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Thoughts on MultiCam


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Old April 26th, 2006, 21:40   #136
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: At the entrance to the Big Top
What's the nature of the paintball game you'll be using the camo for? Run-and-gun or more milsim oriented? Unless you are going for a certain military 'look', for close-in paintball games the camo won't matter because you will be seen no matter what. For milsim, then match your camo to your area.
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Old April 26th, 2006, 22:36   #137
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Pretty much what your area looks like. If it's a LOT of cedar trees in and around the area, with other green leaves and shadows, then cadpat can't be beat. If it's a lot of dead grass with green trees in areas with shadows, mulitcma should work reasonably well. If it's more dead foliage like in fall, marpat should cover you ok. Match up the bulk of your area with the camo that's closest to it, then learn to position yourself according to you area (I wear cadpat, will go 100ft out of my way on a stalk just to follow the cedra treeline, instead of corssoing over the half tan/half green grass open field). When I position myself for an ambush or to hide, I head for the nearest cedar tree. Even had team mates I wasn't trying to hide from almost run into me and not notice me til 6ft away, that's how good the stuff works.

Hey, any pics or description of the area you plan to play paintball? Would help a lot.
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Old April 26th, 2006, 23:57   #138
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
Sounds like your Canadian that is ruining the state is a Liberal (same as your democrats, just more to the left of center). Funny that you prefer the Democrat policies, yet you hate who is in charge of your state. American liberals (aka. democrats) LOVE to take away all the gun rights you guys have, so it's confusing that you prefer them yet contradictory that you support those that uphold your right to "T-Shirts" (Bear Arms, joke, get it?)

Then again, your democrats are closer to our Conservative Party (of which, those on the left claim are radical right wingers, when in fact they are closer to center than either of you main parties). Be thankful that you dont' have an hard-core socialists in power, or even elected officials that belong to that type of party. We have them, and some have been in power in provinces, and for the most part have damn near ruined those provinces they were in charge of. A lot of the left leaning socialists we have are damn close to communists if you like to think that way.

Anyways, this thread is about multicam and multicam only (ok, camo patterns overall are fine discussion as well) so let's keep it as a camo thread and not get side tracked by politics or else it'll get locked and trashed, ok. I had to comment, but not trying to redirect the thread at all. Debate is good, stupid trolling is stupid, especially when it gets to Canada vs. US of A stuff like what Boris was trying to do. I love the US and Americans, but this isn't the time of place to start stuff relating to it. Unless it's camo related.

I do not mean to draw a line between the US, and canada. It just seems that when I would go there I would be recognized as a "yank" by the way I talked, and given every negative thing they could come up with about my country. I blew it off for years, but the last time was enough, they just pushed it too far. I have been to Toronto and London alot and for the most part loved it since my food and lodgeing was all paid for by good ole canada!! Thankyou all. I will say that when I got into New York, we saw a Canadian pulled over by NYSP about every 2 miles for the first 20 miles into NY. I never saw a RCMP while in canada going or comeing.

What some of you fail to read is the need for me to have a camo that works in green wheat in the spring and golden wheat in the summer, and green corn in the summer, and and cut corn (tan) in the spring. The need for a camo that works in tan and green in the same day is wonderful for me!! I dont need Arid cadpat for the wheat and marpat in the corn. I would have to change my camo to be good for both, now I can just walk right in. AND THE STUFF WORKS. It may be expensive, but I make $$$$$$ and dont care.
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Old April 27th, 2006, 00:05   #139
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Its all in there...

"HORTON BAY: This is our man-made reservoir -- we have flooded several former American states to make this majestic watery area. There was no purpose, just cruelty..."
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Old April 27th, 2006, 00:15   #140
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Originally Posted by BORIS

What some of you fail to read is the need for me to have a camo that works in green wheat in the spring and golden wheat in the summer, and green corn in the summer, and and cut corn (tan) in the spring. The need for a camo that works in tan and green in the same day is wonderful for me!! I dont need Arid cadpat for the wheat and marpat in the corn. I would have to change my camo to be good for both, now I can just walk right in. AND THE STUFF WORKS. It may be expensive, but I make $$$$$$ and dont care.
Then go either MARPAT and Multicam and be done with it. A doctoral dissertation on the merits of one pattern over another leads nowhere. A pattern alone will not make you invisible and is just one facet in making yourself hard to detect. You cannot ignore the other factors that make you detectable like Shape, Shine, and Movement.
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Old April 27th, 2006, 00:31   #141
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I just looked at the pics I have. None show well enough where we will be other than the ones I posted already. To be honest in a paintball setting I would stick to the forest and wear my EG Rainpat!! For a 1960s design it works very well in a forest. When you are in a green area you see the green, hide by a brown setting and your eyes ignore the green and see the brown. It was way ahead of its time and I have used it since 1994 and still will in the months of June and July when EVERYTHING is green or dark brown.
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Old April 27th, 2006, 00:48   #142
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Originally Posted by lt_poncho
"HORTON BAY: This is our man-made reservoir -- we have flooded several former American states to make this majestic watery area. There was no purpose, just cruelty..."
I thought it was to improve the fishing and to punish Michigan for acid rain in the 80's...
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Old April 27th, 2006, 09:18   #143
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Originally Posted by BORIS
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
Sounds like your Canadian that is ruining the state is a Liberal (same as your democrats, just more to the left of center). Funny that you prefer the Democrat policies, yet you hate who is in charge of your state. American liberals (aka. democrats) LOVE to take away all the gun rights you guys have, so it's confusing that you prefer them yet contradictory that you support those that uphold your right to "T-Shirts" (Bear Arms, joke, get it?)

Then again, your democrats are closer to our Conservative Party (of which, those on the left claim are radical right wingers, when in fact they are closer to center than either of you main parties). Be thankful that you dont' have an hard-core socialists in power, or even elected officials that belong to that type of party. We have them, and some have been in power in provinces, and for the most part have damn near ruined those provinces they were in charge of. A lot of the left leaning socialists we have are damn close to communists if you like to think that way.

Anyways, this thread is about multicam and multicam only (ok, camo patterns overall are fine discussion as well) so let's keep it as a camo thread and not get side tracked by politics or else it'll get locked and trashed, ok. I had to comment, but not trying to redirect the thread at all. Debate is good, stupid trolling is stupid, especially when it gets to Canada vs. US of A stuff like what Boris was trying to do. I love the US and Americans, but this isn't the time of place to start stuff relating to it. Unless it's camo related.

I do not mean to draw a line between the US, and canada. It just seems that when I would go there I would be recognized as a "yank" by the way I talked, and given every negative thing they could come up with about my country. I blew it off for years, but the last time was enough, they just pushed it too far. I have been to Toronto and London alot and for the most part loved it since my food and lodgeing was all paid for by good ole canada!! Thankyou all. I will say that when I got into New York, we saw a Canadian pulled over by NYSP about every 2 miles for the first 20 miles into NY. I never saw a RCMP while in canada going or comeing.
Trust me, not ALL Canadians are like that to Americans. I'd say maybe 20-30% at the most are like that, a bit higher percentage are like that behind closed doors on on forums. But the vast majority appreciate Americans and welcome them anytime. The anti-american sentiment of some people up here pisses a lot of us off and causes a lot of friction among Canadians. Rather stupid if you ask me. Am sure the most anti-american sentiment you will find is in the province of Quebec, and the least will be found in Alberta.

And what do you keep talking about Canadian food? I thought it's pretty much all the same? Not sure of distinct Canadian food outside of poutine, Beaver-Tails and maple syrup (do salt & white vineger chips count?), but for the most part I guess it can all be called North American food. And how Wendy's tastes better up here, you got me there!
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Old April 27th, 2006, 12:11   #144
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Boris, for the environment you are in, I think Multicam is gonna be your choice. In my opinion if you want to run only one, it's probably the best multi environment cammo. I have ACU, and although it works pretty good for 3 of our 4 seasons, in summer and in alberta, CADPAT is hands down the best.

As far as the US adopting ACU for the army, you have to look at the army's role in their theaters of battle for the last 15 years. Pretty much urban and desert. The army is also the meat and potatos of the US battlegroup. They are not going the be the ones sneaking into an objective and blowing it up prior to a major action, that gets left to elite units who don't run ACU. You don't need a fancy hammer to hit a nail and thats what ACU is...a nice comfortable hammer.
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Old May 1st, 2006, 00:45   #145
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Ahh unfortunately a bunch of French-Canadians (excuse the heck out of me) got together and complained to a guy named cotex man and got me warned..... WELL, I will continue to post and visit this forum and anyone that has a problem with that keep crying and keep getting me warned til u get rid of me!!!!
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Old May 1st, 2006, 02:19   #146
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Sorry dude. This is Canada and some of our French-Canadian citizens...ahem....can't take a joke.
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Old May 1st, 2006, 02:40   #147
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Dont know were was the joke... if you can call blatant racism a joke...
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Old May 1st, 2006, 02:43   #148
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It's not racist in his eyes because he's not french, the same way as most people are blind to racist until it affects them directly. Let's blame it on the average human not being smart enough to notice such things.

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Old May 1st, 2006, 02:54   #149
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So true... Whats anger me the most is, i have seen peoples getting ban for less.
Make you wonder... (talking about boris and sksmachin24)
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Old May 1st, 2006, 07:49   #150
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howdie, does anyone know where i can get crye precision clothes... they are out of stock everywhere...
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