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FAQ for Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa, 2011, 1911, MEU & Detonics type variants


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Old September 27th, 2012, 19:19   #1561
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Port Elgin, Ontario --&-- London, Ontario

Hey everybody!
Just installed a new sear on my TM meu because my stock one got crushed by my upgraded steel hammer... Whoops!
Since installing it, my safetys will engage whether or not the hammer is down? I assume thas just the way it is because the design isn't identical to the stock one.. Which makes me wonder if it was a 5.1 sear and not a 1911..
Just wondering if any1 else has heard of or seen this before!

Also during trigger pull there is a stiff, almost grinding, 'tight' pull.

Any help is appreciated because I do not want to do any more damage by using a potentially wrong part.

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Old September 28th, 2012, 11:25   #1562
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The last time I saw a pistol that had safeties that engaged wantonly, it was due to the hammer not sitting in the proper location. Upon closer inspection, I noticed the hammer was actually missing the pivot bushing, causing the hammer to sit lower than it should. Thus, when the hammer was down, the part that blocks the safety levers from engaging ended up not being there.

The second symptom of this problem, was a very stiff trigger pull... just like you're describing. Because the hammer is not sitting in the right location, the engagement angle between the hammer hooks and the sear changed.

As for whether it's a 5.1 sear or a 1911 sear.... a 5.1 sear would be impossible to install in a 1911. The mount is completely different, so that's not your issue.

So... I'd check to see if you have the hammer pivot. Part number for MEU is GM4-44. If you happen to be missing it, send me a PM. I have a few here.

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Old September 28th, 2012, 11:52   #1563
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Location: Port Elgin, Ontario --&-- London, Ontario
Thanks for the reply!
I will check everything out and see if i can find the problem.
I noticed also that the new sear... how to describe this... the area where the 3 finger spring sits has 2 levels to it. these 'levels' are not as big on the 5ku sear. when the safeties are on and the beaver tail out, the part of the safety that sits behind the sear and when engaged grabs it, completely clears it.
I think thats how its supposed to work..
lol owell ill get back to ya on how checking the hammer goes
Thanks again
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Old September 28th, 2012, 11:56   #1564
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Location: Port Elgin, Ontario --&-- London, Ontario
sorry, in addition
I can guarantee that part 44 is in there because it came with a new one, as the new sear itself would not fit the old one.
Fitting the sear onto 44 was tricky, and part 44 seemed to be a little loose in the hole that it sat in, and the spring that goes on it took some effort to get on.
The sear usually just falls onto that part, but when installing the 5ku one i had to put a screwdriver thru it and pull it toward the hammer so the clearance between the housing, and the part 44 was big enough to fit the sear...

Maybe i will throw some pictures up
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Old September 28th, 2012, 11:58   #1565
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You're talking about the sear pivot. GM4-39.

I'm talking about the hammer pivot. GM4-44.
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Old September 28th, 2012, 12:04   #1566
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Ahhh... Ur right! Sorrry.
Lol trigger pull is fine when the side is off... Not hard or grinding
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Old September 28th, 2012, 16:05   #1567
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Alright its been a long couple hours.
Luckily I have a completly gutted meu that I'm saving to put into a different built.
After swapping every single piece back and forth I found that-- the safety will engage with the hammer up or down no matter what if I use the 5ku sear.
The trigger pull seems to be back to normal.
However, I have another problem of when the magazine goes in, the slide gets stuck on the 'knocker vavle actuator' as I'm guoing to call it.

I believe I figured out this problem aswell as being spring related- GM4-38.
It was a little bent funny and when replaced with the other spring it worked.
So I'm awaiting a new (steel) knocker (firing pin) to replace my also crushed one, because it may have deformed my spring.
Thanks Illusion for the help.

Last edited by apilar; September 28th, 2012 at 16:21.. Reason: added video
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Old September 28th, 2012, 16:29   #1568
will always be Mike Litoris in our hearts
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Holy crap your voice would be good for radio!
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YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!
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Old October 4th, 2012, 12:40   #1569
Join Date: Oct 2012
Hi guys,

Been lurking for some time but only just registered, so hi!

Have a simple question regarding my slide... The slide itself is an Airsoft Surgeon SVI Capsicum hybrid with a fixed (not tilting barrel) seen here

Mines the same only in silver.
I've noticed the section on the barrel (ejection port area with the .45 markings) is starting to get some minor wear from scraping the inside of the slide. I believe its caused by the 3 locking lugs (?) on the inside of the upper slide. My question is, if i file down the grooves on the slide(so they no longer scrape the ejection port cover) will it still function the same as before?

Im not sure if they are just for show in realism terms or if they are actually holding the barrel assembly in place.

Thanks in advance guys!!
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Old October 4th, 2012, 12:55   #1570
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The same wear happens on a real have it when parts are moving against each other.

I wouldn't be concerned.

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Old October 4th, 2012, 13:34   #1571
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Thanks man, thats all i needed to know.:smile:
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Old October 4th, 2012, 14:46   #1572
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If you want to keep it looking brand spanking new, you can file/sand down the edges of the chamber lugs inside the slide. It will not affect operation with that barrel.
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Old October 4th, 2012, 16:31   #1573
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If theres a way to keep it lookin like a brand spanker then im happy...
Just went over it with 1500 grit and it looks like a mirror.

These slides sure scratch easily... The non brushed alu areas appear to be media blasted/bead blasted and they scratch heavily even though i been babying it since i got it...
Set her on the table softly and when picking her up she has vibrant scratches from the table contact.

Illusion: have u ever worked on an Ra-tech steel slide before? Being made from steel i thought they'd be snapped up in a hurry but i've never seen or heard of anyone using one before... Thinking of gettin one to play with and makin my current build a shelf queen since she's so easily upset
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Old October 4th, 2012, 16:54   #1574
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I haven't worked on an RA-Tech steel slide before.

The idea of steel is nice, but they are highly impractical. They use up an insane amount of gas, and they require very high power to get them to cycle relatively crisp. You would need at least CO2 to keep it usable.
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Old October 4th, 2012, 18:33   #1575
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Thanks for the advice. Was gonna go with the CO2 mags but not now, heard they leak almost all the time or at least 2 in 3 do.

going with a steel slide and an original marui recoil spring may be an idea but im worried it'll be like slamming the internals with a hammer every round...
Guess i'll stick with the alu slide for now...

Thanks for the advice man!
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