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problem with a user... Dirty Sanchez



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Old August 10th, 2006, 09:06   #61
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by Dirty Deeds
By the looks of the tracking info, there were no delays inside of Canada that would suggest a siezure by our customs.

See in bold, no delays.

2006/07/10 AM RICHMOND, BC Item successfully delivered to Receiver's address
2006/07/10 06:43 RICHMOND, BC Item out for delivery
2006/07/10 Signature image recorded for Online viewing
2006/07/07 09:11 Item was released from Customs and is now with Canada Post for sortation
2006/06/07 11:23 MISSISSAUGA, ON International item has been sent to Canadian Customs for processing

2006/06/02 09:05 International item has left the origin country
However I would call customs just to make sure.

Read it over again, very carefully.

It was sitting in customs for exactly one month. It entered customs on JUNE 7th. It was released to Canada Post from customs on JULY 7th.

That's the sign of a seizure.

But regardless - just because they seized the items, it's not your problem as the exporter. In the eyes of Canadian customs, the importer of the goods is always the one responsible for the nature of the goods entering the country.

He still owes you money.

Spitfire, I'll give customs a call for you and look in to it. It looks like the agency it entered was actually the number that I gave you and that number is local to me.

I'll get the details of the seizure from them.

As for Dirty Sanchez, his age verification has been revoked and his account is now under review and investigation, pending payment to you. It is his responsibility to go through the legal process of appealling the decision of customs and ensure that he has his proper paperwork in order when importing goods. He has 90 days from the day the item entered the country.

This is turning in to another case of "buy it in Canada or risk seizure." In the end, Canada customs is the ultimate controller of what gets in to the country or not and if they deem an item to be not in the best interests of a Canadian citizen to possess.... then they seize it, regardless of what is already written in government legislation or not.
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Old August 10th, 2006, 09:53   #62
Dirty Deeds
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Ya, in quebec they are backwards with their dates, days are in the month spot and month in the day spot, therefore I didn't look at the last spot on the dates.

Illusion is right, 1 month in customs = possible siezure. However the case, as stated Dirt Sanchez is now responsible for fighting the siezure, and still owes you money, Spitfire.
Team Bad Karma(BK-09)
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Old August 10th, 2006, 10:02   #63
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Man customs gonna have there boarder guards armed soon with all the seizures.
Upgrade parts to 500fps please order.
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Old August 10th, 2006, 15:57   #64
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@ILLusion: thanks a lot! very friendly

thanks tho all those who help me!
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Old August 11th, 2006, 18:18   #65
GBB Whisperer
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I just got a call back from Canada Customs. Here's what we've learned:

The package came in to Canada Customs on June 7th. The inventory number attached to this package is CU327090215CA.

Due to the nature of the parts in the package (gun parts), they were sent to the Canada Prohibited Importations Unit for further inspection of the parts.

July 6th, ALL of the parts were cleared by the Canadian Prohibited Importations Unit and sent back to Canada Customs. - NO PARTS WERE SEIZED.
Canada customs tagged the package with a Canadian value of $171.21 and applied applicable taxes, duties, brokerage fees, etc totalling $27.25.

July 7th, the package was sent back to Canada Post.

From there, the package was delivered to the importer.

Again, NO PARTS WERE SEIZED. The delay in the shipment was due to a long inspection process of the parts.

Had any of the parts actually been seized, then Dirty Sanchez would have received a letter in the mail from Canada Customs. If he still believes the parts were seized... well too bad. That's not your problem, Spitfire. You held up your end of the bargain, which was to safely export the product out of your country - which you did. His end of the bargain is to import it AND pay you.

If he TRULY did not receive those items, then they must have fallen out of the package or gotten lost along the way and in that case, he should contact Canada Post to claim a refund on those parts. But the fact still remains, that's not your problem. HE STILL OWES YOU MONEY.

I hope this information helps you, Spitfire. Apply some pressure on Dirty Sanchez. If he is still not forthcoming with the funds, further "action" can be taken to ensure that he holds up his end of the deal.
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Old August 11th, 2006, 23:48   #66
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dude, you are fucked.
well, 190$ for a lesson. that aint too bad.
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Old August 12th, 2006, 00:11   #67
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dude, you are fucked.
well, 190$ for a lesson. that aint too bad.
After all the peoples trying to help him... thats all you have to say?
I think he still can get his money if peoples put some pressure on the guy
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Old August 12th, 2006, 02:59   #68
-=]MH[=-RaiDen's Avatar
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Looks like some one didn't read the thread before posting...
But ya Spitfire, you need to get your money back. Spam the guy if you have too.
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Old August 12th, 2006, 08:17   #69
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You would think that if dirty sanchez was on the up and up he would have posted on this thread already.
Nothing to see here
May you live in interesting times.
ASCMART, your smart choice
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Old August 12th, 2006, 11:16   #70
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@ illusion: thanks a lot! biiiiiiig help!! i will spam him in the msn...
i'll tell you if he answers and if he didn't im gonna tell you as well :wink:
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Old August 13th, 2006, 14:11   #71
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I'm an admin in our local club and Dirty Sanchez has signed up to play in one of our games. I will see if i can get the other admins to ask him about it. Let me see what we can do about this...
"Any punk can shoot from across the room but it takes a real man to get close enough to stab"
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Old August 13th, 2006, 16:08   #72
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hei jtf2,. thanks a lot for you support!
thanks to all who help me anyway! here is the best community i have ever seen, for real!
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Old August 14th, 2006, 07:12   #73
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hy you all...
i talked to him... but he tells he didnt get the parts and stuff... well, read it and see what i mean :wink:

.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
Dirty Sanchez says:
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
i called the canadian border
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
well the customs...
Dirty Sanchez says:
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
they told me they didnt take away any part
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
they have garanteed it to me
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
they sent all parts to you
Dirty Sanchez says:
is that so?
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
this is so
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
so you own me the whole ...
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
if something is losT, the canadian posT must have losT it
Dirty Sanchez says:
then why do i only have these ring things i have no idea what to do with?
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
well i dunno...
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
you have to get refound from canadian posT
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
if customs had sized items, they would have sent you a letter
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
what items are sized
Dirty Sanchez says:
refund for what?
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
the package was insuranced
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
the parts must be losT betweed customs and your house...
Dirty Sanchez says:
well i did get a call from ups the other day and asked me if i was expecting a package from some marketing company, and i said no cause i didn't know what the fuck it was, but thats pretty much it
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
so you got it
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
or not
Dirty Sanchez says:
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
so you have to ckeck with canadian posT
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
call them, tell them you didn't get the parts...
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
they must have losT the stuff in the package...
Dirty Sanchez says:
what do i say? i didn't get my gun parts? lol
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
no, tell them you didnt get the stuff you exspected to order...
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
tell them they losT the parts between the customs and your house
Dirty Sanchez says:
yeh, then they'll ask me what it is, and i can't lie, cause if they do find it, they'll be like " what the fuck" and especially with the shit thats going on in europe w/ the terroritsts i don't exactly wanna tell them i'm having gun parts shipped to me u know?
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
and the parts arent gunparts, they are toyparts... otherwise they'd been taken away...
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
why not... it not illegal to send this stuff around
Dirty Sanchez says:
no but u don't understand, u can only buy airsoft from outside canada if you have a replica fire arms liscense.. look it up on ASC if youw ant
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
no thats no problem
Dirty Sanchez says:
well over all, i don't really want the damn parts anymore, its been such a hassle, i waited so long for it, and when it came it wasn't even the stuff you said u were sending me
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
i have been asking around there already
Dirty Sanchez says:
maybe it got lost, maybe it didn't, but its also unfair for you as well
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
but you know, you own me the
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
thats like that after canadian law
Dirty Sanchez says:
thats why i'm willing to compromise some how
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
you have to pay me all
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
thats what i know
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
it not my fault if customs take the package to ckeck it...
Dirty Sanchez says:
theres no fucking way i'm paying you the full amount , i didn't get shit, and now your really starting to piss me off.
Dirty Sanchez says:
i'll give you an amount for all your troubles and all and let it be.
Dirty Sanchez says:
yeh, well its not my fault either... thats what i mean by COMPROMISE.
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
and its not my fault that the canadian posT looses the stuff...
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
well yes its not...
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
but YOU CAN CALL THE CANADIAN POST so they check where the stuff is
Dirty Sanchez says:
thats what i'm saying. thats why i'm wiling to reimburse you with something instead of NOTHING
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
and if they dont find, you are gonna get the
Dirty Sanchez says:
sorry dude. i'm done with this bull shit.
Dirty Sanchez says:
i'll give you $60 for all your troubles, which i think is very fucking fair
Dirty Sanchez says:
$60 for something i didn't even get, AND i don't even have a g-spec anymore
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
call the fucking canadian p
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
thell them they losT the stuff
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
and they have to pay for that
Dirty Sanchez says:
your not listening, Canadian post only covers for LOST ITEMS. i recieved the package but not all the SHIT WAS THERE. understand?
Dirty Sanchez says:
Like i was saying, CUSTOMS HAS MY SHIT.
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
yes, so they have losT some parts of the package...
Dirty Sanchez says:
and i don't wanna go through all that hassle with talking w/ customs cause I DON'T LIKE CUSTOMS
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
and the customs dont have the part
Dirty Sanchez says:
and you know all this from a simple overseas's phone call eh?
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
do you have a letter that proves that customs has sized the stuff
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
no i have my connections...
Dirty Sanchez says:
last chance, you take my kind offer to give you $60 for something i didn't even get, or you can eat a dick and die. which is it?
Dirty Sanchez says:
Dirty Sanchez says:
like i said, all it said on the package was FIRE ARMS PARTS.
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
so they didn't size it
Dirty Sanchez says:
Dirty Sanchez says:
Dirty Sanchez says:
i'm talking to a brick walla.
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
i wrot fucking toys on it
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
i wrote toys on it
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
i told you that already
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
i told you that when i sent it of
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
i didnt write firearmparts...
Dirty Sanchez says:
well thats what it said on the box
Dirty Sanchez says:
anyways, last chance, take my offer or not. if you want the money , send me your pay pal account
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
yesl but that not what i have written
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
i will ask around... if you are right or not...
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
i tell you then if i accept your offer
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
Dirty Sanchez says:
Sorry, but you don't tell me what to do kid. You can't think for yourself or something?

Dirty Sanchez says:
you know i can just not talk to you at all , and you'll never hear from me ever again, and your still thinking ?!
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
i dunno the canadian law exactly... so i have to ask around...
Dirty Sanchez says:
I'm nice enough to throw free money at you and this is the fucking thank you i get?
Dirty Sanchez says:
.S.P.I.T.F.I.R.E. - لورانس احبك! says:
so i have my connetions, they know it
Dirty Sanchez says:
if you are smart, e-mail me your pay pal account. that is all.
Dirty Sanchez says:
work tomorrow. good night.
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Old August 14th, 2006, 08:35   #74
Dirty Deeds
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WOW this guy is piece of work.

Originally Posted by jtf2-phalanx
I'm an admin in our local club and Dirty Sanchez has signed up to play in one of our games. I will see if i can get the other admins to ask him about it. Let me see what we can do about this...
Don't talk to him before the game happens. Wait till he shows and gang bang him in person.
Team Bad Karma(BK-09)
CAUTION: Evil Genius at Work

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Old August 14th, 2006, 09:45   #75
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Originally Posted by Dirty Deeds
WOW this guy is piece of work.
kinda true, unfortunately :sad:
im a little bit agry about him... :smack:
but yes, look what you can do if he shows up...
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