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Old September 30th, 2009, 20:32   #16
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Originally Posted by ccssneo View Post
Agreed its just i have this baD habit that every time i find something new i really like to tell someone.
Next time when you find something as shitty as this, keep it to yourself. You'll be doing everyone a favor.

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Old September 30th, 2009, 21:11   #17
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Originally Posted by Blitzed View Post
Oh my goodness. it's an airsoft gun, it shoots airsoft bbs.
You saw the title of the thread.. if you didnt like it, you shouldnt have clicked on it.
Like come on there's noobs out there that are wanting to get a starter gun, and might want to see a review on it. Stop flaming and click the 'back' button on your web browser.
Lol this shit don't qualify as airsoft, it's not even worthy being called a beginner gun, and the nerve of him to compare it to the plastic JG's that VA sells is FUCKING RETARDED,

I would love to see him make a video of him smashing this piece of garbage up with a hammer, that's the only thing that could save this FAIL thread, go somewhere else if you want to discuss shitty clearsoft, this ain't the place for that nonsense.

You want to talk starter guns, talk Aftermath, that line is worthy of the title, the only thing shit like is worthy of is the garbage.
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Old October 1st, 2009, 01:22   #18
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
You want to talk starter guns, talk Aftermath, that line is worthy of the title, the only thing shit like is worthy of is the garbage.
Agreed mine is still going 2 years stock gearbox, dragged through the mud of defcon outdoor too (lots to clean after).
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Old October 1st, 2009, 01:25   #19
asexual lumbricus terrestris
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The kraken isn't a proper starter gun ><
it'll shoot pretty decently for about 5000-7500 rds, then the poor quality nylon bushings would crack under the immense heat and impact caused by poor shimming and (what I suspect to be, because of the HORRIBLE air seal) ~M130-M140 powered spring. Then the low grade ZN or NZ (or whatever the hell they are) gears would shatter, ruining many more components in the mechbox....
and then you end up with a plastic body, and some lube that looks like alien gore.
Learning to upgrade guns, and swapping in a M90, followed by a reshim and relube is the only way. But that means taking it to a gun doc; which would end up being not much better than buying a pre-tuned JG from the classfields... Since Krakens are running for ~$200 new now a days....
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Old October 1st, 2009, 01:53   #20
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Originally Posted by yuhaoyang View Post
The kraken isn't a proper starter gun ><
it'll shoot pretty decently for about 5000-7500 rds, then the poor quality nylon bushings would crack under the immense heat and impact caused by poor shimming and (what I suspect to be, because of the HORRIBLE air seal) ~M130-M140 powered spring. Then the low grade ZN or NZ (or whatever the hell they are) gears would shatter, ruining many more components in the mechbox....
and then you end up with a plastic body, and some lube that looks like alien gore.
Learning to upgrade guns, and swapping in a M90, followed by a reshim and relube is the only way. But that means taking it to a gun doc; which would end up being not much better than buying a pre-tuned JG from the classfields... Since Krakens are running for ~$200 new now a days....
I must be really lucky I have shot more than 5000-7500 rounds already.
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Old October 1st, 2009, 02:01   #21
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That funny becuase a lot of people use them and other aftermath guns and Ive never heard one break so early on
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Old October 1st, 2009, 02:09   #22
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Originally Posted by yuhaoyang View Post
The kraken isn't a proper starter gun ><
it'll shoot pretty decently for about 5000-7500 rds, then the poor quality nylon bushings would crack under the immense heat and impact caused by poor shimming and (what I suspect to be, because of the HORRIBLE air seal) ~M130-M140 powered spring. Then the low grade ZN or NZ (or whatever the hell they are) gears would shatter, ruining many more components in the mechbox....
and then you end up with a plastic body, and some lube that looks like alien gore.
Learning to upgrade guns, and swapping in a M90, followed by a reshim and relube is the only way. But that means taking it to a gun doc; which would end up being not much better than buying a pre-tuned JG from the classfields... Since Krakens are running for ~$200 new now a days....

the quality of assembly in a kraken gearbox compared to a JG gearbox isn't that different.

Not sure where you got this "heat-melting-nylon-bushing-gear-shattering-M130-spring" theory but it's just absurd.

Kraken comes with standard Metal bushings. Yes, I'm not kidding you kids, it's true. I've worked on 4~5 krakens.

Spring power can range from M110~M120 strength, definitely not M130 or M140 for that matter(Where do people come up with stories like this?). Moreover, the piston indeed makes a poor air seal, so does the cylinder and the nozzle.

By the way, just to clarify, I'm not defending the Kraken, just pointing out the mis-informed here. Blind leading the blind really doesn't help anyone
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Old October 1st, 2009, 02:11   #23
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Believe in the words of Pus and Skladfin, they know what they are talking about just take a look at Sklad's intricate reviews
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old October 1st, 2009, 02:17   #24
asexual lumbricus terrestris
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I have a kraken too =.=
Nylon bushings. And after about 5000 rds, they were wobbling like crazy in their sockets.
The plastic body cracked at most of the holes for the screws too. Rather than buying a new kraken, I'm suggesting someone purchase a used JG that will probably have had metal bushings installed, maybe a metal spring guide, and had preventative maintenance anyways.
Also the air seal is poor enough that it leaks even if I push the nozzle all the way against the cylinder head.
The $200 difference isn't that much really...
The spring(keep in mind the shitty air seal with a horrible clear nozzle and piston head o-ring) was shooting 380 even in around -15 weather.

EDIT: I stand corrected. Forgot about the CM035 ><. However it seems some new ones are still coming out with nylon bushings. Hell, I wonder if they have gotten rid of that shitty clear spring guide.

Last edited by yuhaoyang; October 1st, 2009 at 02:27..
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Old October 1st, 2009, 02:37   #25
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Originally Posted by yuhaoyang View Post
I have a kraken too =.=
Nylon bushings. And after about 5000 rds, they were wobbling like crazy in their sockets.
The plastic body cracked at most of the holes for the screws too. Rather than buying a new kraken, I'm suggesting someone purchase a used JG that will probably have had metal bushings installed, maybe a metal spring guide, and had preventative maintenance anyways.
Also the air seal is poor enough that it leaks even if I push the nozzle all the way against the cylinder head.
The $200 difference isn't that much really...
The spring(keep in mind the shitty air seal with a horrible clear nozzle and piston head o-ring) was shooting 380 even in around -15 weather.
I don't want to break your bubble but I'll give you my 2 cents here.

JG does not come with a metal spring guide(Metal bushings, new versions probably do have it), and they don't have preventative maintenance done on them before hand. Even if they do, it won't be a very impressive one.

Let's give you a hundred steps and actually believe that they do have preventative work done at the factory. What do you think will happen? The labour fee you pay for the gun will skyrocket(A good shimming job takes at least half an hour). It will also slow down production rate, lowering general revenue for the company. Do you honestly think that a ~$300 can pay for all this? If they are already using sub-quality parts, they won't care about doing a good job assembling the whole thing.

As for the screw holes cracking, that's just the use over-tightening the screw. You will get the same result off of a JG ABS or even TM ABS plastic body. Nothing is abuse-proof.

In addition, the nylon bushings inside your Kraken, it's probably the older version correct? First time I worked on a kraken was last mid year I believe, and they had a metal bushing in that already. In fact, they had metal bushings inside the Aftermath Lycaon when I reviewed it some time last year(Check my review for reference). Moreover, just a few months back, all JG guns came standard with Nylon bushings, and by this time all Aftermath guns came standard with Metal bushings.

If I had a choice, I would buy the Kraken and then upgrade it. For the $200, it's really not different between JG and a Kraken. JG is probably slightly better overall, and I would probably pay $50 max for the difference of that quality. The other $150 I can spend buying Modify parts from Jugglez or something.

Oh, and by the way, never take info given on a store website seriously. One time we had a store saying the Kraken came with a metal body here in Canada.

But then again realistically speaking, i'd never go for either JG or Kraken ... so ya take that however you like haha.

Last edited by Skladfin; October 1st, 2009 at 02:40..
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Old October 1st, 2009, 02:44   #26
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lol it's true, if you're talking about JG and Cyma rebrands like Echo1 and Cybergun, then yeah maybe some preventive maintenance was done. But stock, straight from China JG and Cyma are at par with each other.

From what I've seen it's like 1 in 8 krakens that has problems in stock form, alot of people I know have used them for a long time without so much as a hopup change, which is why I would consider it a good starter platform, but we are straying from the point here, the gun in this "review" if you can call it that is a piece of shit and must be purged!

Don't buy into the whole "oh you gotta reshim and relube your stock gun" BS, you buy a gun, you play with it until it breaks or until you feel like upgrading it, by then you should know if you like the gun to begin with, and whether you want to commit more money to it.

Too many noobs get caught up in upgrading, I say buy a fuckin gun and get out to a field, don't stay in your basement shooting targets at 30ft, you will NEVER know how that gun is gonna perform in the field that way, and you will never know how YOU will perform in the field that way either.

Last edited by pusangani; October 1st, 2009 at 02:48..
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Old October 1st, 2009, 02:45   #27
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
but we are straying from the point here, the gun in this "review" if you can call it that is a piece of shit and must be purged!
well, ya, I think anyone can agree on that
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Old October 1st, 2009, 02:52   #28
asexual lumbricus terrestris
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I meant someone on the classfields here ><
of course I understood it wouldn't be done at the factory.
If you are comparing new CYMA mechboxes to new JG mechboxes, then
this old gen1 JG416 already had a metal spring guide.
the latest ones.... which is still March 28 of this year
Anyways, a friend got his Gen1 JG416 with a butt-load of aftermarket parts and mags, ect. for $400+shipping I think...
Also, the reciever was already cracked when I opened the packaging. I've had the gun for a little bit over a year, but use it rarely, just because I tend to not want to go near cheap parts.

I'll be unbiased for about 2 seconds. With marui gears and a MS100SP spring, the trigger response on a 9.6 mini is excellent.

EDIT: also, if you do something like strip a piston, fine, it's a cheap fix. But honestly, if the gun has nylon bushings and they crack, or bearing bushings that shatter... it'll be a much more costly fix, probably ending up with needing a gear set replacement too...
upgrading and preventative maintenance are different things IMO... And yeah... back on topic lol.

Last edited by yuhaoyang; October 1st, 2009 at 02:56..
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Old October 1st, 2009, 02:54   #29
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there was a guy at Wasaga paintball with a kraken on lipo, now that shit was fuckin nuts!
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Old October 1st, 2009, 03:10   #30
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This gun makes me cry everytime I go walmart...
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