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View Poll Results: Your thoughts on MILSIM?
I strive for as much realism as possible, and certainly enjoy MILSIM over other styles of play. 215 85.32%
I'd much rather just load up a hi-cap and go shoot people. 32 12.70%
I play paintball. 5 1.98%
Voters: 252. You may not vote on this poll

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Old December 13th, 2007, 21:55   #31
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My hicap days are coming to an end, i'm getting into midcaps. A good 4-8 hour game is nice, but you can have just as much fun with a 15 minute game of strong side.
Its all about the team tactics, if you have a good group of guys to back you up, it doesnt matter how often you reload, i fing myself using my hi-capa over my sr-16 more often, and i do just fine
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Old November 17th, 2008, 10:34   #32
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Originally Posted by Naglfar View Post
Yeah, I'm between milsim and 'fill up a hicap'.
I hate hicaps
I hate super serious players
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Old November 17th, 2008, 10:43   #33
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the return of the living thread


Last edited by Jimski; November 17th, 2008 at 10:45..
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Old November 17th, 2008, 10:43   #34
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err ! somebody just bump the thread from 2007 and more than this, it's SPAM who bump it.

By the way, I fail between milsim and fill up hi-cap as well but not too much of fill hi-cap. I had some experience with some guy who just play for fill up hi-cap last game. There was a guy who through grenade to us, so I just run away from grenade and hit him also I yelled grenade. You knew what, that guy just piss off me because I hit him and also he almost call me chicken ( I'm not that chicken with that BBs but I just want to pretend more realism ) . I just want to say if in real life, you will be get killed but lucky it's just airosft grenade.

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Old November 17th, 2008, 10:47   #35
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hicaps go pkchh pkchh when you run and it's just ridiculous,
oops I forget lotsa folks don't run at all
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Old November 17th, 2008, 11:07   #36
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i like to go out and be serious about airsoft, and play a serious game, but i think of it as somewhat akin to pubbing on Counter-strike. There are those people that take it way to serious for my liking (or wallet), and those who don't take it serious at all. Though i think everybody hates the people who don't act with some integrity and play the game the way it should be played (ie: noobs who dont call their hits), i can deal with those people who have $2000 loadouts and play every second day. If spending that much money and time on this sport makes them happy, then more power to them.

just don't say i'm not a proper airsoft player cause i don't play milsim.
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Old November 17th, 2008, 11:16   #37
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Originally Posted by Flea-ish View Post
just don't say i'm not a proper airsoft player cause i don't play milsim.
+1. I don't use hi-caps, and I don't spray-and-pray, etc., but I also don't play enough (once a month if I'm lucky, usually less) to justify spending a shitload of money on it. I play to have fun, pure and simple.

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Old November 17th, 2008, 11:16   #38
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A player using an MP7 with a 15 inch silencer masterkeyed to the bottom of an M4 which also has a 15 inch silencer. If you wish you may attempt to imagine said monstrosity of an airsoft gun set up with Madbull Noveske KX3 sound amps in place of ridiculously long silencers.

Super serious hardcore player?


Unserious jackass?

Im leaning more towards super hardcore jackass.

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Old November 17th, 2008, 11:37   #39
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Wow... bumping a year old thread to say it's "reported"? Nice necro.

But since this thread is now active again, I'll add my 2 cents on topic.

I've only played 2 milsim events and about 5 skirmishes to date. From that, I can say that I tend to like milsim more. However, there's has to be a balance. I like the realism, tactics and scenario of milsim better than skirmishing. To me, it's just more of a rush, and it's a cerebral, as well as physical experience, whereas you get into the combat mindset more. Even though you know that you're getting shot with BBs, you still have a bit of that survival / self-preservation instinct giving you an adrenaline rush.

However, I tend to dislike the uber-hardcore milsim mindset where you have to have 100% accurate gear and tactics, where "improperly" geared up noobs are frowned upon, etc. Airsoft is a game that should be enjoyed by all participants, even though they can't afford an accurate full loadout or high end gun. As long as someone is there willing to play the game within its rules, then it's all good. Luckily, the 2 milsim events I attended (Op Drug Bust and Border Wars 2) were sort of "relaxed milsim", so it kept the fun factor pretty high.

However, I do enjoy skirmishing too. Playing a fun game with no rules and just mindlessly shooting each other can be a whole lot of fun too.
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Old November 17th, 2008, 11:44   #40
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Holy thread necro, batman!

Realcaps or nothing in my opinion. I play for the realism and nothing but the realism (because I enjoy it and also as a training aid). If I wanted anything else, I'd play paintball.

I'd like to include that "milsim" games are rarely realistic at all. The most realistic games are quite often scrims between teams that take the sport seriously. It's all about how you play the game - how you utilize your tools, communicate and move with your team, and your overall mindset throughout the entire process. Mindset is everything, and it is the mindset of the player that sets apart the realistic from the unrealistic, not the gear he is using or the venue he is playing at.

There are no rules in a real gunfight beyond physics and anatomy.

Last edited by Wilson; November 17th, 2008 at 11:50..
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Old November 17th, 2008, 12:30   #41
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister
Wow... bumping a year old thread to say it's "reported"? Nice necro.

But since this thread is now active again, I'll add my 2 cents on topic.

I've only played 2 milsim events and about 5 skirmishes to date. From that, I can say that I tend to like milsim more. However, there's has to be a balance. I like the realism, tactics and scenario of milsim better than skirmishing. To me, it's just more of a rush, and it's a cerebral, as well as physical experience, whereas you get into the combat mindset more. Even though you know that you're getting shot with BBs, you still have a bit of that survival / self-preservation instinct giving you an adrenaline rush.

However, I tend to dislike the uber-hardcore milsim mindset where you have to have 100% accurate gear and tactics, where "improperly" geared up noobs are frowned upon, etc. Airsoft is a game that should be enjoyed by all participants, even though they can't afford an accurate full loadout or high end gun. As long as someone is there willing to play the game within its rules, then it's all good. Luckily, the 2 milsim events I attended (Op Drug Bust and Border Wars 2) were sort of "relaxed milsim", so it kept the fun factor pretty high.
Agreed. I played my first milsim this year at Boarder Wars 2 after playing only a couple skirmish days. Although I had a full load out of midcaps, I didn't even go through half of the mags. It was different thinking to myself, do I spray this one target or pick my shots? What if I run out of ammo in the middle of a bigger fire fight? Mind set is totally different especially when your gear is stowed so much further away. There's a time for spray and pray as well with one shot kills.

The last skirmish event I played was at the new Flag Raiders and I admit, the Normandy game I hosed and exhausted every single M4 midcap, all pistols and mags as well as nearly 12 nades. But I did get my kills while we were being picked off by a couple snipers and guys with a little more reach from the top of the hill. Wish I had a box or c-mag though. Would have been a lot lighter.

Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
However, I do enjoy skirmishing too. Playing a fun game with no rules and just mindlessly shooting each other can be a whole lot of fun too.
you can say that again!
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Old November 17th, 2008, 12:31   #42
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Wilson View Post

There are no rules in a real gunfight beyond physics and anatomy.
Personally, I don't really see the need for the distinction..

It is quite possible to play MILSIM in the middle of a free for all skirmish.. it is not that important what the other guys are doing.. what is important is what are you doing?

Some people can't invest in all the gear.. and high end guns... it does not make them any less "serious" as players.. I knoe quite a number of people who don't have much stuff but they are certainly "serious" players in that they play to win and try to use skill to do it.

There is a significant error to presume that the Hoody clad warrior with the clone MP5 is not a capable and "serious" player... its the same mistake as presuming that the fellow wearing $5000 in guns and gear has a clue.

I like limited ammo games in a woodland field environment... does that make me a "milsimmer" I also like a game we call "bunneh push" does that make me a gamer?

labels .. mean nothing
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Old November 17th, 2008, 13:07   #43
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Personally, I don't really see the need for the distinction..

It is quite possible to play MILSIM in the middle of a free for all skirmish.. it is not that important what the other guys are doing.. what is important is what are you doing?

Some people can't invest in all the gear.. and high end guns... it does not make them any less "serious" as players.. I knoe quite a number of people who don't have much stuff but they are certainly "serious" players in that they play to win and try to use skill to do it.

There is a significant error to presume that the Hoody clad warrior with the clone MP5 is not a capable and "serious" player... its the same mistake as presuming that the fellow wearing $5000 in guns and gear has a clue.

I like limited ammo games in a woodland field environment... does that make me a "milsimmer" I also like a game we call "bunneh push" does that make me a gamer?

labels .. mean nothing
Words of wisdom.

I'm into "Realsim" more so than I am "Milsim." :P
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Old November 17th, 2008, 13:15   #44
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i am not a fan of real caps, plainly for the fact that one bullet will do much more than one airsoft BB. under feeding a mid cap to 80-90 rounds (M4) is where its at!
im between the 2, i like milsim, but scrims are alot of fun!
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
Wildcard his gun is better than all of yours, he has magpul stuff on it, all the magpuls you can dream of. He has all of them. On his gun. I wish I had magpuls
Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Look at all the fucks no one gives Miles, look at them. There is a lot of fucks not being given.
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Old November 17th, 2008, 13:26   #45
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Defintely all about very realistic MILSIMS. I don't mind the skirmish here and there, though.
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