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kind of dissapointed with 204 tactical



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Old April 21st, 2008, 23:38   #16
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Originally Posted by ryan_kristy View Post
my address doesnt fit into the address section AS I SAID BEFORE ,but you have to put something into the address section or else you cannot order.... my point is wtf is the point of having a comments box if you arednt going to read it. i have done the same thing with other companies and had no problem ordering what so ever.
Ever think about sending them an e-mail first and confirming this wouldn't be an issue?

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Old April 21st, 2008, 23:40   #17
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should it be an issue?
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Old April 21st, 2008, 23:47   #18
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Originally Posted by ryan_kristy View Post
should it be an issue?
*shrug*. If I was ordering something online and my address wouldn't fit in the address line of the form, I'd be tempted to e-mail or phone and confirm the proper address information. Hell, I've done it even when my address did enter without an issue. It takes like 2 minutes and saves everyone a hassel and a headache.

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Old April 22nd, 2008, 00:33   #19
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ive sent money and havent recieved my item.. emailed and pmed 204hoe.. no responses whatsoever.

I have bought from him before and no issues but I dunno whats going on lately.
No Comment.
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 00:35   #20
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Originally Posted by Maverick0 View Post
I know for a fact that it's difficult to reach Ken via e-mail at times since he can be rather busy... maybe he didn't actually see your message till it was too late..
Jesus christ. The guy said that he DID attach the correct address to the EMT that he sent. Did 204 not see that? He SAID that he attached the correct address in the comments section of the order form. Does 204 not read comments? If not then why even offer that field for additional information?

Originally Posted by Maverick0 View Post
I helped run an online store and the first thing that usually gets looked at are the auto e-mails generated by the shopping cart software, since those are more likely to be sales or actual orders.
Then, since you are defending 204's policy of not bothering to read the comments field of orders, then I'll assum that you didn't bother to read the comments on the orders you filled either.

Originally Posted by Maverick0 View Post
I fail to see the point of this thread. Are you just letting us you know you fucked up your own order or is there another point to this?
Well, I guess that the point of the thread, to me, is that people should know...

A) Don't bother emailing 204 with any special instructions/requests because the email won't be read in the 4 days between when the email is sent and the product is shipped

B) Don't bother using the 'comments' box in the order form because nobody reads it.

C) Don't bother attaching any comments to the EMT because nobody reads it.

D) Nobody at 204 is capable of noticing the multiple red flags, being the discrepancy between the two different addresses shown on a single order, and then confirming with the paying customer which one is correct (like most places with exceptional 'customer-centric' customer relations would do.)

E) Don't bother coming onto ASC to mention that you had a slight problem with a vendor because, not only does nobody give a crap, but you'll only open yourself up to irrational abuse by a bunch of cranky old ladies.

Disclaimer: I haven't ordered anything from 204 tactical, I don't dislike them for any reason and would be confident in ordering from them in the future. 99 percent of orders may go according to plan but it's how you handle that oddball 1% that makes the difference between a good vendor and a great one who obviously really cares about their customers.
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 00:39   #21
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I've got a simple solution...

..move. Move to a place that has an address that will fit in the address box.

On a side note... "5920 - 3895 Really Freaking Long Street Name Boulevard" (quoted verbatim) still fits, so I have no clue how you're managing to fuck it up.
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 01:26   #22
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I think it's cause he's got more than the standard amount of lines for his address, and there may not be cells to fill in for the additional lines.

John Doe
123 Any Street North (unit n)
Town, Province
Postal Code

He may have more than just the normal amount of stuff to add in.

I see what he's saying though, about the retailer not seeing the correct address in the three other places he put it for the retailer to see. I'd wager this is more of a fluke than anything, maybe one of his 'employees' saw it and forgot to write it down or pass it along.

There's more than likely a resonable explaination for this... Ryan Kristy: Have you emailed 204 after the fact and explained all this to 204? If for no other reason than to try an avoid this next time or with another customer?
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 01:28   #23
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I had issues with 204 shipping. But always got my stuff.

G/L with your problem.
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 02:49   #24
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Originally Posted by Gunk View Post
I think it's cause he's got more than the standard amount of lines for his address, and there may not be cells to fill in for the additional lines.

John Doe
123 Any Street North (unit n)
Town, Province
Postal Code
There's an individual cells for each one of those items. I continue to fail to see how someone can mess up their shipping address.

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Unless this guy is somehow not seeing the same site I am.
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 03:24   #25
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Originally Posted by ryan_kristy View Post
im doing a military course in bc the school is not on a base or asu but my mail gets sent to the asu before it gets sent to the school so there are alot more lines within the address.

Maybe that means he needs it sent somewhere C/O another address... essentially, he needs room for two address'.

Forum Goon
123 ASC Street North
City, Province
Postal code


John Doe
456 Over there Ave South
City, Province
Postal Code


Could that be it?
"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor, and I would have her loved for her memory, her ancientry, her beauty, and her present wisdom. Not feared, save as men may fear the dignity of a man, old and wise." - J.R.R. Tolkien
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 03:41   #26
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Originally Posted by Gunk View Post
Maybe that means he needs it sent somewhere C/O another address... essentially, he needs room for two address'.

Could that be it?
Shipping Address is Shipping address. It doesn't require a C/O

Despite that, C/O formating is always:

Forum Goon c/o
John Doe
456 Over there Ave South
City, Province
Postal Code

Extra space in the name tag, baby, YEAH

I'm pretty sure this is a case of PEBKAC.
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 04:36   #27
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Maybe he doesn't know that... I didn't till just now... though I don't send things via C/O ever, so...

What's PEBKAC mean?
"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor, and I would have her loved for her memory, her ancientry, her beauty, and her present wisdom. Not feared, save as men may fear the dignity of a man, old and wise." - J.R.R. Tolkien
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 09:30   #28
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Originally Posted by Gunk View Post
Maybe he doesn't know that... I didn't till just now... though I don't send things via C/O ever, so...

What's PEBKAC mean?
It's a type of computer error.

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Old April 22nd, 2008, 12:13   #29
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Originally Posted by WalterDekter View Post
Jesus christ. The guy said that he DID attach the correct address to the EMT that he sent. Did 204 not see that? He SAID that he attached the correct address in the comments section of the order form. Does 204 not read comments? If not then why even offer that field for additional information?

Then, since you are defending 204's policy of not bothering to read the comments field of orders, then I'll assum that you didn't bother to read the comments on the orders you filled either.

Well, I guess that the point of the thread, to me, is that people should know...

A) Don't bother emailing 204 with any special instructions/requests because the email won't be read in the 4 days between when the email is sent and the product is shipped

B) Don't bother using the 'comments' box in the order form because nobody reads it.

C) Don't bother attaching any comments to the EMT because nobody reads it.

D) Nobody at 204 is capable of noticing the multiple red flags, being the discrepancy between the two different addresses shown on a single order, and then confirming with the paying customer which one is correct (like most places with exceptional 'customer-centric' customer relations would do.)

E) Don't bother coming onto ASC to mention that you had a slight problem with a vendor because, not only does nobody give a crap, but you'll only open yourself up to irrational abuse by a bunch of cranky old ladies.

Disclaimer: I haven't ordered anything from 204 tactical, I don't dislike them for any reason and would be confident in ordering from them in the future. 99 percent of orders may go according to plan but it's how you handle that oddball 1% that makes the difference between a good vendor and a great one who obviously really cares about their customers.
Well, since you decided to meticulously pick apart my post for God knows why, I'll take the time to address your issues.

A) Only an idiot would send in an order when special instructions were sent without confirming them with the retailer. Sorry, but when I have special (read: unprecedented, unexpected etc...) request, I wait to hear back from the retailer before sending the order / payment.

B) Yeah, pretty much. E-mail and phones exists for a reason. In fact, the comment box may not even be set up properly on some sites so you're better off using a more direct method of contact.

C) I don't usually pay attention to those either. Then again, I'm not a business, so the EMT's I get are expected and any comments are sent via IM, phone or a direct e-mail.

D) 'Nobody' at 204 is Ken. 204 tactical is one person who also has a family and a life. Think about that for a second before pointing fingers. I agree though that if you are running a business, customer service is key and customers don't like to wait. Here, at least we agree. 204's customer service is inconsistent.

E) Again, it's the buyer's fault. Maybe impatience got the best of him and he sent the order in before hearing back from 204, but that still doesn't place responsibility for the shipping error solely on 204 tactical. I don't think it's fair for this guy to come and say that his problem with the shipping is 204's fault because 204 actually did send the product to the address specified in the order itself.

I have a great example here. I ordered a product from ehobbyasia not long ago and noticed that before sending payment, the address was incorrect. I wasn't able to change the address for whatever reason at the time, something having to do with an address ebay had on file and one that paypal had on file. So I sent an e-mail asking them to confirm which address they would ship to BEFORE sending payment. Sure, it took a few days of correspondence with them to ensure everything was OK, but in the end I got what I ordered.

I'm not necessarily defending 204's reputation, but it's pretty asinine to try and blame the retailer for sending your package to the 'wrong' address, when that address is the one you put into the order form.

Either way, I agree with you Walter that 204's response time for e-mails, commets, PMs, whatever, should be better.
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Old April 22nd, 2008, 20:19   #30
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
It's a type of computer error.

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