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help with badass grenadier kit?


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Old May 10th, 2011, 21:46   #46
Reckless's Avatar
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hey wildcard, coachster ... what's the 2x3 demensions of the MB 108HP's???

I have an arrangement in my head for my existing vest to stay relatively streamlined and still carry everything

I'd like to keep 6 in each pouch nice and tight so nothings rattling around after a reload.
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
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Old May 10th, 2011, 22:11   #47
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Alright afew words of advice on the ICS GLM. First thing your gonna want to do with it right out of the box is overwind the spring on it, if you dont do this you will ahve trouble getting 6 rotations out of it. secondly, tighter all of the screws focus mainly on the stock area screws so the one just infront of the rear sling mount and the two that are side by side just above it. This will help keep things nice and tight and reduce any wobble and help prevent you from braking it.

As for my gear setup i rock crye armor along with a battle belt and a leg rig, iv got 14 on my cheat on the front plate (Condor double pistol mag pouches, only the doubles work for 40mms the trips wont fit 3 and the singles are too tight), then i have another 12 on my leg rig and i can mount more on my belt if needed. top that off with my goblin as a backup and my sidearm on my other leg and im really heavy and ready to rock.

I dont recommend having them loose in a pouch as that is just asking for them to go off in the pouch.

Another thing to keep in mind with the ICS GLM is that the trigger is all plastic so id be careful when using co2 shells, last thing you want is to snap the trigger on it. Iv don't a side by side test with a propane shell and then another of teh same shells loaded with c02 and the pull is heaver but so far it doesn't seem bad enough to be harmful. still id be careful all the same.

Feel free to PM me with any questions related to the unit itself
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If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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Old May 10th, 2011, 22:28   #48
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thank you .. I really to appreciate it

the only way I would really do multi in a pouch is if I could hold 6 in one pouch "firmly" ... aka 1 pouch a reload, I'm thinking a foam block with them sitting in it ... arranged to pull 2 at a time
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
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Old May 10th, 2011, 22:56   #49
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6 Years a Grenadier - The long-ranged Savage

I promise that you will be hard pressed to find anyone more devoted, more known, and more dedicated to the primary role of Grenadier, without luck.

Here's why:

When I first started playing airsoft, all I had was a TM P90, and my feet. Everyone else had twice my range, and I didn't get into upgrading until two years later. So, most of the time, people sent me out with a radio as a scout. I turned out to have a knack for finding, and being found, by teams 6-10 strong.
I learned how to run hard *at* the other teams, use cover, and ambush very quickly. But I never had the ability to survive most encounters.

Then the day came my P90 went down.
I was at a game 3 hours away from my house. A friend lent me his 5 Madbull King Shells.
With no AEG, I ran as hard and as fast as I could when the game started - more than usual - and ducked for cover. In the distance a scouting party of 5 players ran up, about 80 feet away. My team far behind, I had an idea.
I ran, falling in step with the squad letting them think I was one of theirs.
It worked, letting me catch up without them looking behind.
We got close to my team's engaging line and slowed down, and I took the time to let them run ahead so I could flank.
When they took cover, I fired.
The forest stillness shattered as their commander cried "D@MMMNN YOUU SA-VAGE!!!" as his squad took the hit.

I've never looked back.

Reckless, at the risk of losing my signature style, I'm sharing my secrets with hopes that Grenadiers become something more - or at least the few proud that we are, know what to do to not waste our money or our morale.
I've played Airsoft a lot longer than I think I have, and I've become something of an accidental legend (legends don't get as much freedom since everyone wants to have them play their way, or teach them) because I'm seen as very good with them, and for so long.

I hate the 6-round launchers personally because they're slow to reload. With a single breach-style launcher, I can slam fire 6 shells as fast as a pump shotgun - and keep going.
However, the 6-round launchers are also more powerful indoors and in a lot of situations, so don't let me discourage you.

The 2 shells to trust are the RAP4 M68, and the Madbull XMPB4.

These shells are designed for CO2, can take almost any kind of payload, including powdered sugar, and because of the CO2, you can control how much power they pack.

If you want to have more range than even an AEG can provide - without danger to other players - than keep listening.

The RAP4 M68s can take 33 8mm bbs. Tested with .34g bbs, I found that even on "low power" (about 750 psi or a 1 second charge of pure CO2), I easily achieved a dead-level shot of over 140 feet.
For some reason, the 8mm bbs seem to go UP Over your target at 120 feet, so aim a little low.
The grouping is surprisingly good.

Plug and cover your bbs with a little scotch tape. I prefer stickers, but that's my thing, and a bit more expensive.

DO NOT BUY ANY OLDSCHOOL SHELLS. These take forever to reload, have very little range and power by comparison, and so on.
You can fill your RAP4 M68 shells with Green Gas to make them safe for indoors.

Plus, you can use "junk" bbs in these shells without worry - just clean them!

Don't use leg-rigs. The Grenadier is a fast, powerful, agile player in airsoft. You're only effective for fractions of seconds - and the best Grenadiers are ghosts - vanish after every strike, and never let them know where you were. You're one of the last players in any Airsoft game capable of actually scaring your friends >

Pistol Mag pouches can carry your M203s.

Use an H-harness - STRIKE is one of them. I prefer the MAV II for outdoors or a battle belt.

Get one really deep dump pouch OR get two medium ones. Line them with thin insulator foam sheets since they do like to click and rattle. Stealth matters more than perhaps even for a sniper in airsoft.

The only hand-grenades in airsoft worth having are the Tornado Impacts. I own 3.

Buy some Nerf Rockets. If your games allow you to, the GLM looks like has a long enough barrel to let you stick one in to launch at a tank, bunker, etc.

Get a quick-adjust sling. Carrying around that big thing will be an issue when you're not using it.

I was extremely lucky, -blessed even- to discover a custom holster and stand-alone launcher combo on Ebay that feels like carrying a huge pistol on my hip, but just as easy as a small one.

I haven't tried .40g 8mm bbs yet, but I imagine that they'll have a tighter grouping, but same amazing range.

I'm going to test and see if I can reach an effective range of 200 feet.

Welcome to the family
-Savage Insight
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Old May 11th, 2011, 00:36   #50
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I hear you on that... I get alot of flack for running twin desert eagles ( ALOT) .. until people actually see me in the field with them. I've tried several other pistols .. and keep going back to em. they are a sidearm and a primary all in one I never ever have a doubt in any game with one on my leg that I can drop whatever else I'm carrying and still bring it in a game with my "babies"

I imagine the same is for the grenadier... I also imagine the play style is fairly similar between running only pistols , and running 40mm's. the slow reload of the revolver is on my mind, but the opertunity popped up so I'm running with it LOL , I'm hoping the reload time of the revolver is offset by the follow up firing time of having 6 ready to go at a time, and I will always have an Eagle to fall back upon.

I do however love seeing the grenadiers comming from the wood work and sharing their ideas, and secrets (even if not all of em )

what to do suggest to cap the multi use nades? ... just some tissue and scotch or packing tape over top?

I plan on picking up a break breach load single shot after I've got 12 or so grenades ... either a cut down thumper, or a custom pistol style
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
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Last edited by Reckless; May 11th, 2011 at 00:38..
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Old May 11th, 2011, 07:18   #51
aka coachster
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For the multi's use a Kleenex or TP wad. (1 square rolled up like a cig then rolled up like a snail) Have never had any bb's fall out. I choose kleenex over tape because it's easier to field load and have ready. Tape might be quicker but I know come the first rain the Kleenex will start to disappear. Also the flash of white that flies 10 feet from you can also distract OpFor who are staring at you.
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Old May 12th, 2011, 20:53   #52
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hey guys... I need alllll your opinions here ... on the launcher itself

I've been doing alot of serious thought (thanks mostly in part to alot of the input from here, thank you) ... and the plastic trigger of the ICS GLM is bothering me as I'll be using only co2

so I'm thinking of going to a single shot break barrel until I can get my grubby hands on a CAW revolver launcher

now my options in order at this point are

- M79 sawwed off
- aabb pistol style
- S thunder pistol style

I'm drawn ofcourse more to the M79 as I'm starting to drift more towards more older style weapons for my wall (but all have to be useable... none of my stuff is wall hanger only) ... so... what's the Kingarms M79 durability like running Co2? and hows the trigger yank for say 600psi?
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
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Old May 13th, 2011, 00:00   #53
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Hey well if you dont want the ICS one ill buy it off you for parts!

Based off what you have said about your play style it sounds like a pistol style 40mm would best go with your play style something small and easy to handle that you can quicly reload and would let you be a little more stealthy.

My 40mm setup is more of a shocktroop then a stealthy hitman so the ICS one works for what im trying to do.
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Old May 13th, 2011, 15:27   #54
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Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
hey guys... I need alllll your opinions here ... on the launcher itself

I've been doing alot of serious thought (thanks mostly in part to alot of the input from here, thank you) ... and the plastic trigger of the ICS GLM is bothering me as I'll be using only co2

so I'm thinking of going to a single shot break barrel until I can get my grubby hands on a CAW revolver launcher

now my options in order at this point are

- M79 sawwed off
- aabb pistol style
- S thunder pistol style

I'm drawn ofcourse more to the M79 as I'm starting to drift more towards more older style weapons for my wall (but all have to be useable... none of my stuff is wall hanger only) ... so... what's the Kingarms M79 durability like running Co2? and hows the trigger yank for say 600psi?
King Arms M79 and the aabb pistol launcher both are metal and easy to operate, i have fired a full charge Kings at 850 psi with out any issues, it's a hard pull but no issues, you might need a upgrade pin (steel) if you plan to use your M79 just get some guy to make it it's very simple. The running stealth ninja shit with a grenade launcher works real well when you are younger when you are an old fart like me you got to change your playing style to a more laid back relaxed version.
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Old May 14th, 2011, 03:51   #55
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Originally Posted by SavageInsight View Post
a bunch of stuff
We demolitions/grenadier boys gotta get our props.
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Old May 21st, 2011, 00:33   #56
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alright .. got a bit of a laugh, and realized that I already have my "setup" weapon wise sitting here...

now it may not be optimal .. but I think it will do me well till I can pick up a good metal revolver

- trigger happy "hidden" launcher (this thing loads etc stupid fast.. so long as you don't drop the shells LOL )
- marushin 8mm shotgun - been waiting to use this
- nbb 1911 - it's cheap.. but it's quiet and good for up close where the marushin and the launcher aren't so friendly

my only worry is that I'm gonna "wear out" the trigger happy's firing assembly .. but it's really really simple so if I have to I can do what's needed

as for the gear set up .. I beleive I've decided on a blast belt, with a cross check "bandolier" (looks like a couple blast belts cross chest and back)

also working on some fake shotgun shells, each holding 33 8mm bb's .. both to reload the shotgun and the grenade shells..

and looks like after my pending purchases are sorted, picking up 10X rap4 M68 package ... some RS shotgun parts.... and get this kit sorted!
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
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Old May 22nd, 2011, 15:01   #57
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for any that may ask... I've been comparing the M68 and the madbulls ... while the M68's require more maintence/checkups between uses, they are supposed to be easier to fire, and perform a little better then the madbulls...

I have noticed that alot of people complaining on maintence issues of the M68 thunders .. .aren't doing ANY maintence till they break, and they are running full pressure ALL the time.

so in theory they should do me better in the trigger happy. while I don't think I will end up with a collection that comes near coachster and Wildcard ... but I do intend to have 12 M68's and 12 Madbulls, CAW revolver ... eventually
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
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Old May 23rd, 2011, 13:16   #58
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My friend has an Echo 1 revolver launcher that has been sitting in his display case for the past 6-7 years. I've gone in there multiple times over the years, given it a spin and to my surprise, after all those years of the springs being under tension, I can still get at least 8-9 trigger pulls with rotation.
And for grenades, I picked up 6 King Arms 120 rders. They take both co2 and propane. Gorgeous grenades and perform amazingly. They give off a nice pop when fired and keep their charge for a very long time. And they are very reasonably priced.
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