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Old November 13th, 2007, 11:51   #61
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You can still order the P90 from 007, it'll just take longer to get it.
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Old November 13th, 2007, 12:33   #62
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If I wanted one 100% as a wall hanger, I would probably get the firepower one. Still expensive for a wall hanger. If I wanted a P90 to game with, it would be a TM P90 RDS all the way (actually, it's on my list of guns to get... it will complete my collection).

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old November 13th, 2007, 12:43   #63
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I placed an order with them on Sunday, but not for Airsoft. I wasn't impressed at the clear "Canadian Tire Special" junk they had in stock. I got one of the Umarex Beretta PX4 CO2 BB gun, a pistol case, plus a few other odds and ends like lubricant, mags for my Walther PPK/S BB gun, and such. I got notification that the package had shipped yesterday.

I'll be sure to update this thread when I receive my package.


I should add that I emailed them with a question about my order yesterday after I received my confirmation that the order had shipped, and received a reply from them within 1/2 hour. So on that front, they've been good for me. No complaints there.

And on another note, I've already left 2 messages with A&A in the last 4 days about an order I placed with them and still haven't gotten a reply there. I keep hearing they're the best, so that remains to be seen, at least in my experience.

Last edited by Crunchmeister; November 13th, 2007 at 12:59..
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Old November 13th, 2007, 13:06   #64
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
I placed an order with them on Sunday, but not for Airsoft. I wasn't impressed at the clear "Canadian Tire Special" junk they had in stock. I got one of the Umarex Beretta PX4 CO2 BB gun, a pistol case, plus a few other odds and ends like lubricant, mags for my Walther PPK/S BB gun, and such. I got notification that the package had shipped yesterday.

I'll be sure to update this thread when I receive my package.


I should add that I emailed them with a question about my order yesterday after I received my confirmation that the order had shipped, and received a reply from them within 1/2 hour. So on that front, they've been good for me. No complaints there.

And on another note, I've already left 2 messages with A&A in the last 4 days about an order I placed with them and still haven't gotten a reply there. I keep hearing they're the best, so that remains to be seen, at least in my experience.
I find mark is hit and miss for communication. If he doesn't respond, wait a week and e-mail him again. I've ordered some mags from mark, but now that I have my guns and Jugglez is around, I have absolutly no reason to buy stuff from A&A.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old November 13th, 2007, 13:16   #65
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
I find mark is hit and miss for communication. If he doesn't respond, wait a week and e-mail him again. I've ordered some mags from mark, but now that I have my guns and Jugglez is around, I have absolutly no reason to buy stuff from A&A.
The thing is that the question is about my order in particular, and I would have like to add something to it, so I was hoping to get a reply before they actually shipped my package.

But either way, it's not critical. I managed to find the 5-pack of low-cap AK mags I was looking for on ebay including shipping for about 1/2 of what A&A sell them for before shipping.
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Old November 13th, 2007, 13:29   #66
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
I placed an order with them on Sunday, but not for Airsoft. I wasn't impressed at the clear "Canadian Tire Special" junk they had in stock. I got one of the Umarex Beretta PX4 CO2 BB gun, a pistol case, plus a few other odds and ends like lubricant, mags for my Walther PPK/S BB gun, and such. I got notification that the package had shipped yesterday.

I'll be sure to update this thread when I receive my package.


I should add that I emailed them with a question about my order yesterday after I received my confirmation that the order had shipped, and received a reply from them within 1/2 hour. So on that front, they've been good for me. No complaints there.

And on another note, I've already left 2 messages with A&A in the last 4 days about an order I placed with them and still haven't gotten a reply there. I keep hearing they're the best, so that remains to be seen, at least in my experience.
Keep in mind isn't one man supplying airsoft to an entire country...

Mark's very busy, he just got back from vacation and he's catching up with all the backlogged PM's and Emails...

On a different note: When I send him an inquery, I normally get a response withing 1/2 an hour.
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Old November 13th, 2007, 13:35   #67
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Keep in mind isn't one man supplying airsoft to an entire country...

Mark's very busy, he just got back from vacation and he's catching up with all the backlogged PM's and Emails...

On a different note: When I send him an inquery, I normally get a response withing 1/2 an hour.

Well that's good to know. I've just recently discovered both those sites and know very little about either and their operations. I was just sharing my experience with each as they stand to date. Hopefully I'll receive my orders from both soon. I would LOVE to have them by the weekend, since I'm heading out of town to a friend's place and would love to take the new toys with me.

Just out of curiosity for anyone who's dealt with A&A. Then they ship product, do they contact you with a tracking number?
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Old November 13th, 2007, 14:30   #68
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Mark just replied to me. So it's not too bad, I guess.
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Old November 14th, 2007, 11:53   #69
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I just got an email from I had placed 2 separate orders with them in the past week (first for a pellet gun, and later for other accessories). They refunded me my shipping for the second shipment, which was quite nice of them.

Now to see how accurate the orders are when they arrive and see how good the products are.
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Old November 17th, 2007, 01:06   #70
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Anderson and Anderson is 100% in my book. They sent out my KJ works fullmetal P226 the same day I ordered it. It was sceduled for 5 days delivery wich is descent I guess. However it showed up only 3 days later, friday in fact. I got to use my new gun in my weekend game instead of missing it.

*Happy Camper*
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Old November 19th, 2007, 09:56   #71
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Hmmm... Emailed Mark at A&A again last Wednesday about one of my "on the way" orders, but still no reply. I had originally emailed him earlier in the week with a question about magazines for a particular gun. He replied on Wednesday saying he would look into it right away and get right back to me. I'm still waiting on that reply. Also trying to get info about buying more stuff, but no answer. Sent another email this morning. Hopefully he can reply soon.

People say bad stuff about, but I've had pretty steady communication on various questions, and in a timely manner too. But communication with A&A is everything from painfully slow to nonexistant. I've already given them $600+ of my money in the past week, and looking to give them another $750+ if I can ever get a reply. Busy or not, when you're in the customer service business, customer service should be a priority.

Also, I paid A&A extra to have my KJW M9 shipped to me express so that I could have it by the weekend (that just passed). Yeah, A&A used fast shipping, but only shipped the gun 5 days after I placed the order, which sort of defeated the purpose of me paying for the more expensive shipping option.

So far, having dealt with both these companies, actually wins hands-down for customer service. Yeah, their current airsoft products are crap (they're not expecting to get any new higher grade stuff till early 2008). I bought pellet guns and other stuff, so that's not an issue. Now, I haven't received my products from either of these yet (all due in the next 2 days according to the tracking info), so order accuracy remains to be seen. But in terms of dealing with customers, I'm really not that impressed with A&A to date.
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Old November 19th, 2007, 10:43   #72
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well what you have to remember is the fact that due to's crap they have right now they probably have much less customers and have the time to anwser everyones questions right away, which isnt the case for aasurplus with them having to support almost all of canadas airsofters
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Old November 19th, 2007, 11:03   #73
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Just don't send Mark any e-mails for a week or two, then send him another. I find if you send him a lot of e-mails he tends to ignore them.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old November 19th, 2007, 11:36   #74
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Well, I only sent him a followup because he said he'd get right back to me on my question about particular magazines and never did after 5 days. Gonna wait to see what happens now.
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Old November 19th, 2007, 12:38   #75
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Well, I only sent him a followup because he said he'd get right back to me on my question about particular magazines and never did after 5 days. Gonna wait to see what happens now.
Use google for information not mark.

Mark's not a guntech, He doesn't know 100% of everything on every gun. He's just one man who's incharge of supplying airsoft to an entire country. If you're just ordering a single magazine from him... Don't you think that people who are ordering an 800 dollar gun would take priority?

He's also been quite busy, He recently had to go through an inspection to make sure everything was in good shape, and he's fighting to get his backlogged orders to come in.

It's hard enough monitering a sales thread on ASC... Imagine having to do that for an entire country.
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