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Worst Airsoft Injury Ever



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Old December 29th, 2010, 18:21   #301
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Winnipeg
i have a permanant scar on the tip of my nose

my team was training at "the farm" i was in the barn that had been converted to a kill house, i was on the top floor, didnt have my own rifle yet at this point so i was borrowing a teammate's m14

now im only 5'8" and 145lbs and i was inside, an m14 is a bit big for me to handle comfortably, and well its not a cqb gun

we had barricaded the stairs to the 2nd floor to make it easier to defend, one of my teammates playing op4, managed to get into the building without being hit. he runs an aug thats at about 375-400ish usin .25s it really is a beautiful rifle

i try to pop around the corner from the one room to pick him off, and am just not quick enough, he panics and lets er rip on full auto from about 10 feet away, tracking the shots from center of mass to right between my eyebrows

now this was before i had proper kit, so i had on a ballcap backwards and just some ballistics goggles. one managed to hit me on the very tip of the nose, and the other in the miniscule place between the top of my goggles and the edge of my ballcap

according to my teammates i dropped like id actually been shot, blearily i wiped my nose (i hate how when u get whacked on the nose hard enough ur eyes just automatically start welling up and your nose starts running)

looking at my sleeve i saw lots of blood, wiped my face underneath my googles, more blood

once the scabs fell off im stuck with a small dent in the very tip of my nose thankfully i was smart enough to keep my damn trap shut so i didnt loose any teeth

Last edited by Scouser; December 29th, 2010 at 18:26.. Reason: whoops submitted too soon
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Old December 29th, 2010, 20:41   #302
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Playing cqb at the Mill, got hit on the tip of the nose, got some blood and hurt like hell, then got hit on the lobe of the ear, no blood but hurt even worse, finally got hit on the nail of the middle finger, danced around for a while and it hurt for a few days but no serious damage Friend lost a tooth the same day, thats what you get for smiling while shooting at an enemy

Worse injury I witnessed was at Voodoo in Trois-rivieres: one guy hidden on the side of a house aiming at an enemy about 100 feet away. Another guy running at right angle on the other side of the house. The second guy appears on the corner just as the first guy fires full auto, only a few feet separating them. The second guy gets hit on the nostril and the skin cuts open as if you had used a knife for about 1/2 an inch, lots of blood and cries of pain. Made a big impression on the other players, the game slowed down for about 20 minutes The guy s okay, I hear he still plays, I guess he must be wary of corners now, I know I am
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Old December 29th, 2010, 22:30   #303
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Worst injury I ever got while playing wasnt even because of bbs, or someone shooting at me. I was running towards a small hill which lead to a ravine. I planned on jumping and sliding down the hill and continuing my run But as I jumped, the rear iron sight of my ACOG came up and hit me right in the lip. It pretty much shredded the inside of my lower lip because of my teeth. It sucked.
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Old December 29th, 2010, 22:34   #304
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So, theres this Circular Map that surrounds a Lake thats right in the center, so along the path i was taking fire so i decided to run and jump into the nearest trench, upon doing so, it was insanely deep pretty much jumping about 1 floor off building deep =.= landed in a huge puddle and got nailed by a mother nature =.= my arms were completely scratch and i got a deep cut in my arm

even so , i kept playing and got 4 more kills before i ran out fun day and this was in Hong Kong at Armed Forces Training Camp, Check it out if you guys ever swing by Hong Kong, its an alright place
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Old December 29th, 2010, 23:16   #305
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Meh...the worst time ever was when I was sniping once in the fall, not to the point where it had begun to snow, but to the point that water started freezing; anyways...I had my epic TM VSR10 when suddenly I heard my teammate yell "they" (opposing team) were flanking from the right on an out of bounds cliff (fml), so I slung my rifle over onto my back and took off, vaulting over rocks, and such. at one point, there was a downed tree that covered a FFP (Final Firing Position) I had made prior in the game, so as i placed my hand onto the stump and began to jump over, my feet coming down, i stepped onto a fresh piece of black ice, i lost my balance and fell backwards slamming my head onto the tree and then the ground, i still have a scar too at the back of my head
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Old December 30th, 2010, 00:31   #306
Death March
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I was shot up the Nose returning fire and the guy let a burst of full auto right up my nose,I stood up blew the BB and alittle blood out call my hit and kinda joked about it. I needed five min's to sit out. Returned to the game and the fun lol.
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Old January 3rd, 2011, 23:16   #307
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shot by an aeg from 6 inches away in the thumbnail, forgot to bring gloves that day, and once in the front of my teeth
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Old January 4th, 2011, 22:47   #308
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I've had a grenade shoot a bb up my nose. it didn't actually hurt but it really confused me.
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Old January 4th, 2011, 23:26   #309
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near the end of the 2010 season i fell off a small cliff facing, and had a rock come down behind me and smoke me in the head. dazing me for a few minutes.
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Old January 5th, 2011, 00:15   #310
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It wasn't me personally, but more one of the victims of my vsr-10 shooting .4's...

I was aiming across a ravine into a sandbag bunker about 200 feet away, saw a head poke up, boom.

Ended up knocking him out for a few seconds, after getting to his feet and stumbling around a bit... "Oh! I can see again!"
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Old January 5th, 2011, 05:43   #311
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Well I was lying down on my belly in the dirt, waiting for a target to come by. A guy behind me shot my left nut. I wore camo shorts this day. So the .25 gram BB went up the space between the material of the shorts and the skin. Fuck that hurt.
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Old May 1st, 2011, 18:54   #312
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Here is a fella from today. I had the pleasure of popping it out and cleaning it up. He is one tough guy! He didnt know it was there until someone seen it.
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Old May 3rd, 2011, 20:26   #313
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A friend of mine was working on a buddies gun and had just put it back together and decided to see if the selector switch and everything was working alright. The mag was out but there was still 2 BBs in the gun. He set it to Full and pulled the trigger. those 2 BBs ended up in the guys gun that he was fixings chin. Like I mean in his chin!!!! both went under the skin and he had to pop them out like zits. OMG That is fucked hahaha but my friend did get his when someone shot out his front tooth too. lmao
Full Auto= WIN!!!
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Old December 15th, 2011, 00:06   #314
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A while since a post but.... A couple months ago got my tooth shot in half while trying to be clutch.. Now ive learned the greatness of stealth!
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Old December 15th, 2011, 02:31   #315
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Took a bb to the inside of my cheek. Very painful but didn't take a tooth out so was pretty happy. Pain is temporary, dental bills eat into my ammo, and gear budget.
"Just here for the gear"

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