirmed by three 5.10 Customer Service reps that it is shipped on a pallet then clears customs and is broken down to smaller packages to distribute across Canada.

Cliff, when you ordered did you have to pay any sort of duties or brokerage when you got your boots? Or is it potentially getting sent in the mail right now?
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Last edited by L473ncy; January 13th, 2015 at 19:11..
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