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Old January 22nd, 2008, 16:31   #46
Join Date: Jan 2008
Well, some of you, half of my age people, don't even understand a tenth what I'm saying. I am not against rules and regulations, nor I am in need of special privileges from any of you.
What some of you fail to understand is why I have dared to raise my voice.
Let me turn to you for a second.
In my opinion, responsibility and common sense is a very important part of all shooting sports. Age alone doesn't necessary mean that the person is capable of proper behaviour at the range. Therefore, age verification has it's own limitations.
What qualifies those reps to verify my age? Do they judge by how a person looks like? That's no way to eliminate criminals and make shooting sports any safer.
Get it now?
BTW, as a law abiding citizen I am contacting a few different local volunteers to see who would be willing and available to verify my age the soonest. I may not live long enough.
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 16:39   #47
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Rusty, the age verification process is not seriously used for any legal reason.
It just helps ASC to weed out the minors - The rep usually looks at some official document you have with birth date on it that you provide.

it's only for buying and selling, and you don't necessarily have to be verified to sign up for games and play.

It is just a little tool for some particular cases, even though it may look like a big deal it's just a minor constraint you have to deal with, once.

Good luck in you search for a rep.
btw where are you located?

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Old January 22nd, 2008, 17:11   #48
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He's in Oshawa.

We do understand what you were saying but what you did miss is that this is in no way a process to verify your responsibility and common sense. These will be verified when you attend a game or with your behavior on this forum. As it states it; it's an Age Verification process.

Finally, I wasn't only aiming at you and it was more a general comment based from what I perceived from your posts.
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 17:21   #49
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I did not miss anything you said Rusty, and what I was going to bring up would only be an echo of what Jimski said.

What 'training' do we have to verify you? None. If you don't like it, then don't get verified, it's really quite simple. There is a process for THIS website and that's all there is to it.

Those of us who volunteer our time to go and meet people, are taking the time out of our days to do you a favor, that's it.

Some of the ASC verifiers make sure to spend a couple of hours with the person who they are going to verify to make sure they have a good attitude and aren't dip-shits. Others will check your ID, copy down your birthdate and get your ASC username. So by complaining that you shouldn't need to have one of us verify you (as it's seemed to when you read between the lines of your posts), you only make us verifiers thing "this guy isn't someone I want shooting at me".

Prove me wrong, ok?
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 17:25   #50
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I am in Oshawa.


Thank you for verifying my location. Am I a step ahead now?
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 17:44   #51
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
I did not miss anything you said Rusty, and what I was going to bring up would only be an echo of what Jimski said.

What 'training' do we have to verify you? None. If you don't like it, then don't get verified, it's really quite simple. There is a process for THIS website and that's all there is to it.

Those of us who volunteer our time to go and meet people, are taking the time out of our days to do you a favor, that's it.

Some of the ASC verifiers make sure to spend a couple of hours with the person who they are going to verify to make sure they have a good attitude and aren't dip-shits. Others will check your ID, copy down your birthdate and get your ASC username. So by complaining that you shouldn't need to have one of us verify you (as it's seemed to when you read between the lines of your posts), you only make us verifiers thing "this guy isn't someone I want shooting at me".

Prove me wrong, ok?

I hope you're looking back wishing you didn't response, but it's too late. I'm quoting your own words. I can read between the lines too.
What on Earth makes you think that you can get away with threatening members? Does THIS web site support provocative behaviour shown by representatives?
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 17:50   #52
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good, here's the spirit:
in the world of canadian airsoft it is seen as proactive and constructive to be willing to drive or travail to the closest available rep.
If you are lost in the middle of nowhere that sucks because you'll have to drive further to get verified.But if you do it you will be considered as a semi-god-hardboiled-badass on ASC, which is a good thing overall.

Who knows, you might even become the rep for your area, which will also give you the power to emasculate newbies and keep their AEGs after each game.

why Rusty you are misleaded, i think Aqua wasn't threatening you at all, he was just stating the facts.
you only make us verifiers thing "this guy isn't someone I want shooting at me".
he means 'shooting' in/during an airsoft game.something about trusting the people you play with to be good guys.

Last edited by Jimski; January 22nd, 2008 at 18:03..
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 17:56   #53
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Originally Posted by rustysdream View Post

I hope you're looking back wishing you didn't response, but it's too late. I'm quoting your own words. I can read between the lines too.
What on Earth makes you think that you can get away with threatening members? Does THIS web site support provocative behaviour shown by representatives?
I don't recall him threatening you anywhere there. He's just saying exactly what I'm about to say. Chill! Seriously! Yes it's an inconvenience, but you gotta do it for this website, you don't like it, don't do it, but be careful what you say around here. Aquamarine has the power to make your account disappear.
Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato View Post
And you're calling us immature? Neuter yourself with a hammer.
Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
It will help to not get you flamed here, and will help you get a job that doesn't require the repeated use of the phrase "Would you like fries with that?"
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 17:59   #54
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Where did I say I wasn't willing to verify my age? Seriously!
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 18:20   #55
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Alrighty duke... mind quoting the threat?

Act your age for fucks sake.
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 18:23   #56
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Originally Posted by rustysdream View Post
Well, some of you, half of my age people, don't even understand a tenth what I'm saying. I am not against rules and regulations, nor I am in need of special privileges from any of you.
What some of you fail to understand is why I have dared to raise my voice.
Let me turn to you for a second.
In my opinion, responsibility and common sense is a very important part of all shooting sports. Age alone doesn't necessary mean that the person is capable of proper behaviour at the range. Therefore, age verification has it's own limitations.
What qualifies those reps to verify my age? Do they judge by how a person looks like? That's no way to eliminate criminals and make shooting sports any safer.
Get it now?
BTW, as a law abiding citizen I am contacting a few different local volunteers to see who would be willing and available to verify my age the soonest. I may not live long enough.
Okay since you like to debate put it this way Rusty.

1) ASC is our house, therefore our Rules apply
2) If you cannot be bothered to follow our rules, then please kindly stop visiting and go to they have some free games for you to play that are fun.
3) No one was threatening, they were explaining our rules. Please respect that, we get 100's of people on here who do not. Don't agree with that then tough.
4) Who gives a shit how old you say you are, till you meet up with one of our designated Age Verification reps in person to gain access to our buy/sell sections for all we care you are 2.
5) I am in a position to say this as I am an age verification rep, and one of the moderators for this site.

Good day, and if you do decide to stick around less bickering with those who have been here for a while, and as you can tell by their status have been age verified.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 20:04   #57
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Thank you for the warm welcome.
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 20:27   #58
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It's always a warm welcome for those who don't forget to leave their ego's at the door. Welcome to ASC! Hope to see you on the field someday.
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 20:41   #59
Join Date: Jan 2008
Question to Admins.

Would it be possible to direct new members to their local Police Station to verify their age? They are open 24/7 and would make a proper identification in no time.
I know, I wouldn't mind to go there. I also know that this would turn off young kids you don't want to see around here. This way new members wouldn't have to take valuable time away from volunteers and ASC could get official ID-s done in a professional way.
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 21:05   #60
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Originally Posted by rustysdream View Post
Question to Admins.

Would it be possible to direct new members to their local Police Station to verify their age? They are open 24/7 and would make a proper identification in no time.
I know, I wouldn't mind to go there. I also know that this would turn off young kids you don't want to see around here. This way new members wouldn't have to take valuable time away from volunteers and ASC could get official ID-s done in a professional way.
We avoid the cops and putting ourself on the public radar as much as possible.
Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato View Post
And you're calling us immature? Neuter yourself with a hammer.
Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
It will help to not get you flamed here, and will help you get a job that doesn't require the repeated use of the phrase "Would you like fries with that?"
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