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Madbull UAV?


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Old September 2nd, 2010, 20:18   #61
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IR "Stinger" to take out AS Predator....

....a techie nerdos wet dream...
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Old September 2nd, 2010, 20:21   #62
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15K USD!!!

You can get the EXACT SAME ONE directly from the company for sub 5000$

Name is Mikrokopter, model MK-Hexa. Here in kit version, requires a 6-7ch. radio system.

Add to that a head-tracking system and use a 9ch system:

And a 2.4Ghz remote cam:

Helmet-mount the receiver, and bam! You got something that is instictive, keeps GPS coordinates, altitude and heading by itself, has a "return home" feature and other goodies like that.

All for less than that Madbull thing.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old September 2nd, 2010, 20:30   #63
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So...if some kind gentleman, who was into airsoft AND had all the hobby RC connections, would just put a nice package together for us dummies...we could move on to Phase 2 of this plan.

Dunno what phase 3 is...but the last phase is allllll profit!
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Old September 2nd, 2010, 21:23   #64
Short Round
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There is that Iphone heli too
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Old September 2nd, 2010, 21:29   #65
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Originally Posted by Najohn View Post
There is that Iphone heli too
read the thread it has been mentioned many times already starting at the third post in the thread.

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Old September 2nd, 2010, 21:33   #66
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Originally Posted by Tex View Post
read the thread it has been mentioned many times already starting at the third post in the thread.
Ops meant this

not the ones mentioned before.

Check this site too

They have some of the most amazing things you can make out of anything. Could help with anyone trying to complete this heli Idea, like the following maybe is a great idea, don't know if it would work but if it is hit, just build a new one no problem

Last edited by Short Round; September 2nd, 2010 at 21:42..
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Old September 2nd, 2010, 21:39   #67
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Hmmmm... I'm going to bother Jason and Ron at Hobbyking... see what I can dig up... I think it would be great to have a For Us By Us airsoft specific product... heck at my level, I'm a dummy compared to you guys, you guys are the airsoft GODS as far as I'm concerned... it took me a week to tear myself off AC after joining hehe
You guys are aware that theres like a million possibilites, we *could* have recon jets (EPO foam electric RC jets) do fly overs and do things like FPV setups where someone can fly the RC aircrafts using a camera on the aircraft, totally immersing the "pilot" with a specific mission...

O Lord, airsoft is really going to be a land, sea and air thing...

I've been thinking about Vietnam scenarios too, one of the places where I play, its got a dock with a VERY privatized section of land; I was dreaming about a boat assault while the boat was coming back to shore, is this a bad thing?
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Old September 2nd, 2010, 21:50   #68
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PS I know this is off topic but Najohn, you have the most evil looking avatar
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Old September 2nd, 2010, 22:45   #69
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They should team up with some of the helmet cam manufactures out there and get those cameras hooked up to the RF feed. 1080p video quality should put all the vid quality naysayers to ease.
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Old September 2nd, 2010, 23:57   #70
Short Round
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Originally Posted by DoctorBadVibez View Post
PS I know this is off topic but Najohn, you have the most evil looking avatar
lol I'm smiling!


Kind of relates to the topic but just realized that Treyarch is giving out RC Cars with built in video cameras for their prestiege edition of COD BLack Ops. Now I guarentee some sucker (like myself last year) will buy this thinking it will be awesome, try to use it during games.

Next thing you know people will be modding the damn thing to carry a glock or some full auto pistol, maybe two...

Maybe if we wait long enough we will get a remote control UAV or Heli that comes with games, just pay te $100 useless dollars to get it
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Old September 3rd, 2010, 03:57   #71
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I would think that fixed wing wouldn't be very practical for airsoft because of the difficulty of picking out players in camo with a fairly fast pass capturing limited resolution. A platform which can loiter in an area would force players to freeze as long as an area was being watched. A fixed wing platform would not provide a very long look time.

Another concern I would have with fixed wing UAVs would be their higher flight speeds. A fast moving plane crashing down would come down pretty fast which I think could be a safety hazard. I've had a few R/C plane crashes that left some major divots in the ground. That being said, large 0.60cuin R/C helicopters can be bloody scary too. I hated it when those friggin things would be tootling around at head height across the flightline whirling their massive blades. It seems to me that a lightly built electric quad rotor UAV wouldn't present nearly the same kind of collision damage potential as a fixed wing plane blazing around.

That being said there are some cool benefits to fixed wing UAVs. They're easy to make strike tolerant. I've flown foam winged planes with lots of superficial poke holes in the wings (encounters with lighter tree branches) just fine. Stout foam wings can take a lot of damage without being compromised and they're cheap to replace. Major structural elements like spars are strong and would probably be difficult to damage with an AEG. It would be very hard to get a critical strike on a plane if you put the receiver in a plastic box and string the antenna through a plastic tube so it doesn't get snipped. I guess the only thing you could hit would be a control surface hinge, but good luck doing that. All you'd have to do is put a thin sheet of plastic on the underside guarding the hinge to assure that control surfaces continue to work under fire.

For safety I would limit fixed wing UAV platforms to stable high wing or high dihedral models with long chord foam wings (lots of material to chew out before it's compromised). Limit displacement to maybe 0.25cuin to keep the engine block light and maybe even require pusher arrangements so if someone gets nailed by the plane they at least don't get hit by a spinner and hunk of engine. The nose of the plane should not be sharp (say minimum 1.5" radius semispherical nose) and made of a soft nerfy foam rubber. We would not want exciting dogfighting models out there which might facilitate or encourage reckless flying at high speeds. If we can keep the speeds down the remaining risk I see is goggle knockoff. A slow plane to the face can dislodge goggles which is a hazard if the victim is also receiving fire.

If you think r/c planes are easy to shoot down, check this shit out:

YouTube- RC Plane vs AR15 Machine Gun

Technologically speaking a fixed wing UAV would be easy to implement, but we should assess the safety issues carefully. It might even be fun to have something that we could intentionally shoot at. DonP did some very interesting work with electronic hit detection on airsoft targets. He might be able to detect pellet strikes to a RC plane which lights off a smoke charge. We can also do some milsim fun like do up an olive drab model Piper Cub as an L-4 artillery spotting plane. In a particular scenario if you can't shoot down the spotting plane in a certain amount of time some offshore or out of ranged artillery turns your base into aggregate.

For outright spotting utility, I think a rotary wing UAV would work best. I'm thinking of buying this Walkera quadcopter:

Seems pretty cheap and it's apparently camera ready. Unfortunately I have a feeling that it's flight time isn't anything spectacular (I'm guessing 7min). A combustion engine can easily achieve much longer, especially on a fixed wing platform. Another benefit of an IC engine is that refuelling is pretty damn fast compared to battery charging. However, I think being able watch an area without the entire frame moving would facilitate observing camouflaged players. I'm not meaning to pick out players in the forest, but a guy in green in tall grass may be hard to pick out with a fast rc plane pass. Also it's hard to get a sense of location when you're getting multiple strafing passes from different directions.

Maybe we need to think out of the box a bit harder. Perhaps we could put a kickass lipo on a helium filled derigible which powers some pretty decent brushless motors. If we could beat a not bad crosswind with some good motors we might be able to achieve some good uptimes with a pretty stable platform. It would be bad to shoot at a derigible, but we could maybe stomp on the rifle on whomever decides to take potshots at a cool item that a game org charitably provides.
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Old September 3rd, 2010, 05:52   #72
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UAV's with limited resolution are only going to be of use with thermal imaging systems to reduce the effect of cover

hence the reason that all the UAV footage you see is from Thermal systems, they do have 'normal' wavelength equipment as well but they're not as 'effective' in spotting targets as the thermal and are normally used for visual identification before engaging targets of opportunity.

but good luck getting that into a cheap uav :laugh:

in the urban environment UAV's can be of some use with normal optics, but be realistic, it's airsoft the day that systema unveils the airsoft mortar that _isn't_ just a tube and a moscart then we're talking..
"History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so."

-- Adolph Hitler, April 11 1942.

Adolph hitler supports gun control.. Do you?

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Old September 3rd, 2010, 12:05   #73
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Well, if you can afford FLIR you can do all sorts of awesome stuff.

I still think lower resolution video feed is useful for observing general player movement in areas of low ground cover. You can also observe squad vehicles and detect the position of large game objectives. A UAV pass could pick out a large group of players chilling out on break or waiting for respawn which could show a temporary tactical advantage. I would think that players might realize that if they're spotted lounging about not pushing a game objective then opfor might move on their laziness.

Being able to look over forested areas might also be useful for some scenarios. A "downed" pilot could pop smoke inside of a large forested area. Viewed from ground level inside the forest, smoke would be difficult to see from afar. From overview you could get a much more precise fix on the column of smoke as it emanated from the tree line.
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Old September 3rd, 2010, 12:24   #74
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I'd rather use a marker panel or mirror instead of smoke but that's just me.

For the opposition I think a UAV will be more of a PSYOP benefit to keep them off balance vs. any tactical advantage from spotting which favorite hill they're hiding on in game.
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Old September 3rd, 2010, 12:35   #75
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For most games it'd be pretty much useless... But in medium and large scale milsims (something like 80 and more, so the used field area would have to be quite large) as well as maybe some other specific scenarios (MOUT?) it could add something.

Now... at 15 000$? No way. For that price you can get 2 used pickups with an M249 and maybe even more if you find some good deals...
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