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Another 3 Burst ShotGun Review!!!



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Old September 10th, 2009, 01:34   #1
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Another 3 Burst ShotGun Review!!!

hay guys i recently came into getting this gun so lets start off with a few things

Real Steal History

Benelli Armi SpA is an Italian firearm manufacturer founded in 1967, located in Urbino, Italy, most well known for high quality shotguns used by military, law enforcement and civilians all over the world. Particularly famous is the Benelli M3 12 gauge, used extensively by American SWAT teams. Benelli recently introduced the Benelli M4 Super 90, an unusual gas operated semi-automatic shotgun intended for military use in urban warfare. Benelli and Benelli USA have been owned by Pietro Beretta since 2000.[1]

Benelli Armi was founded in 1967 as an offshoot of the Benelli motorcycle factory who was sold motorcycles through Montgomery Wards.

Many Benelli shotguns utilize a unique inertia operating system developed by Bruno Civolani.

The Benelli Super Black Eagle, a favorite of waterfowlers, was one of the first semi-automatic shotguns capable of firing the 2.75, 3, and 3.5 inch shotgun shells. The Benelli Nova (pump action), M1 Super 90, and a customized M2 Field are used by Tom Knapp during his shooting exhibitions wherein he will frequently shoot down several hand-thrown clay targets while they're all still in mid-air, setting a world record in October 2004 when he destroyed 10 such targets with 10 shots in 2.0 seconds, with all the targets still airborne.

Ok now lets get started


BB Weight- 0.2g

length- 25 inch

barrel length- 13 inch

Aprox range; 50-70ft effectivly

Material- Plastic/Rubber with some metal

This gun comes with 2 30 round shells a speedloader and a sling. I tested the sling and it can be used perfectly with this gun, Running with it on my back just to be sure.

Now i beleve i did get a lemon on this one but ill get to that later

The gun feels sturdy and surprized me when i first held it. Compared to the Tf-11's build material this gun is made with better plastic. The grip on both the barrel and handle are plastic but it feels very rubbery and soft.

Theres a slight wobble on the pump but i assume most shot guns are like this.

the metal parts on this gun are. Rear sight, Sling mount, Shell ejector (thing that holds shell in place) And the Pump Guide.

The shells are plastic and look like the real deal saying "Warning" and some other stuff.

Now about the lemon part as you know the gun shoots 3 bb's right well not mine with every pump it shoots about 4-7 with each shot. Now this is not the shells problem because my buddie bought 1 that works fine it must be the gun. Though it does shoot 4-7 it does get about the same range as it shooting 3 its just less accurate mimicing a real shotgun

a tiny diagram on what mine is shooting compared to my friends

normal 3-
Range- 6/10

Accuracy- 3.5/10

Out of 10

Weight- 8
Feel- 8
Compatiblility-10 (compatibility meaning you can stick Tm parts on it)
Durability-7 (it will stand up to some abuse but if you take good care of it, it will take good care of you)

Now there is one problem i encountered when using this gun. When pumping if you pull to one side it will crack a tiny piece of the frame not obstructing performance just a pain

Though this gun is made by crossman the performance is slightly better than the TM in accuracy. This is based on another member of the board who has both and stated himself.

worth the money?

well i wasn't expecting much esspecialy from crossman but this thing is way beyond what i expected for my 135$ with tax. Its great for CQB and it gives a new way to reload very fun.

though i reccomend that you use polished bb's or else it will reck your shells no using the cheap stuff.

I don't reccomend using 0.12's but it works fine indoors and the bb's don't kick up that bad unless the wind is there

in all its a great little toy esspecialy if you want to buy your first shotgun.

use 0.2+ outdoors and use 0.12g-0.2g indoors to save some money.

Another downside and thats you have to keep track of ur shots or else a 3 burst dryfire is very hard on the gun.

Hope you find this at least remotly helpful


Last edited by NoGear; September 10th, 2009 at 22:47.. Reason: Cause im taking kokanee's advice
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Old September 10th, 2009, 02:21   #2
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So the gun only weighs 0.2g? :P

Anyway, The gun is rediculously sensitive to BB weight, and i've found that .25g bb's are simply the best to use. The gun shoots accurately about 60ft until the bb's spread out in wacky directions. However, my 'top barrel' often shoots a lot farther than the other two below it. The hopup, fixed, works quite well in this sense, and if you take the time to aim with it, its not too hard to hit a target at the distance.
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Old September 10th, 2009, 20:15   #3
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im ment weight of bb's used ill fix that
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Old September 10th, 2009, 20:55   #4
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wait...what brand/name is it?
do you have a pic of it?

saying "Warning" and some other stuff.

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Old September 10th, 2009, 21:22   #5
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Considoring the price. I'm sure he's referring to the Crosman S34P shotgun being sold at crappytire.
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Old September 10th, 2009, 21:45   #6
asexual lumbricus terrestris
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so.... no brand.... and you compare it to a GBB SMG? O.o
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Old September 10th, 2009, 22:10   #7
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my buddy had that gun it lasted awile but last weekend the spring busted out the back of the gun and then it was garbage
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Old September 10th, 2009, 22:14   #8
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When writing a review, it's best to stick to a tried and true format. Organize your thoughts into coherent topics with headers so it's easy to tell what aspect of the item you are discussing. Pictures help too.

-----Kokanee's Krash Kourse in Reviewing------- (KKK, uh oh, that can't be good!)

Just like English essays, your review should have an introduction, a middle, and an end (conclusion). Try something like;

1. Intro - What you are reviewing, motivation to buy it, realsteel history etc (you didn't mention until well into your review what shotgun you were referring to)

2. Buying experience - Shipping, packaging, retailer experience.

Build quality - How well constructed the item is. Discuss materials used in construction.

3. Performance - FPS, reliability, feeding problems etc.

4. Conclusion - Summarize the above points and include your final thoughts

5. Rating - Break things down buy topic if you wish, give every section a rating out of 5 or just rate the item overall.



My final point, you win a big giant bucket of FAIL for reviewing a cheap Wal-Mart-type item here on ASC. You want to head on over to instead, it's where all the minors who buy those things hang out to chat and review video games before they come out.
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Old September 10th, 2009, 23:18   #9
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This Shotgun ain't good for the price, the only clearsoft that i know people use as backup, is the M3000. At least, its 100 $ less.

Off topic: Kokanee, your link ( actually work and refer to ASC, Scares me!
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Old September 11th, 2009, 00:19   #10
asexual lumbricus terrestris
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when the hell did ASC buy that domain? lol
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Old September 11th, 2009, 00:21   #11
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I think it was during the great "Death of airsoft" thread's time
It's better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness

Chinese proverb
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